
Monday, 1 May 2023

Happy 12th Birthday Smooch ** WELCOME TO THE PAWTY** and **EPIC GIVE-AWAY**

It's Pawty Time @BionicBasil®

Happy Birthday Smooch ©BionicBasil®

Grab a pawty hat pawesome pals, we've already got ours! 

Get some cake!

Smooch 12th Birthday Cake ©BionicBasil®


Smooch's 12th Birthday Pawty Pawtrait ©BionicBasil®

The Nip Bar is OPEN!

Nip Bar  ©BionicBasil®.

Have a drink! 

Smooch's Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®

Help yourselves to nibbles

Nibbles Platter  ©BionicBasil® Nibbles Platter  ©BionicBasil®

Nibbles Platter  ©BionicBasil®

MMMMM Yummy... seafood and eat it! MOL

Smooch's Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®

Get some pudding

Dessert Platter  ©BionicBasil®

Dessert Platter  ©BionicBasil®

Dessert Platter  ©BionicBasil®

Smooch's Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®


 The Nip Nirvana Lounge



Smooch's 11th Birthday  ©BionicBasil® Nip Nirvana Lounge Night Club

Welcome to our nightclub on Level 11 of the Bunker; The Nip Nirvana Lounge and our NINTH epic cat rave. Amber was supposed to be in charge of the bar again, but as at previous BBHQ raves the old lush got a bit effervescent when dancing on the bartop after several Sundew Niptini's. So she needs to recline for a few moments (a long time!!!!). And until she can stand on all four paws again (not anytime soon... we advise self-service!!!!), feel free to help yourself to anything from the bar, and I'm sure Posie or Snowie can assist if mew need any help.

If anypurrdy would like any extra snacks or nibbles while in The Nip Nirvana Lounge, don't foget that Humphrey installed one of his really nifty A.I. Replicators in the kitchen behind the bar. Just ask Humphrey for a look at the menu, although he reckons his epic machine can cook up anything, so just input your order in on the screen at the bar, and the kitty-droids will be with mew imminently.

Melvyn and Pandora have set up another most epic '90s and early '00's playlist of all the best dance tracks from way back in the day when mewsic was extraordinarily epic.
It looks like Fudge has had one Mindbender Green Goblin nip cocktail too many and, as for me I'm on Humphrey's catnip beer which he's been brewing in his laboratory. According to Parsley it's so fizzy it will literally blow your fur off, wish me luck as last year this stuff really hit the spot and I was literally flying! MOL

If mew want to partake in any nip, all varieties are available, including some of our homegrown primo-fur-fluffer; which is one of our most popular strains and it's extra zingy, plus in honour of my birthday we've just cultivated a brand new crop of Psychedelic Puma which is our ultimate fur fluffing blend yet. Fudge tried some earlier and his giant floof literally exploded! Melvyn has set the hubbly-bubbly pipes up just around the corner from the dance floor. There are oodles of huge floor cushions, enough for everypawdy to get sprawled out on. 

Litter cubicles are in the entrance foyer, gurls use the door on the left and boys the door on the right, and for anypawdy who requires a neutral, gender fluid litter cubicle please use the door with the Caticorn on, as we're supurr progressive at BBHQ and like to make sure everypawdy's needs are met.

Just a note of warning; whatever mew don't go wandering around the bunker as we don't want anypawdy getting lost or accidentally unleashing the Kraken again, as Basil will be really hissed off if it escapes again, yep it went on the rampage on level eight last week, and it took ages to catch it, especially after Humphrey used his miniaturizing ray gun on it and it went bersek in Horice's oasis and tried to sink the miniaturized Crimson Revenge pirate ship! MOL

And on that note, I'm headed to the bar. Who wants a catnip beer?


Smooch's Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®


The give-way is open wurld-wide** as usual, and all mew have to do is leave a comment below OR on Smooch's Birthday Instagram post, we'll add a link later.  We'll do the draw for the winner next Monday at 5pm, so mew have until then to enter, and we'll post the winner on the next post we share. So remember to come back!

And what's the prize, we hear mew ask?

Well, as all our pawesome regulars know, our giveaways are epically epic, and we like to surprise mew with a little goodie bag with delightful things for mew and your hooman.

We have one goodie bag to give-away

[**Unless mew're in one of those countries that aren't allowed to join in. Mew know who mew are.]


The prize is as stated, and no substitutes or cash prizes will be substituted.  The rules are clear, so purrlease abide by them. Failure to respond within
14 days of notification will result in your prize being offered to someone else.

Smooch's Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®

We do hope mew all have an EPIC time at the rave, and if mew need to chill, we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen zone which is now located next to the nightclub; just head back out into the corridor, take a left and it's the next door along, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash out completely.

Thanks for coming, mew know how much we love to pawty with all our supurr besties!

Smooch xx

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on Instacat

Graphics created with paid licence  


  1. Wow what an epic birthday party Smooch Happy Birthday see you in The Nip Narvana Room can't wait to join in xx😻🐈‍⬛🐾

  2. Happy Birthday Smooch! Party hearty, kitties and peeps!

  3. Happy Birthday Smooch! Epic party as always!


  4. happy Birthday, Smooch!! Epically Epic Pawty, Dude!!

  5. What a party. Wow. I'm stuffed and a bit tipsy. Thank you.

    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Smooch,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to you. ♥

  6. Just look at all that food! As a lady only drinks halves, thats what I'll have, three halves of finest pink gin, with three chasers. Ant three boys will do, just so long as they dont mind being beaten at MouseTrap and Monopoly, MOL
    Happy 12th, Smooch! Enjoy the day and party on, dude!

  7. Happy 12th Birthday, Smooch!
    I'll have some homegrown primo-fur-fluffer, and I promise to NOT release The Kraken.

  8. Happy Birthday Smooch!!! My Can Opener and I also commented on Instagram as @never2latepets, so don't count us twice! I'm heading over to party until my my fur falls off and then I'll party naked! Your pal, Jake Housepanther!

  9. Happy Birthday Smooch!! Epic Birthday Party. We'll try some of that Catnip Beer and after we do that we will rave on. We're partying until we can't stand it anymore
    Hope We Win
    Crystal, Daisy Mae and Angel Tigger

  10. Great party! Happy Birthday Smooch! XO

  11. Happy Birthday from all of us Smooch! I'm sure you had a super special day because you are super special!

  12. Happy Birthday to Smooch! This is one fun pawty!

  13. ha-pee birthday smoochee woo-chee!!! dee nip nervana lounge is owt ov dis werld!!! I tried dee fur fluffing psychedelic puma blend an wint an uzed dee door with the caticorn on it jus fur fun!!!

  14. Happy, Happy Birthday, Smooch and Many Purry Returns! That is quite a spread. We'll be right over!

    The Chans

  15. Wow, wahta pawrty!! Any lefttovers?? We are late...oopsie!

    Happy Belated Birthday Greetings to YOU, Smooch!

  16. Happy birthday, Smooch dude! This is one seriously epic party, and yes, we would love some nip beer to celebrate YOU! XO

  17. What a birthday party * shouts above the music * HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMOOCH!!!!
