Friday 27 April 2018

The Nip Dispensary, Slippery Frogs and Amber Doesn't Effur Need To Get A Job Again on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 245 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

What a week, Amber had a job and then quit, and it just goes to show mew how slippery frogs really are!  The Kittens said it's not them who's stealing the catnip, honestly they must think we're a bunch of dummies, even aftur I showed them the security footage of the last raid, they still denied it completely - then I got Pandora to interrogate them and believe me she doesn't mince wurds or vurds as she would say. 

Honestly I did have to smile at their blatant denial and refusal of admission, it warmed my heart tremendously as they neffur cracked under the pressure until Pandora said.

"OK PipSqueaks, if mew von't come clean I'm going to fetch the kraken!" she said rather coolly in her odd, little foreign accent. "Then purr'apps mew'll be more forthcoming vith your story, oh and he 'asn't been fed today yet!"


Well they we're singing like canaries in less time than it took to say,

I'll have a Mind Bender Nip Cocktail with a twist of lime and a cherry purrlease! 

Appurrently they have set up an online Nip Dispensary next door at the P.A.'s cousins, where they live - just as Pandora suspected.  They're using the barn as their oppurrations centre and have been shipping wurld-wide the last few weeks, I have to give them credit fur being so enterprising and not cracking under the fierce pressure that Pandora imposed on them.  They're going to make an excellent addition to The B Team when they get a bit older! MOL 

And the really good news is this, they have shared the profits with us and so Amber now has a tidy sum and doesn't have to get a job to get cash4books, as mew can imagine she's thrilled...

Plus we've cut a deal with them; that we'll supply the seed and they can grow the nip next door and Amber gets paid fur doing absolutely nothing.  Don't mew just love it when a plan comes together? MOL

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

We'll be back on the morrow with our pawesome water fountain review and then again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

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  1. Shure sounds like a pawsome plan!

  2. Books and nips is a purrfect combo!

  3. That must have been scary for the kittens to be questioned by Pandora. I am glad a good solution was found.

    1. Guys, yep, I wouldn't want to be interrogated by her either! MOL MOL XOX

  4. a total lee epic week oh end two everee one az well N pleez N joy sum gardin time
    for uz....witha lotta O.T. !!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Thanks Tabbies, and the same to mew, btw we just sent 5 x No 5's and 5 x No 8's, enjoy! MOL XOX

  5. Who knew kittens had such business acumen?
    any kittens I've been around, usually spend their time chasing their tails...

    1. Guys, these kittens get smarter effury generation, must be something in the water! MOL XOX

  6. Things are looking up ... at least for Amber!

    1. MK, BC & EM, Amber is ecstatic as mew purrobably guessed already! MOL XOX

  7. I am glad Amber is going to be able to order more books now :)XO

    1. Guys, mew know as long Amber is getting new books, effurypurrdy else is happy! MOL XOX

  8. Now that is a deal worth taking... thing is what about your nip? I hopes you can get some to grow yourself, and them frogs dont start up business on their own!?

    1. Erin, oh we've have a secret hydroponic room in the bunker fur the real primo supurr mega epic nip, so don't panic, it's all under control, btw do mew want to sample our latest strain? MOL XOX

  9. Pandora is a seriously tough interrogator. Those kittens never stood a chance!

    1. Guys, oh Pandora is fierce with a capital F, and no they didn't! MOL XOX


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