
Tuesday, 24 November 2020

**New Series** at BBHQ ~ Cat Hazards ~ The Art of Keeping Your Cat Safer ~ Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid

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  Happy Chewsday supurr pals

Welcome to Cat Hazards ~ A Brand New Series at BBHQ 

Today we're sharing Part Three of our new series, and we're carrying from our last post in which we discussed what house plants to avoid.

If mew're new to being cat staff, then maybe there are a few things mew haven't thought about, and we're here to point mew in the right direction so mew can learn what's safe and what's not. And for those seasoned and veteran cat staff, do feel free to add more suggestions in the comments as...


...and helps avoid and avert all kinds of disasters.

Let's Talk About Cut Flowers or Bouquets

Let's take a look at our Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats list of what mew really don't want in your bouquet or cut flower arrangement.

Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid ©BionicBasil®
right-click the graphic to print it off and stick on your fridge or noticeboard

There are many more cut flowers that are not safe to have in your home, so we suggest mew do your homewurk and make informed decisions for the safety of your cat.

The P.A. refuses to have cut flowers in the house. In fact, she hates cut flowers and thinks all flowers should stay in the garden where she can look at them for months on end instead of a week or so. Though she does fully understand and appreciate for peeps who don't have a garden or outdoor space and who do like a riot of colour around their homes using cut flowers. Still, there are other ways to indulge in this scenario, purrlease see our top tip below.

Let's Talk Cut Flowers

If mew're a fan of the readily available bouquets at supermarkets or other retail stores, they're pretty much filled with the flowers or a combo of what we've mentioned above and generally are not safe to have around your kitty.

If mew go to a florist and custom order a bouquet, then mew can obviously choose safe flowers to have in your home.  However, don't go to your florist and expect them to know which flowers are cat safe and which are not; the chances of them knowing this info is slim unless the florist is actually cat pawrent themselves.

We despair when we see on social media that someone has a vase filled with the huge stargazer lilies, and their cat is sitting right next to it, just one nudge and that deadly pollen is on the cat's fur and the next thing the cat is having a bath, and then the next very thing is they're off the vet with a whole host of symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, lethargy, decreased appetite, urination issues and then purrhaps kidney failure. Or they share pictures of their cats with their noses stuck amongst the petals of say, tulips or daffs, like WHAT THE FLUFF PEEPS!


Unless they're on the safe list, and we'll be sharing our Top 12 Safe Flowers For Cats soon, so mew can build up a knowledge base of what's hot and what definitely is not in the kitty kouture flower wurld.

Just remember your cat doesn't know that they are poisonous, Fluffy doesn't have a degree in botany, and as we said in our last post, it's always a great idea have some fresh cat grass indoors for them to nibble on should they fancy getting their daily greens intake up. 


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We know not everypawdy lives with access to a garden or outdoor space and therefore love to have flowers in their homes, and we totally understand the need for colour and nature in our daily lives. Though this could prove supurr dangerous for Fluffy if he or she decides to become a flower fancier.

Our solution is not only practical, but it also saves money too, and mew get to have oodles of pretty flowers indoors.
Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid BionicBasil® Faux Flower Bouquet

There are many companies who make excellent faux flowers, and we did mention one such company in our previous post - click link at top of post - we know it's probably not the vibe most flowers lovers want but what's more impawtant, the safety of your cat or a bunch of flowers that will be dead in a week or two, and could pawsibly be deadly to your cat as well?

Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid BionicBasil® Dried Flower Bouquet

Mew can also purrchase dried flower arrangements, as they're back in vogue now after years of being seen as rather dated and old fashioned, or even make your own arrangement.

 Some of the dried arrangements available to buy are absolutely gorgeous and as with faux flowers a little dust once a week or quick blow with the hairdryer to keep them clean and fresh is all they require, and they last for as long as mew want them too.

It doesn't take long to make your home a safe place, and mew'd do it for a baby/toddler/child, so do it for your cat too, and our K9 buddies of course.

Next time we'll cover Candles and Spray Air Fresheners, and if mew missed any of our previous Cat Hazards posts, stop by our Top Tips for Pawents page, and mew'll find a veritable info-fest of useful stuff and pointers to help mew safely navigate pet pawrenthood.

Until next time...

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Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence 


  1. Great post; folks need to know that flowers can kill kitties!
    And if anyone has a nosy cat like our Manny, they are too dangerous to have around.
    Wish the florists would put warning tags on their bouquets!

  2. We only have fake flowers in our house and sometimes I do try to chew on those!

  3. guyz....we haz fake flowerz inn side...AND out side in potz...
    { savez on de water bill plus they look grate all seezon long..
    we haza kewl store heer called dollar tree; N de gurl stockz
    up on fake a ree frum ther !! ;) ☺☺

  4. Thanks for flower tip. Daisy Mae pretty much leaves the flowers/plants alone thankfully.

  5. You just have to be aware of what you have in your home or yard that is toxic to our babies. Excellent reminder.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and my best to your mom. ♥


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