Friday greetings pawesome pals
Brrrrrrrr.... it's been a supurr frigid week and we all agree that it's time Spring came along and shoved Winter away. Not that we've have any of the eveeeel white stuff yet, and to be honest we don't want any!
In other news this week, the fire has been our constant companion throughout these bitterly cold days, and Smoochie went to the vets on Monday as he's been a little out of sorts of late. The P.A. wundered whether it was because she had been away - again - and that he was just upset. Well that's partly true, but the Smoochinator has been acting out, and he's been peeing in places that he shouldn't.
The P.A. has removed all items that have been, let's say fur want of a better wurd - Smoochinated from the house and cleaned them thoroughly with a speshal deodorizing cleaner, but has not returned anything into the house yet. After scrubbing and sanitizing effurything repeatedly she set up temporary feeding stations with crunchie's and water in the offending places, plus she installed the Feliway plug-ins around the house to soothe his maybe purrhaps frazzled nerves. This seemed to wurk but after a week he decided to rebel and Smoochinated the P.A.'s laptop on the kitchen table, as mew can imagine, the P.A. was less than impressed with a pee dripping laptop and the new lake on the kitchen table. All I'm going to say is, thank goodness it was not switched on at the time.
After more scrubbing, cleaning and sanitizing, both items, she has been pardon the pun, letting the laptop drip dry. It was after this incident that she thought, big guns are needed to solve this situation... not literally I might add, figuratively in the form of the vet.
So off she trundled with him yesterday and after a thoroughly thorough examination, the vet concludes, that he is, as I always suspected a total heathen child! MOL But seriously, there's nothing wrong with him physically [just mentally MOL] but seriously let's get serious now, he's fine, but he seems to have a developed a minor behavioural purroblem, which is not uncommon at all, but can be somewhat difficult to address - unlike with our K9 furriends, they get their noses put in the offending pee and lo.... they learn not to do it. This is not the case with us, we're far more complicated than that and herein lies the purroblem with tackling a matter such as this.
It would seem that the P.A. has done all the right things:
Removing items that were preferred pee points.
Cleaning and sanitizing the areas repeatedly.
Placing feeding stations in the affected areas.
Adding extra litter boxes.
Using Feliway to calm and sooth.
So now it's a case of waiting to see if we can break Smoochie's rather troublesome Smoochinating habit offur the next few weeks, and if any of mew have any sage advice to offur on this matter, we're all ears.
We're hoping that the laptop makes a full recovery as at this point in time, we are still waiting to hear if it's going to be ok - when the P.A. turned it on a couple of days after it was not well at all, in fact I took one look, shook my head and said, "It's done fur!" That didn't go down too well I might add, so I promptly left the building! MOL
Well after that saga, I think it's times we share this weeks links just in case mew missed anything:
We'll be back on Sunday with our usual selfies round-up, so we hope mew can join us then.
Bestest purrs and happy parading
Basil & Co xox