
Friday 19 May 2023

Book Reviews with Amber at The Mewton-Clawson Library #243 featuring **Pride, Prejudice and Poison: A Jane Austen Society Mystery** by Elizabeth Blake PLUS Friendly Fill-Ins

Amber's Book Reviews Banner ©BionicBasil® May 2023

Hello meautiful library guests 


Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ 

Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today and just look at me today.

This is my ultra-penetrating stare, the one I use when I'm on a mission to get things done! MOL

Amber's Book Reviews #243 ©BionicBasil® Amber's Intense Gaze

In this instance, my purpose was to convey to the P.A. that for my 250th review which will be on Friday the 7th of July, I need to do a little giveaway and she needs to come up with something.

The P.A. said, "Amber, you are in charge of all things book related on Fridays and the library, that is your domain and Cod help anyone that gets in your way, so I think you need to decide what you would like to giveaway to celebrate this epic milestone." She waved a copy of her latest book at me, and then it struck me like a bolt out of the blue.

I replied, "Mew're so right, it is my domain and I've just decided that I'll give away some books, jumping juniper berries I'm good!"

So lovely furiends, I will be choosing some books from the highly renowned Mewton-Clawson library, brand new books I might add to giveaway. So stay tuned for that, and let me just add, I don't normally let anything go out of my library, so this is a bit of a monumental moment and not to be missed! 

Part of The Mewton-Clawson Library ©BionicBasil®
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Today the P.A. is also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the pawesome 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. ________________________ always gives me a headache.
2. Ten years ago, I was _________________________.
3. _________ is the reason I haven’t yet _________.
4. I prefer _________, but I also don’t mind _________.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. Stressful, drama-incentivised people always give me a headache. You know the sort, the one that thrives on drama, and if there isn't any, they make it happen! I avoid those sorts at all costs.

2. Ten years ago, I was dealing with the aftermath of my parents' horrific car accident and was driving a round trip of 120 miles a day for months as my mum was still in hospital with a broken neck and a whole host of other injuries. She was very lucky, while being airlifted to the hospital, my husband and I got the phone call that you never want to receive. We drove 60 miles to the hospital and we were ushered into the emergency wing and greeted by two policemen. My heart dropped at this point as I was braced for the bad news, then a doctor appeared and led me into a room where my unconscious mum and semi-conscious dad were having their clothes cut off by trauma nurses as they tried to determine my parent's injuries, and I was being bombarded with questions about their health and medications etc... I can't describe what I felt in that moment, and then the doctor turned to me and said, "Your mum probably won't make the night." I will never forget those words as long as I live. And I don't know what made me say it, but I replied instantly, "You don't know my mum!"  After a long recovery, my mum is ok, about 85% of what she was before the accident, and my dad lost the sight in his right eye, he had quite a bad brain bleed, and I think in the end he fared worse than my mum, as he has cognitive issues.

The car accident itself was nothing to do with them; they had a flat tyre and drove to the side of the motorway and were parked on the hard shoulder with their hazard warning lights on. They couldn't get out of the car because of a metal barrier on the edge of the hard shoulder, and the land fell away down a steep embankment. My mum called the AA relay service, and then she called me to see if I could arrange a taxi to pick dad up as he was on the way to the airport. I called her back 5 minutes later to say I found a firm close to their location, but she didn't answer. I rang again, and nothing. I kept calling but she didn't pick up.

A large Mercedes Sprinter van hurtling down the motorway on the inside lane suddenly careened across the next two lanes and straight into the rear of my parent's parked car. He never braked, never attempted any evasive action, just smashed into them at full pelt according to the witness statements of the other road users behind who watched him do it. He was fine, his airbag went off and he got out of the van and was stumbling around the carriageway as the entire southbound motorway ground to a halt. Luckily a police car was headed northbound moments after it had happened, and they were on the scene in minutes.

What a fluffing cluster fluff it was. A family friend was in the backseat of the car, she'd gone for a ride out and to keep my mum company on the journey back. There was no car left where she'd been sat, we lost an epically epic lady that day. I saw the car, the police took me to the impound; it was an E300D Mercedes 4-door saloon, and the entire drivers side of the car was smashed in right up to the back of the drivers seat. There was nothing left of it, and the man who caused the accident just walked away with a four-year driving ban and 12 months inside. The police determined he'd fallen asleep at the wheel, and because he was tired, he killed a lovely lady, and ruined my parents' lives. What a fluffing fluffer!

3. Time is the reason I haven’t yet finished all my outdoor painting adventures, hopefully this year will be the year it all gets done.

4. I prefer chocolate ice cream, but I also don’t mind vanilla, if there's chocolate sauce! LOL

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Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!

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This week's top book pick is...

Amber's Book Reviews #243 What Are We Reading This Week ©BionicBasil® Pride, Prejudice and Poision - A Jane Austen Society Mystery by Elizabeth Blake
Mewton-Clawson Library Copy

Pride, Prejudice and Poison 

A Jane Austen Society Mystery


  Elizabeth Blake

       Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:      

Erin Coleridge's used bookstore in Kirkbymoorside, North Yorkshire, is a meeting place for the villagers and, in particular, for the local Jane Austen Society. At the Society's monthly meeting, the discussion gets heated and matters come to a head. After the meeting breaks for tea, persuasion gives way to murder when president Sylvia Pemberthy falls dead to the floor. Poisoned? Presumably... but by whom? And was Sylvia the only target? Handsome - but shy - Detective Inspector Peter Hadley and charismatic Sergeant Rashid Jarral arrive at the scene. The long suspect list includes Sylvia's lover Kurt Becker and his tightly wound wife Suzanne. Or, perhaps, the killer was Sylvia's own cuckolded husband, Jerome.

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This week I decided to share English author Elizabeth Blake, as in recent weeks I've been more focused on American authors, and I thought I needed to switch things up a little.

This book is a purrfect mix of mystery and historical fiction, all set in the world of Jane Austen's novels. It's a really charming story, with engaging characters and even cats named after Jane Austen characters.

The plot of Pride, Prejudice and Poison is centered around the Jane Austen Society, a group of people who absolutely love her books and get together regularly to talk about them. When one of the members is poisoned, the group bands together to solve the case, using their knowledge of Austen's novels to help them out. It's a really well-paced story that will keep you guessing until the very end.

The characters in the book are great. The main character, Erin, is passionate about Austen's novels and determined to solve the mystery. The other members of the Jane Austen Society are also well-written, each with their own unique personalities.

What I really liked about Pride, Prejudice and Poison was how much it incorporated Jane Austen's novels into the story. The characters often quote her works, and mew'll find all sorts of references to her novels throughout the story. And the cats named after Austen characters? So cute! So while they don't have a starring role, they are still present.

Overall, I think mew'll really enjoy Pride, Prejudice and Poison no matter what kind of books mew're into. It's a well-written story with a great plot and really likeable characters. So whether mew're a big fan of Jane Austen or just looking for a fun cozy mystery to read, definitely check this one out!

I listened to the audio version narrated by Justine Ayre, and she did a superb job bringing the different characters to life.

Another top paw listen or read, depending on your preferred format, and there's one more book in the series.

Audio: 8 hours 23 mins
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My Ratings Scale

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Amber's Book Review Pink Dot Divider ©BionicBasil®

Ratings of:

Pride, Prejudice and Poison

Overall Enjoyment

Amber's Book Reviews 5 Paw Rating ©BionicBasil®

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Other Fun Blog Hops to Join in Today

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I really hope mew enjoy the book as much as I did if mew decide to read it.

It's time for me to say BFN or bye-for-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just for mew, and don't forget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page.

Until next time...

Keep calm and read more books


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Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

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 graphics created with paid licence 


  1. Whoa, what an incredible story; that's something that shakes one to the marrow of their bones.

  2. Dear Amber, your poor grandpawrents. What an ordeal fur the whole family. If your grandpawrents were not stuck parked there, just think that rat would have barreled over the barricade and not been a bother to any other driver.
    We look forward to your 250Th!

  3. You definitely have the look Amber wouldn't it be nice to win books from your library.😻

  4. I had tears come up to my eyes reading that horrific ordeal your parents and their friend who passed had to endure. And what you yourself endured though all this. My heart is with you and your parents even now. Truly.

  5. That was a horrific accident that happened to your parents and friend. The sentence the van driver received was pathetically inadequate.
    Amber, 250 reviews is a wonderful achievement. That sounds like a great book and as always your reviews are perfect.

  6. You look beautiful sweet Amber. Those fill-in answers, WOW, what a scary ordeal that was. Such a good review, that one sounds good. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Great shot of you Amber. I think a pawtographed photo of you would be an epic prize. Excellent review. That sounds like an interesting book. Thank you to the PA for participating in the fill-ins. I did not know about the accident. That is horrible that someone died and the man who did it got off so easily. I am glad your folks survived. I am sorry they didn't recover 100% though. XO

  8. That book sounds fantastic! We'll look forward to seeing what you choose to part with, Amber. And your parents' car accident sounded horrifying! That's always how it goes...the one who causes the accident walks away without a scratch. So, so unfair. Back in 1998 my parents and I were hit by a man rushing to the airport. The whole time my parents were getting loaded into an ambulance he was on the phone trying to change his flight. The crash was no where near as bad as your parents crash, but my mom's scoliosis was exacerbated that day and she was in constant pain for the rest of her life.

  9. That is one serious stare. If it were aimed at me, I know I'd be hopping to do as I was told.

    What an astounding decision you've come to, a give-away. I'm sure it will be fabulous.

    People who like drama make me tired, too. I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend and how terribly your parents were injured in the accident. These things change lives.

    If it's not chocolate, it's not dessert.

    The book sounds excellent, if I can clear more out of my already large TBR pile, I'll add it when I can.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  10. Amber you will do great figuring out what to do for your milestone book report.

    And I shuddered and felt awful as I was reading all about that terrible accident your PA's parents and friend had. And that you lost a good friend is just horrible. And every day the PA sees her parents, it must remind her of that time, because of the lasting ill effects. Your PA is very brave to share that awful memory with all of us.
    Hugs to the PA, and more to her parents.


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