
Friday 20 April 2018

Guess How Hot It Is, Gardening With Cats and 2 Heathens Plus Amber on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 244 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Wooo hoo guys Spring is here with a vengeance, we're basking in 24C+, that's the good news, the bad news is, Spring will gone again on Monday when it drops back to 11C+.  But anyhoo we're making the most of it fur sure even if it is only 3 days wurth!

Here's some of the flowers that have just blossomed in the last few days.
                          Bergenia Cordifolia                          Magnolia                                       Anemone

And speaking of flowers and gardening, part of our new summer programming schedule is this... 

...which we're really excited about as we're going to show mew to grow all kinds of cat'a'licious plants as we kitties need our fibre. We'll give mew options too, so whether the plants are fur indoors, fur your catio or fur planting out in your garden we'll show mew exactly what mew need to do to grow your greens and keep them healthy and flourishing.

In other news Smooch is being a total heathen, just look at his face, mew can just see the naughtiness emanating from him! MOL

Amber on the other paw, decided to take a snooze under the gazebo... 

...with Fudge purrched on the table guarding the Felix treat tin on the left..

All in all a most relaxing week, and it's about time too!

We'll be back tomorrow with a fab sponsored post and then again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend and hope mew get lots of sunshine.

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

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  1. Smooch's face always cracks me up. Amber definitely has the right idea in the heat. We're only going to get up to about 16 on Monday. Most of the week is going to be right around 11. Have a good weekend, I'll see you tomorrow.

    1. Hi Edie, he cracks us up too, daily! MOL [heathen fur child MOL] Oh 11 is a bit fresh, but we've got the same here too... one day it'll get warmer fur sure! MOL XOX

  2. Hi Basil! Your posts rocked this week! And your garden shots today - they made me a tad least it did not rain today and Mom got home before it got dark and I got to go out on my catio!
    So I, Marvelous am a happy Camper!
    I don't know when I can comment, but rest assure, we will be reading!

    1. Hey Marv, thanks dude really means a lot that mew like effurything! Oh dude mew can come here anytime mew like and hang out with us, anytime! No worries about commenting, it's our turn to visit mew anyway! XOX

  3. Glad you're gettin to enjoy some catio time!

  4. So happy that you are having spring...its about 10C here its better than it was, but still need a sweater...we did have some good sun today! That felt good on my bones:)

    1. Hi Pipo, the temp has dropped again and we're at the 10/11C mark again... brrrrr.... oh some sun to warm your bones, there's nothing better! XOX

  5. O Mi Cod, you guys crack us up! The title to Smooch's face should be "Who Me?" or "I didn't do it, honest!" MOL MOL. Also we love to distraction the Fudge-Tail. Great photos with those body parts, also the white PAW! Lastly, We are in luv with your gardening collage! Sorry the temp is gonna drop but warmer days are on the way (we have heard). Thanx for your fun pix!!!

    1. Hiya Peaches and Paprika, oh yes, it was a definite 'Who Me?' MOL MOL So glad mew liked our new graphic, we think it turned out purretty neat! MOL XOX

  6. Oh yes, I definitely see that naughtiness emanating!!! MOL!

    1. Chatty Cats, mew have no idea about the naughtiness - its SUPREME!!!! We're just hoping that he doesn't start ripping the lawn up again! MOL XOX

  7. I can't get enough of Fudge's floofy tail, might be crushing right now😻

    1. Hey Juliana, Fudge has got the floofiest tail we've ever seen, and nah it won't crush mew, probably tickle mew lots though!!! MOL XOX

  8. The warms just hit us yesterday, hopefully some blooms will happen soon!
    You kiddies look fabulous!

    1. Hey dudes, oh here's hoping it stays a while fur mew, so mew can catch up on some sun puddles, the flowers come out and the cold is gone! XOX

  9. Great to see you all out and about our weather up here in Scotland was warm too but not as warm as yours. But it's great to get out and feel the warmth on out fur we definitely needed it and the cat nip is really starting to grow.

    1. Hi Christine, oh isn't it wunderpurr to feel a bit of real warmth fur a change, let's just hope the oncoming cold spell doesn't last too long! XOX

  10. Beautiful flowers and you all look great. XO

  11. Oh! Look at all those blooms at your place, Basil and Co.! We're just getting underway here with spring ... stuff is just ramping up to bloom, and the weather's getting a little bit warmer! :)


    1. Hi guys, oh we do hope your warmz continue, ours have gone again, but at least the flowers brighten up the days! XOX

  12. Yup, sure is delightful out, though too hot for me in the sun. What I need is Fudge's tail to be a punkah wallah! Is he for hire?
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Hey Erin, yes to hot in the full sun, find a shady patch in the palace gardens and we'll send Fudge to fan mew with his tail! MOL XOX

  13. Since we have a new place, I have to see if any flowers pop up or if I need to plant some. I'm h oping some pop up! MOL! Your gang looks very content in the yard.

    1. Hi guys, oh wow how exciting, we're thrilled fur mew and do show us pics of the garden, we'd love to see! XOX


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