
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #21 featuring The No 2 Feline Detective Agency

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Wunderpurr greetings fellow book lovers

Welcome to another Wurdy Wednesday in the Library and many apologies fur not being here last week as this post was sceduled fur last Wednesday, so the video's below are from before Basil got poorly.

*    *    *

Well my week was ok until four of us decided to all get on the playstation together and then Parsley really, really spoiled my mood!

As mew can tell I was not impressed and so aftur that I went into my library to seek solace amongst my books, at least they don't do smacky paws... I had this to say:


Then I decided to go and find the P.A., she always cheers me up and this time was no exception, I was pole dancing! MOL

Mew can't believe how exerting it is, I was worn aftur about 23.5 seconds...

Well aftur that purrformance I think it's time we move swiftly on to this weeks book pick.

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

The No 2 Feline Detective Agency

(The No.2 Feline Detective Series) 

(Hettie Bagshot Mystery)


Mandy Morton

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:

Hettie Bagshot has bitten off more than any cat could chew. As soon as she launches her No. 2 Feline Detective Agency, she's bucketed into a case: Furcross, home for slightly older cats, has a nasty spate of bodysnatching, and three of the residents have been stolen from their graves.Hettie and her sidekick, Tilly, set out to reveal the terrible truth. Is Nurse Mogadon involved in a deadly game?

*    *    *

Oh I really enjoyed this book, it was fab as its set in a total wurld of cats, featuring Hettie who has just opened a detective agency and her furry furst case is trying to find out what happened to three newly deceased and buried former patrons of the Furcross Home for Slightly Older Cats.   It has some really fun narrative and the plot is excellent, letting the characters purrsonalities shine.   

It's a little more unusual than previous cozy mysteries, but I loved the quirkiness of it and Hettie is a rather comical kitty.  As the story unfolds it's really hard to determine 'who done it'  and with a few comedic mishaps and blunders along the way it remains highly entertaining all the way through.

Paperback copy: 272 pages

Audio Edition: 6 hours 6 mins long

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

The No 2 Feline Detective Agency





Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this novel and if mew've read it already, tell me did mew like it?

And furry quickly in other news, as I was sadly not here last week, the pawesome kitties at have a give-away happening right now with Basil's book as the prize, so if mew'd like to get your mittens on a free copy, just head offur and enter.

Great news that the Florida Furkids have taken delivery of the Time Travelling Bobble Hat and mew can see all their amazing pictures by clicking their link above and if mew'd like to join in the fun do let us know.

Just before I go, Basil is getting better slowly and he's nearly finished his final course of meds and is back at the vet on Friday morning for another check-up.  At his visit on Monday, the vet was furry purrleased with his progress. Many thanks, kitty kisses and nose bumps fur all your kind support and get well wishes, it made all the difference, and even the P.A. is a lot less snotty! [But don't tell her I said that!!! MOL]

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur Basil's Brain Training!

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

Graphics created with paid licence and


  1. That sounds like a very good book. And I loved your videos!

  2. amber...we gived yur mooveez 984 paws UP; N two thumbz up over at de ewe tube place....lotz oh act shun, suzpenze N we tossed ewe a green fish for yur pole dancin skillz....ooooo lal la......ewe can see him ther by de pole ☺☺☺ lee awesum ree veew thiz week N basil, dood. continmewed blessingz frum R pal St Francis for ewe....we hope ya go frum good ta grate ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Hi Tabbies & Miss Dai$y, many thanks fur the fish it was my best tip all day! MOL And many thanks fur the continued blessings fur Basil, we really appreciate it purrs Amber xox

  3. Great claw action, Amber, and looks like a great pre nap workout! Loved the book review, this one sounds very different to the usual cozy mystery, and we loves a bit of fun with our bodycount! MOL. PS Please tell Basil we are all thinking of him and wish a very speedy recovery! ERin

    1. Hey Erin, oh I'm sure'll mew'll love this one and yes Basil is having extra mice and dairy free cream ;) purrs Amber xox

  4. Sounds like a FAB book! Also very hopeful that my pal Basil is in 100% HEALTHY mode very soon. Sending POTP and hugs.

    Love, Angel Sammy

    1. Hi Angel Sammy, Basil continues to improve and we'll have another update in a day or so :) many thanks fur the continued POTP & hugs! Purrs Amber xox

  5. Gee Amber, smacky paws would drive us to the library too!
    We did enjoy the videos.
    That book sounds really good and even P.D.James liked it!
    Mum has read lots of P.D.James.
    We nay have to consider this book :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    1. Hi Georgia, Julie and JJ, oh P.D. James is fab, love those books! purrs Amber xox

  6. Sounds like a good book. Great pole dance :)

    1. Hi guys, I really enjoyed the book and have the next one ready! purrs Amber xox

  7. Those videos were great, Amber! We love that pole dance. :)

    The No. 2 Feline Detective Agency sounds great. And the cover illustration is brilliant!


    1. Hi guys, thank mew *blushes* - and that cover is absolutely amazing! purrs Amber xox

  8. We got your package yesterday and we were so excited to open it up today!

    1. Oh Summer, we're so sorry it took so long - we won't be using that Pigeon Carrier Service again! MOL XOX

  9. What fun videos! Amber you really needed a good book after all the mood vexations and pole dancing!

    Glad to read that Basil seems to be on the mend. We will keep up the pawyers and purrs.

    We would love to be added to that Bobble Hat that travels list.

    1. Hey Pippo & Minko, so purrleased mew enjoyed today's post and we've asked Cat on My Head if they can send it to mew aftur they receive the bobble Hat from Timmy Tomcat, so if mew can email us your address at; that would be pawesome! Supurr purrs Amber xox

  10. That wasn't nice of Parsley at all! Looks like you found a good read to occupy your time though :)

    1. Hi Momma Kat & Bear, oh I really did enjoy this book and no Parsley was furry naughty but I got to eat his treats later in the day! MOL purrs Amber xox

  11. You are a very good pole dancer! That's a great play station, but it was mean of Parsley to smacky paw you.
    That book sounds very different but a great read.
    Purrs to Basil for continued improvement.

    1. Hi Flynn, thank mew fur the continued purrs fur Basil! Purrs Amber xox


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