
Thursday 7 March 2019

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells a Workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #56 Throwback Purrsday with Me In The Catmint

Happy Purrsday guys

Welcome to another fab Brain Training sesh on the blog today, and this week I'm sharing a throwback with me in the catmint from way back in August 2016.

Basil In the Cat Mint August 2016 @ BionicBasil®


It's time to get those little grey cells wurking.

Here's the answer key to last weeks puzzle  How did mew do? 

Are mew ready fur this weeks puzzle?
Basil's Easy Sudoku Puzzle #25 Brain Training with Cats @BionicBasil®
Just right-click to save the puzzle to your 'puter or print it off. 

The answer key will be on next weeks post.

And here's this weeks jigsaw puzzle, featuring yours truly and the photo from earlier, because it's too fabulous not to turn into a puzzle! MOL 

It took me 6 mins 54 secs...  How did you do?

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Amber has a fab book fur mew tomorrow, how do I know,  because I was listening to it with with the rest of The B Team! MOL  So do stop by if mew get chance, until then...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Professor Basil 

Follow Us @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & word-search created with paid licence
Other graphics created with paid licence & &


  1. Petcretary's brains are s l o w...13:38 for the puzzle.

    No springtime here as yet. It was 15F here during the day...

    1. That's a fab time Pipo, I do hope Spring hurries up! MOL XOX

  2. 8.09 on the jigsaw! Too slow I'm afraid. Excellent picture though and way nicer or warmer looking that we have right now.

    1. Brilliant time Erin, yep let's hope we get some more warmz soon! XOX

  3. That's a terrific photo! Hey, the Dad's fried is already brained today. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. dood...thiz IZ one oh de awesumest fotoz oh ewe ever.....troo lee....we hope ta get bak ta sneekin over ta puzzle land; we mite even make it ther two day....thanx for sharin de puzzle !! ☺☺♥♥

  5. Wowzers.....that's a super photo of you enjoying breathing in the lovely scent of catmint! I like that stuff too.......

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Don't have time to work my brain this morning. I've got tons of stuff that needs doing and an appointment at one this afternoon. I'll try to remember to come back.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Hey Sandee, wishing mew a supurr day and hope to seen mew later! XOX

  7. wish I had more time...but I don't...nice blog- I'll be back later!

  8. Cool puzzle. did puzzle in between doing errands so I did poorly.

    1. Don't stress guys, I left a puzzle running the other and furgot, it said something like 1100 minutes! MOL MOL XOX

  9. Not very good on the puzzle this week, 9m 5s. It's a lovely picture though.

  10. Took me 12 minutes and 49 seconds. I loved seeing Angel Basil. XO

  11. Love your throwback, sweet angel Basil. Granny and I did 9:59 minutes over the puzzle. It's a record for us, must be all in the nip...MOL😹Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞


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