Wednesday 31 January 2018

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #56 featuring Finding Mya

Welcome To

With me, Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*wavy paws*

Do mew know how much I've missed mew all?  I've missed mew all terribly so this last couple of weeks and I'm thrilled to be back at last!

Mew may remember last Friday when Basil mentioned that I'd run out of Audible Credits again, this is true and when I tried to renew my plan early on my iPhone it wouldn't let me and immediately I was transported back to last year when the exact same thing happened...



But then the P.A. said. "Amber, let's log in to your account on the desk-top computer and check your account status before you start plotting all manner of things like last year!"

"Oh good idea!" I concurred, taking a firm grip of my raging emotions before I was engulfed in a complete meltdown.

So off we went to the P.A.'s office in the Sky-Lounge and logged into my account, and mew'll neffur believe it, we were able to renew my memfurship early so now I have a basket full of lovely credits to spend!

I'm so excited as mew can imagine as I've got so many new books lined up to share with mew that I can barely contain myself, I'm so happy I could burst with joy, but I won't because that would be horribly messy! MOL 

So lets jump in with this weeks supurr special book as I've been waiting to share this with mew since the start of the year.

Here's me with Herms, pawesome leader of the Wonderpurr Gang and all things Purranormal!!! 

Finding Mya


Kimberley Koz

Book Blurb:

Eight-year-old Mya has a magical relationship with her grandma's foster kitten, Herman. They talk to each other. Not with words. With tickle thoughts! It’s love at first sight, and they plan to live Happily Ever After. Then the worst happens. Mya's vacation ends, and Herman is given to a woman whose dog treats cats like chew toys. He escapes danger, but the road to finding Mya is scary and tough. She promised to leave picture-maps along the way to her home. All Herman has to do is follow them and he will live Happily Ever After in the safety of Mya’s arms. It's a wonderful plan. Too bad it goes wrong right from the start.

*    *    *

As mew know I really love Herms, and I reviewed

Sherlock Herms Purranormal Mysteries: The Case of the Dancing Ghosts

last year, and it was fabulous.  So I'm delighted to finally review Finding Mya.  So what did I think, I thought it was freakin marvellous.  There were many times when I had leaky eyes and I was feeling Herms stress, but I knew deep down that it would all end up ok... and that made me read faster and faster!  But mew know I hate to give spoilers, so I'll say this; it's a lovely, well thought out story with so many wonderpurr characters along the way.  There are a couple of bitter-sweet moments, but mew know effury big adventure needs those moments to make the joyous ones even better.

I have to mention the totally adorable illustrations, they are gorgeously cute and really made me smile.

If mew're a fan of Herms, and mew haven't read it, then I think mew really need to get a copy as soon as pawsible!

*   *   *

Hardcover: 62 pages 

  • Publisher: Wonderpurr Life; 1 edition (19 Sept. 2014)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Amber's Rating Scale Orange ©BionicBasil®

Ratings of:

Finding Mya

Offurall Enjoyment

Amber's 5 Paw Rating  ©BionicBasil®

I do hope mew enjoy this book if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget that I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs and kitty kisses

Amber xox

Graphics created with paid licence and


  1. Finding Mya sounds like a pawsome book! Kind of like me finding my Mom! And I am so glad that you checked your computer before you had a meltdown. I know that tablets and phones are way different. I have a horrible time managing my blog and commenting on my furrends from my tablet and my phone, but easy peasy on my computers.

    1. Hey Marv, oh mew should defo write a novel fur sure, and yes I was supurr happy to avoid having to have a melt-down, it's just not a good look on a ginger and white kitty! MOL Purrs Amber xox

  2. Finding Mya sounds like a good book.

  3. Hi Amber
    Dad read both of Hermans books to us and we all loved them. Herman is a very insightfur kitty and has a lot to offer young people as well as adults.
    The Hoard and Mom too
    Thanks so very much for the support you gave all of us, Dad too, in Mr Buttons going to the Bridge. It is greatly appreciated. We loved your card and when Mr B reports in over the next few months we will be sure to show him.
    Love and purrs to you all!
    Timmy, Dad Pete and Family

    1. Hey Timmy, oh so mew know how amazing they are, Herms is mega insightful and I so agree with mew!

      Guys we are here if mew need anything... we are so sad about Mr Buttons, so can only imagine how mew must feel :( :( Big hugs Amber xox

  4. amber....we lovez hermz N dori N de hole crew.....ewe did a grate ree veew two day; we noe they iz all gonna bee buzzed happee ~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    1. Hiya Tabbies & Miss Dai$y, oh Herms and the gang are amazing, or I should say totally WONDERPURR! So glad mew liked the review! Purrs Amber xox

  5. Sometimes, there is no time to read, which is a travesty. However, I managed to read a brand-new book within the 7 days allowed by the local quite proud of myself!

    1. Hey guys, yep, that is why I try to listen to most of my new novels, so I can multi-task, as sitting and taking a leisurely approach to read a book just doesn't happen furry often! Purrs Amber xox

  6. We missed you too!

    Sounds like a great book :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. Hi Athena & Marie, oh I missed mew too, and Parsley has really missed joining in your Caturday Art Hop, but he'll be there this weekend fur sure! MOL Purrs Amber xox

  7. This is one to be read by everyone, a real charmer of a book. Paws up for Herms and Mya!
    Ps. Any chance you can exchange some of this credits for mice? If you can I’ll be round with the nip cide and we can have a great night in..... reading Finding Mya , that is. Mol
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Hiya Erin, definitely paws up fur Herms & Mya! I'm not sure about exchanging credits fur mice, as then I'd be short again, but mew can bring mice and I can share my entire library with mew! MOL Purrs Amber xox

  8. That sounds like a good book ! Purrs

  9. Finding Mya sounds like a heartfelt and wonderful book! Thank you for the review. I will have to look it up.

    1. Hiya Chatty Cats, it is indeed and I am so purrleased mew liked the review! Purrs Amber xox

  10. That sounds like a lovely book and you did a great review of it. I love Hermie's adventures.

    1. Hey guys, that is exactly it, how can we not like Herms adventures, he's just amazing! Purrs Amber xox

  11. Amber, you really made our day at my house. Mom's still shaking the holiday cobwebs outta her head, while the rest of the Wonderpurr Gang is despurrate to get back to blogging. Thanks everyone for reading Finding Mya. It's our favorite of our Mom's books. Plus...I star in it so... Have a Wonderpurr Day!

    1. HERMS! HERMS! Mew made it, oh I do feel blessed to have the actual real author/star visiting, I'm a huge fan mew know, love your purranormal investigations too, in fact I may join mew on one someday! Oh me and the B Team have missed your blog posts, but we know mew'll be back asap, have a lovely week guys! Purrs Amber xox

  12. Thank cod you had some credits, Amber. That looks like a good book.

    1. Hey guys, OMC absolutely thank cod fur more credits - a disaster was only just averted by a gnats whisker! MOL Purrs Amber xox

  13. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. I am proud to own a copy and I love it. It is gentle and genuine and full of positive hope.


    1. Hey Dash Kitten Crew, I second that, and third it too! MOL Purrs Amber xox

  14. We DID miss you, Amber, and it's so great to see you. Finding Mya sounds like a wonderful book!

    1. Awwww guys, I missed mew too, and thank mew fur coming to see me today! Purrs Amber xox

  15. My cat-petite is activated to read that book, Amber!

    Glad you did not burst or melt...


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