
Wednesday 29 June 2016

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #5 featuring Cooking For Your Cat

Welcome to 

The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Pawesome greetings fantabulous furiends

Hey guys, Amber here again *waves paw enthusiastically*

It's lovely to be here again, I do hope mew've all had a great week and plenty of reading time.  Last week I mentioned about getting a library ladder this has NOT happened yet and yes, I've written a formal complaint to the P.A. who said, "Don't panic, I'm on the case but in the meantime choose books from the lower shelves!"

So this week I did as she asked and the book I choose was on a lower shelf [see bottom library pic to the left of the lion] so I least I didn't breach any Health & Safety rules.  Plus mew may remember a few weeks ago when Smoochie was doing his brief introductory seminar on  'How to oppurrate a ladder safely'  [as accidents in the wurk-place are appurrently a common occurrence these days due to impropurr training] and he has insisted that when the new library ladder arrives, all memfurs of The B Team are fully trained in 

Ladder Protocol 

[Certificates will be awarded to all purrticpants passing the course]

Which no doubt he will be sharing with mew all, just in case your peeps decide to bring any ladders - fur whateffur reason - into your abode! 

Anyhoo I'm digressing, so let's get on with this weeks book pick.

This week on Book Reviews with Amber, I'm sharing...

[All Images - Amber's Purrsonal Copy] 

Cooking For Your Cat


Sophie Klein

Now this is a little different from my previously featured books, but neffurtheless it's definitely wurth featuring.

This an actual cookery book fur cats featuring many delicious recipes fur the gourmet kitty and it's full of colour photo's.  While many peeps [on Amazon] have taken it rather too seriously aka a formal nutritional guide fur cats and panned it; at our abode it's more of a tongue in cheek book that gets visitors wundering what on earth happens in our kitchen!

"Do you really cook for your cats?"

"Wow, look at those dishes, have you [The P.A.] tried any?"

"Gourmet cats huh... you have too much time on your hands!" 

"So how many recipes have you cooked?"

etc... etc... etc...

It's an ideal coffee table book, and at our house the P.A. is not the cook if she can help it.  She says that's dads department and laughs hysterically.  But seriously if mew're looking fur a fun read with real recipes [should mew choose to try them] this is a great addition to effuryones library.

Hardback Edition of Cooking For Your Cat: 64 pages

No Audio book available.

The Amber Biblio Rating System:

Ratings of Cooking For Your Cat

Cuteness Factor

Fun Factor


Offurall Enjoyment 

If any of your peeps decide to get their gourmet happening fur mew with any of the recipes do let me know!

Well, it's time fur me to sign off again, as mew know the deal, so many books, so little time! 

And if any of mew have written a book that mew'd like me to feature; either use the contact form - look left on the sidebar - or use the contact us page fur our email address, as I'd love to showcase our furiends pawesome literary talents.

Happy reading



Graphics created with paid licence  


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry Summer!!! Didn't mew get endless banquets of delish noms at blogpaws? MOL XOX

  2. You cook for your cat?
    Wow - I'm impressed!
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. MOL no the P.A. doesn't cook fur us, but if we put the pressure on I'm sure she would! MOL XOX

  3. That would never happen in this house. Mommy barely cooks for herself! MOL That risotto looks so yummy.

    1. Our P.A. really doesn't like cooking either, that why she says it's dad department!!! MOL MOL XOX

  4. Those recipes look and sound delicious, for kitties AND humans! :)

  5. A well read kitty indeed! I love the idea of cooking special meals for your best friend, the healthier the better! Who doesn't enjoy a change in meal plan to shake things up? A nice treat!
    xo Talenthounds

    1. Hey guys, so nice mew could stop by today :D and mew're absolutely right, healthy meals is the way to go fur sure and the more treats the better! MOL XOX

  6. Now I do love a recipe book, especially for cats... As peep doesn't cook, and the chef is nearly as bad, I have to live on a diet of take aways, take outs and bring ins. How I keep my figure I don't know, well I do but that is for a book I'm doing myself! purrs ERin

    1. Hey Erin, mew should defo get your book written asap then I can showcase it here fur mew! XOX

  7. amber.....honest ta cod....we wood eat BURD bee for we wood eat
    ANY THING de food servizz gurl cooked......troo lee...ya hurd it heer
    furst.....thiz book iz shirley sum thin her kneadz !! ♥♥♥

    1. Tabbies, if mew'd rather eat burds than anything the food serviss gurl provides mew seriously need this book! MOL XOX

  8. MeOW a new cookbook fur kitties huh? Well mommy says it's too hot to cook, so we'll have to pass gawjus. Hope ya'll are stayin' cool.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hey Dezi & Raena, no fun cooking when it's supurr scorchio outside, stick with the salads with prawns on the side or vice versa! MOL XOX

  9. The mom's cooking is she better not cook for us. She says popping a top is much easier. :)

    1. MOL Island Cats! We can always send mew some kraken sushi to try as we've still got loads left! :D :D XOX

  10. I seriously would LOVE to check out that book! I LOVE to cook and I should look into this for Cody! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

    1. Hi Caren & Cody, mew should defo get this and try all the recipes! I wanted the P.A. to wurk through the recipes and do a cooking feature here but as she's a veggie [vegetarian] she refuses point blank to handle meats etc... purrhaps I will get dad on the case instead! MOL XOX

  11. Great review Amber- I hope you get your ladder soon.

  12. We are feeling hungry...
    Ablut ladders...the petcretary had a dog ather pawrentshome...and he climbed ladders...yup he did! Even tree trunks, sometimes...oh MY!!
    He liked to get at stuff...

    1. Oh guys, I can always send mew something from the Kraken Menu? MOL

      WOW a doggy that climbed ladders, that's too pawesome - maybe he was a kitty in a previous life!!! ;) XOX


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