
Thursday, 26 May 2016

Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop with Basil

Pawesome Purrsday greetings pals

Today I'm being supurr thankful fur having floofy [pronounced floo - fee] fur as it's been a wee bit chilly this week and my floofy fur has kept said chill away.

Mew may call me, Sir Basil Floof'a'lot  [but only fur today! MOL]

I hope mew are having a supurr floof day where-effur mew are, or better still that the sun is shining, and don't furget to join in Pepsi's Blog Hop below.


Basil xox

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Guys we are experiencing a few technical difficulties, and yes we know it's hard to believe! MOL

Yet the Linky code doesn't seem to be working purroperly, therefore the hop is not being displayed and we just noticed that it didn't wurk on last weeks hop either ??? [even though it was working at the time of posting???] So if mew want to join in this weeks hop, purrlease click on Pepsi's link above and join in there.

We are furry sorry fur any inconvenience this may have caused and know that we are doing all we can to rectify the matter ASAP, between Union enforced and regulated naps of course.

The Tech Team  

Graphics created with paid licence
Glitter Graphics 


  1. No sun here -and it doesn't look like we'll be seein any for days. :(

  2. PepiSmartDog: Sir Basil looks extra handsome today!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Love your posts and look forward to seeing what you got up to this week. *waves paw* :=o)

    1. Hi Pepsi, thank mew furry much and mew know we love to join in with mew! XOX

  3. That's definitely something to be thankful for!

  4. We had a lot of sun and heat to go with it...86F...but right now its pouring rain, but we are thankfur cause it was needed:) Our grass was turning brown, wow, its still May!

    SirBasil Floof-a-Lot Hah! Our dog-guy's other name is Sir Lick-a-Lot, MOL!

    1. Sir Lick-a-Lot, too funny guys!!! MOL

      Yes it seems no-one can get that 'Goldilocks' [just right] weather. It's either too hot, too cold, no rain, too much rain etc... why can't we just get pleasant 24 - 25 c days with a nice refreshing rain while we're alsleep? MOL MOL XOX

  5. Sir Basil Floof'a'lot... I LOVE THAT NAME, for sure!


  6. Gads, Sir Basil Floof'a'lot, this English weather is a real nuisance, in fact maybe verily it's caused your tech problems? Strangely my peep was out in the garden and and washing the Bentley (chauffeurs day orf). peeps, huh? Mouses

    1. Indded it is Queen Erin, any chance mew could use your Queenly-ness to command it to be a little better? MOL XOX

  7. waves two ewe sir floof ~~~~~ hope thiz message finds mew & de crew
    furry well....N we hope de techno diff a culteez get fixed up veree soon....

    we iz off line til twooz day sew heerz two a porbeagle shark kinda week oh end ♥♥♥♥

    1. All sorted Tabbies, it would appear that the browser the PA was using was not showing the linky ??? she only discovered this fact when she was purrusing the blog on her ipad and saw the linky was clear and present.... tres bizarre fur sure!

      Hope mew guys are well XOX

  8. I wouldn't mind "chilly" right now, our A/C just died and it is hot and humid out!! catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Oh no, nothing wurse than that, hope mew get it sorted asap! XOX

  9. Floo-fee fur is the best kind of fur!

  10. It's been pretty darn hot here we'd like to lose our fur!

    1. Island Kitties, there's always the clipper option, but seriously don't go there! MOL XOX

  11. You are such a cutie with that heart on your nose :) It is already too hot here.

    1. Awwwww thanks guys, mew know how I like to spread the lurve!

      Keep cool XOX


❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️
FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!