Thursday 23 February 2017

Crosswurds & Wurdsearch's by Professor Basil ~ Brain Training with Cats! #20

Welcome to

Supurr Crosswurdy Greetings Pawesome Furriends

Welcome to another puzzling post.  This week sadly we only have a wurdsearch fur mew to do and this will be our last puzzling post until the autumn as we know the Spring is almost here and effuryone will be busy as the nights are drawing out and there's so much more to do.  We know how much needs doing in our own garden so have decided that we'll be back with our Brain-Training with Cats on October 5th.  Hope mew can survive till then! MOL

As mew can see convalescing is a furry serious business, and serious measures are needed, i.e.:- multiple beds with multiple degrees of softness in multiple locations are a necessity to ones well-being. 

Right, I'd better get to the nitty-gritty now, the results of my blood tests.  Well there's good news and bad news, I'll start with the bad.  It would appear that I have kidney disease which appurrently is furry common in cats my age.  The good news is that the scale they measure it on is: 0 - 14 and my reading came in at 15, so this means that it has been found supurr duper early and no medication is required, just another dietary change of a low protein affair and a blood test effury 6 months to monitor how things are, and if in the future anything changes I can get medication.  So while it's not great, it's not horrendous, it's a manageable scenario.

My white cell count is up, so I've obviously got a little infection and by the time mew read this I will have been to the vets fur a long range antibiotic to deal with that.  

My pancreatitis seems to have abated somewhat and I'll have more info on that today aftur my visit, but by all indications I am feeling more like myself and pestering the P.A. fur food.  I'll tell mew a little secret, I woke her up 3 times the other night to feed me, now if that's not an indication of my return to wellness I don't know what is! MOL  I'm also still waiting on the result of the thyroid test too.

And I've been keeping The Hoard in check as things have been running amok, so there's been a bit of court marshalling been happening as Smoochie and Parsley wanted to test  some depth-charges in the P.A.'s pond - it didn't end well fur the pond or the frogs.

The frogs are temporarily homeless and Parsley and Smooch are on lock-down in the bunker with Horice keeping an eye on them.

Smooch said. "Basil, Basil, Basil, I thought it'd be ok."

"Yeah they were only really small depth-charges!" Parsley added.

"Really tiny!" Smooch agreed. 

"Iddy-biddy!"  Parsley nodded.

I gave them my furry bestest 'mew've got to be kidding me look' complete with the single eyebrow raise.

"But there is a flipping great big crater where the pond was!" I said. "And mew used Humphrey's new proto-type explosive without his purrmission!"

They looked at one another. "Oh we asked!" Smooch blurted.

"He was just in a bit of a nip coma at the time," Parsley mumbled and grinned.

I shook my head in dismay, "I can't believe how lax effurypurrdy is when I'm not here," I answered. "Parsley as mew're the one with the money dude, mew're paying fur a new pond and if I remember rightly the P.A. said something about a new patio being built in front of the summer house with a new pond being built in the middle of it."  I paused fur a moment to let this sink in, and then grinned. "I think mew'd better cash up one of your ISA's dude!"

I can't repeat what Parsley said, as to be honest it was rather offensive, but I'm sure mew get the drift!

Anyhoo I think it's time to get puzzling.


To see our previous crosswurds, wurdsearches & answers click here:


Time to get scribbling on...

[just right click to save the wurdsearch to your 'puter or print it off.] 
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And here's a delightful badge fur your pawesome efforts, just right click the image to save it to your computer.

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to go and join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop, which is now being hosted by the pawesome blog: Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

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  1. I'm glad you are doing better, Basil, and that your kidney numbers aren't too serious.

  2. Glad the kidney numbers aren't too bad.

    1. Hi Lone Star Cats, no they're not, now just to keep them that way! MOL XOX

  3. dood...manee thanx for thiz latest werd seerch, we understand bout
    chillaxin on em til fall....lookin fer werd two de puzzlez then !!! all sew
    lookin for werd ta see in de new pond ;) N we iz glad yur ree port waz
    oh kay knot two bad, inn deed catchin de bass terd kidnee stuff earl lee
    helpz..984 pawz crossed for ya... for two dayz vizit ~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Tabbies dudes, and Miss Dai$y, we thought we'd give mew guys a few months off!! MOL XOX

  4. Multiple beds. Multiple degrees of softness. Multiple locations. EXCELLENT.


    1. Hey Seville, mew know mew can neffur have enough softness or beds!!! MOL MOL XOX

  5. Basil my friend I hope you will be feeling perky soon....infections are NOT fun...nor is kidney disease which it SOUNDS like you're on top of early on......I'm sending you POTP just to be sure though!!!!

    Love, Angel Sammy and Teddy too

    1. Hi Angel Sammy, me too dude, thanks fur all the POTP, much appreciated! XOX

  6. Basil, eating is good! I have kidney disease now too...and like you, I've had to change my diet because of it. But I'm in the earlier stages as well and I hope to keep it that way. ~Wally

    1. Hi Island Cats, oh Wally, me and mew dude need a long vay-cay in the Bahamas, like fur 6 months to convalesce! XOX

  7. I am sorry you have kidney disease, but I am glad it was discovered early. XO

    1. Hi 15 & Meowing gang, me too, but at least I know so it can be managed! XOX

  8. Its good that you can deal with that naughty kidney issue early on. And lets hope that infection can get all cleared up. Hope that the pancreatitis stops pestering you too.

    You sure do have lots of nice soft nests to lounge and relax in:)

    Some of those word search words just popped into petcretary's eyes when she furst scanned that puzzle, MOL!!!

    1. Hi Pipo & Minko, guys this illness thing is no fun at all, furry tiring on so many levels, but I'm happy mew liked todays puzzle! XOX

  9. So glad you caught things early and you're in wonderful hands to help keep you feeling well!

  10. Well, I guess that's the best bad news you could ask for with that level. I hope the diet change helps. And definitely multiple beds are a must!!!


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