Wednesday 11 March 2020

National Napping Day, The Corona Virus and Planting The New Catnip Crop on The Pet Parade 343 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Spring Pet Parade Banner 2020
Spring Pet Parade Text Banner ©BionicBasil®

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Our headline this week will purrlease all mew greatly, as on Monday it was

National Napping Day

Like OH MY COD how epic is that? EPICALLY EPIC as we don't know about mew, but we're all gold medal winners in the napping department and will make sure this week that we have a few extra naps ahead of our main snooze! 

So if mew missed it, don't wurry, we've decided to make it National Napping Week! MOL MOL

Melvyn Getting Ready To Nap ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 343
Melvyn's getting ready to get some extra ZZZZ's in his fav snooze spot on the landing.

He said and I quote, "Get that camera outta my face, I need to get my beauty sleep!"

And if mew're wundering, those little pillows are filled with catnip, mmmmmmm sweet dreams! MOL

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

In other news...

Mew guys know we don't talk politics, current affairs or the like here but we feel it necessary to impart this info we've just had.

We've just had intel that a family who live a few miles away from us in a busy little market town have tested positive for Covid-19.  They have recently returned from skiing in Northern Italy and did not self-quarantine upon their return - oh dear!

We've also heard that some of the local residents are quite angry as the family have been carrying on as normal for the past couple of weeks, therefore it's quite possible a huge outbreak will be imminent in the coming days near us.

Yesterday some local shops were stripped bare; they were picked cleaner than a vultures convention in the Serengeti, the only thing left - bare bones!

We have noticed on our necessary recon trips out into the real world in the last couple of weeks that madness is prevailing through fear; there's a lot of panic arising from 'POSSIBLE' food shortages due to disruption in the supply chain being spread about which isn't helping anyone.

Toilet paper and hand wash/sanitizer are also rarer than gold on the streets right now, so we don't know how this thing is going to go over the coming weeks/months.  For years it's been said that 'we' as a society are just 9 meals away from anarchy, and after seeing that Italy has just been completely shut down we may see some truth in that statement.

So we're just sitting tight at BBHQ and we'll update more on this situation as and when we have new intel from our small district.

Stay safe all, and let's keep calm and weather this brewing storm.

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

Finally this week...

 We're just getting ready to start sowing this year's veg crop, but more impawtantly the catnip crop, as last year when the P.A. was out of action for all those months our catnip was severely abused by the night-crawler kitty crowd invading our garden.  The poor catnip was destroyed aftur one wild pawty and it neffur recovered properly.

So we're really looking forward to a brand new batch in the coming months.

This week we're also planting:  Tomato's, broccoli, leeks, carrots, cauliflower, beans, and a couple of other things.  We're getting the seeds going on a sunny windowsill and will be staggering planting so we have a constant supply.

Are mew growing anything this year and if so, what's your top planting tip?

Spring Tree Divider ©BionicBasil®

Amber will be here on Friday with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew, so do stop by if mew get chance, as mew know she loves your company in the library!

Until then...

Keep calm and purr on

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019
Spring Tree Divider ©BionicBasil®

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Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

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  1. Yikes, that does sound rather scary...why wopuld those peeps not self quarantine in the interest of all of their community, and others. Sheesh:(

    Stay well you all!

    Having just gotten over the quarantine of my workplace, (for norovirus), now we are under another in the effort to keep covid19 out of our facility. And its even stricter that the other one was...and who knows for how long. Oh dear...while my work is hard, I do take pleasure in helping all my peeps, but now it seems there won't be much fun there for the time-being at least.

    Hope your new crop of nip will do well. Ours in the garden is starting to green up a bit. The snowdrops are blooming, but nothing else as yet. Not sure what will be planted in my large collection of patio pots...the perennials need a thinning, but I have no time for that right now. And there is only one small windowsill in this whole house. Which we put its hard to start our own plantlings/seedlings, we usually get them from the nurseries around here.

    Sounds like your spring is way ahead of ours!

  2. The panic buying is ridiculous! I have got a few extra things to put in the freezer in case of future self isolation. That does worry me as I have to go to either the doctor or the hospital weekly and that is the last place I want to be.
    It is very inconsiderate of those people to carry on as usual and they are sure to be spreading the virus. In cases like that they should be put into compulsory isolation.

  3. Some peeps are just stupid, y'all be safe and healthy please!

  4. Oh dear! Here's hoping all on The B Team are taking care. They just reported two positives in the entire state here late last night, and I am now waiting for find out if they are going to make us work from home soon.

  5. National Napping Day is a good idea as far as I'm concerned. I think I'll join you.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  6. I hope your family stays safe. XO

  7. bee az crazed heer; de food service gurl taked her mom two de storez on SUNday & de stuff that waz off de shelvez waz nutz. R nooze peepulz haz all reddy said STOP PANICKING PEOPLE.... tho bye de same tokenz... de media aza hole doez like ta over write all de time; itz all bout gettin a byline anda storee ~~~~~

    hope everee one stayz well iz well N will bee well ♥♥♥

  8. We understand you need your beauty sleep. But your picture is gorgeous.
    I dislike this Corona Virus a lot. Stay well.
    Linked up for Pet Parade.

  9. Unless toilet paper has suddenly become edible I can't see the point in hoarding. What for?!?!?!?! Oh and those face mask things? Unless they are sealed around your face - useless, and they only protect people from YOU not you from their germs. Figure out why they are popular, we can't.

    If people behaved sensible they wouldn't get on my nerves (and its the rason I am staying of fb so much right now so many people panicking!)

    Have a good week and I hope you get plenty of naps and food.

  10. Everyone is going crazy now. Covid 19 is serious stuff...we can’t ignore that but the panic that is happening isn’t helping. We hope there isn’t a serous outbreak in your area. Purrs....

  11. Ugh. Some humans are just so stupid, and selfish! We are so sorry that has happened in your town. Please stay safe, and we purr for your good health. XO

  12. We agree that a lot of people are behaving very badly, while not taking basic precautions. We are lying low, and so is our #1.

    Tama and Genji

  13. We are so sad to hear you have stupid hoomons living in your town. It's their responsibility to self quarantine until they know for sure they are not sick. Our dad is planning to retire this year and our pawrents have been traveling to Florida to house hunt as they don't want to live where we are now. However, their realtor agent went on a CRUISE this past week. A CRUISE! That's a floating bacteria maker, isn't it? We will include you all in our pawprayers and healing purrs that you avoid the Virus.

  14. We always enjoy a nap whether it's a holiday or just a day that ends in "y". This virus thing has gotten crazy. We went to shop last night and the toilet paper was almost completely wiped out! They've cancelled all public events to try to stop the spread. I think if the news didn't spend the entire broadcast talking about it, things might calm down. (Just my opinion)

  15. Thanks for sharing. We can't believe we missed to celebrate National Napping Day. We can see Melvyn didn't mess around and enjoyed his day. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  16. Stay safe, dudes and get ready to repel the bug invasion hoards! In the meantime, keep an eye out for marauding cats trying to panic-nick your nip!
    PS Garlic does not help, though apparently some dim witted types thought that if it worked on Vampires it would on the bug! I am however marketing a new distillation called ArĆ“me de Bottes de Jardinier. If thst won't kill the bugs, nothing will. Trade price £500.00 a bottle, on offer to the public £50 ;)


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