
Friday 15 September 2017

Sun Puddles & Amber Actually Smiled on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #213 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to another Friday on the Pet Parade and our weekly round-up, well mew may have guessed that there was no Pet Peeves with Parsley yesterday, fur the life of us we don't know how that happened - OOPS - Sorry, we'll have to reschedule that fur next week now.

In other news, the weather warmed up a little, so we managed to get a few intermittent sun-puddles, which was just luffley.

We're also looking into building a catio fur Fudge as he is just a total liability in the real wurld, so we'll keep mew apprised of that and obviously share the entire experience. 

We've finally finished updating all the blog pages now, so effurything is up-to-date and The Pawesome Blog Directory is now where all your links are.  As we had three lists of pawesome blogs to follow, it's so much better that they've all finally been assimilated on the one page - much neater! MOL

And if your blog isn't listed, let us know and we'll add mew asap. 

Oh, purrlease note the date because this is a biggy.... and it may neffur happen again...

Amber actually SMILED!!!!!

See, it's a miracle and doesn't she look purretty fur a crotchety old-timer!!! MOL  We think it's because her book reviews start back on the 4th of October, and she's been missing it terribly the last couple of weeks, mew know how the boredom sets in and mew're just counting down fur something and it seems to take fureffur... that's how Amber feels right now.

Fur those that don't Amber furry well, this is a highly condensed version of her normal facial expression repertoire...

1. The Judgmental Look

2.  The Severely Disapproving Look

3. The OH HELL NO On Any Level Look

4. The Instant Dismissal Look [leave furry furry quickly]

These pics were taken in sequence, and to be honest we are actually quite surprised that the P.A. made it out alive! 

Amber doesn't suffer fools, idiots, half-wits, pillocks, prats, dullards, pudding heads or the like, her tolerance level fur those types is beyond infinitesimal.  Sorry Fudge, mew'll have to obtain some extra smarts from somewhere dude! MOL

*    *    *

Don't furget if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham on the 4th and 5th of November, mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


So get your tickets now and hopefully we'll see mew there.

*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies ~ I'm Too Sleepy

The Last Big Jolly ~ Part 8

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

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  1. Oh, Amber, we got a giggle out of all of your facial expressions! They're priceless. Thank you so much for including us in your blog list.

  2. I love Amber's smile... so special because it is so rare!

  3. Amber is the champion of the disapproving or even withering look!
    You look so pretty when you smile though, Amber.

    1. Oh guys, mew know we couldn't think of that wurd - withering - last week, but that is exactly it! MOL XOX

  4. You're very expressive, Amber, but you're so cute when you're smiling ! Purrs

  5. I'm on the list...what a great feeling! Thanks! Amber, you just keep being you and put the bitey on anyone trying to push you around. "Dullards"...hahahahaha!

    1. Hiya Eastside Cats, oh we can guarantee she's not going to change now! MOL XOX

  6. Amber is especially lovely when she "smiles." Her smile makes me smile. (blowing her a kiss)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Amber, you are a beauty. Maybe Photoshop #3 on that tank shot from a few months ago when you were out of book credits?!? Don't mess with a girl and her book credits! We can't wait for her reviews to come back!

    1. Hiya Momma Kat, Bear & Ellie, oh we furgot about that pic, it was hilarious, we'll have to post it again soon! MOL XOX

  9. Amber smiled???!!! OMC!!

    You are quite the expressive kitty Amber:)
    I had best be carefur around the likes of yourself...

    1. Yep it's true, mew can see fur yourselves Pipo & Mr Jack, note the date, as it might neffur happen again! MOL XOX

  10. I love that adorable face of yours Amber and I look forward to your reviews. The Crotchety Cougars can't wait for you to turn 15 and join :) XO

    1. Hiya guys, oh Amber is so looking furward to joining the Crotchety Cougars in October and getting her special hat! XOX

  11. You all look great, and NICE SMILE, Amber. :)

    Thank you for your kind words about Zoe's passing. We love and appreciate you, dear pals.

    1. Hi Gracie, Mom & Dad, we are so furry sorry abut your beautiful sisfur departing fur the Rainbow Bridge, we are wurking on a mandala fur Angel Zoe and will let mew know when its ready... big hugs, soft purrs and mew are in our purrayers XOX


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