
Monday 30 September 2024

CATS HAVE PROBLEMS TOO! with Dr Basil ~ Featuring Today's Despurrate Dilemma **HELP! MY STAFF PRODUCTIVITY IS DECLINING!!!**

 Welcome to 

Dr Basil ©BionicBasil®

Happy Monday, furry floofers

Today I thought I'd revive my old Saturday Solutions post under the new banner of Cats Have Purroblems Too, where I give epically epic advice to cats with despurrate dilemmas too great for them to solve alone. 

And if mew're wondering why mew haven't heard of this before, well dearest furiends this is a regular segment I ran many years ago, and I think most of the original posts are now archived. 

We did run this post last september, and then I must have gone on a mission because it was never reprised and I forgot - OOPS! MOL 

Anyhoo, it's back now, so sit back and read today's pet peeve and my solution.

Also, mew may be pondering on what my professional credentials are, so purrlease purruse the list below:

Ph.D. in Kitty Psychology & Psychiatry
BSc (Hons) Headology  
Psy.D. Furry Logic
 MS. Fuzzy Logic
MA. Common Sense

My other Professional Credits include:

NOM Master
Snoozy Savant
Purr Master
AdvoCat of T.L. Treatment
Touchy Feely Therapy or T.F.T
Purrfume Aroma Treatment or P.A.T.

I can help mew to solve all your Pet Peeves, Purrsonal Problems and Despurrate Dilemmas, no matter how great or small they may be.

Plus, I 
only use the very latest techniques, some of which I have developed myself over my long and esteemed career, which include:

 Purr Therapy ~ For Uptight and Particularly Stressed Kitties 

Nom Zen ~The Art of Nomming in Total Tranquility 

ZZZ's Snooze Sensation ~ Including Mewsical CatNap Sessions tailored to your purrsonal requirements

YogiCat Meditation ~ Stretches and Breathing Techniques for the Severely Stressed & Overworked

Intense CatNip Therapy ~ This treatment speaks for itself (I find it very beneficial)

I am also an AdvoCat of Tough Love coupled with a healthy dose of common kitty sense

Purrfume Aroma Treatment ~ A Sensory Smelling Session S.S.S. to calm and soothe with highly aromatic blends of specially selected scents

To help mew release all your stresses and worries just drop by my clinic held here or, alternatively email me your purroblem, and I'll answer here. If mew require to remain anonymous or anon, purrlease include that in your email. 

Mew can contact me directly at the following address:

DearDrBasil (at) gmail (dot) com

So come and sit on my supurr comfy couch, reee-lax, breathe deeply and tell me of your troubles, as I'm ready, willing and able to help.

Cats Have Purroblems Too with Dr Basil @BionicBasil® Find A Comfy Spot on The Couch

This is one of my cases via email:


Dear Dr. Basil, I hope this letter finds mew well. My name is Clawdia, and I am a rather posh elderly lady cat residing at a stately home deep in the English countryside. I am writing to seek your advice on a matter that has been causing me great distress. Mew see, my staff at the stately home have been causing me quite a bit of trouble lately. Despite my best efforts to maintain a harmonious and productive working environment, I find myself facing numerous challenges in managing the human staff members. Their productivity and efficiency seem to be dwindling, and I am at a loss as to how to address this issue. As a feline of an exceptional high pedigree, I take great pride in the smooth running of my household, and it pains me to witness such a decline in standards. I would greatly appreciate any sage advice mew can offer on how to handle human staff and encourage the best productivity from them. Your wisdom and guidance would be invaluable to me in resolving this matter. Yours sincerely, Clawdia Winklebottom (Hon.)

This is my Expert Reply

(Notice how I use orange text colour to amplify the creative thoughtfield to assist in resolving Clawdia's purroblems)

Dearest Clawdia, Thank mew for reaching out to me with your concerns about managing human staff at your stately home. I understand the challenges mew are facing, and I commend mew for seeking advice to address the issue. In dealing with human staff, it is important to remember that effective communication and mutual respect are key elements in fostering a productive working relationship. First and foremost, I would encourage mew to establish clear expectations and provide regular feedback to your staff. This will help them understand their responsibilities and performance standards, and it will also give mew an opportunity to address any issues in a timely manner. Additionally, creating a positive and supportive work environment can significantly impact the productivity of your staff. Show appreciation for their hard work, provide opportunities for professional development, and ensure that their well-being is taken into consideration. Furthermore, leading by example is crucial. Demonstrate professionalism, integrity, and a strong work ethic, and your staff will be more likely to follow suit. I hope these suggestions prove helpful in improving the dynamics with your human staff members. Remember, patience and consistency are key as mew work toward creating a harmonious and productive working environment at your stately home.
Wishing you the best of luck,

Dr Basil

@ The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic T.M.

Today's Top Tip is:

~ Lead by example, and others will follow ~ 

If mew can relate to Clawdia's purroblem or feel that mew need any assistance, purrlease leave a comment to: Dear Dr Basil with your dilemma or email me directly, and I'll get back to mew.

Thank mew all for joining me today at The Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic, and I'll be back soon with another open clinic and a brand new case study.

Until then, Keep Calm and Purr on

Dr Basil

Ph.D. ~ BSc. (Hons) ~ Psy.D. ~ M.S. ~ M.A. 

'The Paw Print Seal of Approval'

Copyright and All Rights Reserved @ Dr Basil ~ Cats have Purroblems Too Clinic

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

And don't furget to subscribe and never miss another clinic 

Graphics created with paid licence 


  1. Poor Clawdia, that has to be very stressful but you gave some grand advice. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Dr. Basil always gives the very best advice. Well done as always.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to mom. ♥

  3. Good luck, Clawdia! Humans cannot even control humans, let alone a gentle kitty.

  4. I hope Clawdia can get the humans back on the straight and narrow!

  5. She might also remember as her staff ages, there are certain things they might not be physically able to do any longer. They'll have to address how to handle these things on a case by case basis, or hire help for those things.


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