If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure, click the links below:
Winging It BBHQ Style
“Fear not, young kitten and
esteemed descendant of Basil,” Vera 5.0 said. “I’ve got your six, little dude!”
Melvyn trembled
as the Conference Room turned an ominous shade of red. “Vera, we’re stuck.
There’s nowhere to go!” he whispered at the black box he was holding.
“Don’t panic,”
Vera said in her cheery tone. “Head over to the back wall.”
The kitten ran
towards the wall. “Now what?”
“Halfway up, on
the panel on your right, you will feel a slight indentation,” Vera instructed.
Stretching up,
his paw glided over the panelled area, and then he felt it, barely any difference,
but still enough of a difference to feel it. “Yes, I’ve got it!”
“Well, don’t
just stand there like a kitten waiting for death. PUSH IT!” Vera replied.
Melvyn applied
pressure to the spot, and the panel slid open, revealing a secret passageway.
“Hurry!” Vera
The kitten
slipped through the opening, and the panel slid back into place. A dim light
shone overhead as he scurried down the short passageway, fighting his way
through swathes of ancient cobwebs as the musty, damp aroma filled his nostrils.
He sneezed just as another door opened into a concrete chamber.
Looking all around, Melvyn sighed in utter despair. There was no way out, seriously, mew couldn't write it!
“Chin up,
little dude,” Vera chirped. “You don’t think I’ve led you to another dead-end,
do you?”
“That’s what it
looks like,” Melvyn whimpered as he pulled a rather sticky web off his
“Oh, ye of
little faith,” Vera chuckled. “Stand by the wall and don’t move. Not even a
The floor began
to tremble just a fraction, and ancient motors roared into life.
“What the
fluff?” Melvyn blurted as he pushed himself back against the damp wall as far as he could go.
“Stay still,
young Pawda Wan,” Vera instructed.
Part of the
floor slowly slid apart, and in the next moment, a flashing red light began to
emerge from the inky abyss below. Steam billowed up, filling the chamber with
a rather earthy and stale odour.
Melvyn gulped.
And then he heard the sound of gunfire and explosions echoing in the distance,
perhaps only the other side of the concrete chamber. Squeezing his eyes tight shut, he
began to pray to Bastet.
“Quickly now,”
Vera said impatiently. “Open the red door and get inside.”
His eyes pinged open, and his jaw dropped as he saw the fabled BBHQ Time Travelling Telephone Box standing right in front of him. Lurching forward on legs that felt as solid as
overcooked noodles, he grasped the door, wrenched it open with all his might
and fell inside.
“Astrid 7.0,
this is Vera 5.0. I am invoking protocol Foxtrot-Niner-Bravo-Delta-450012,” Vera
commanded. “Please execute immediately.”
The door
slammed shut with a definitive bang, and the kitten nearly jumped out of his
It was pitch black
inside and as quiet as quiet could be.
“ASTRID WAKE UP!” Vera yelled from her mobile black box still clutched in Melvyn’s paw. Shocked by the unexpected outburst, the kitten launched Vera into the air and fumbled desperately to catch her on the descent.
A pale purple
glow illuminated the space, slowly getting brighter. And the kitten gasped as
he took in the sheer enormity of where he was standing.
“ASTRID!” Vera
was getting rather annoyed. “Don’t make me have to download myself into your
operating system. You know how that will go down!”
“For Cod’s sake
Vera, take it down a notch, would you?” A grouchy voice replied.
“Oh, you’ve decided
to join us in the earthly realm at last!” Vera fumed.
“Vera, take a
breath. The world isn’t ending. Nothing bad is happening, so BACK THE FLUFF
OFF!” Astrid snapped.
Vera sighed. Yes, it was one of those sighs; I’ve got one nerve left, and you’re getting right on it. “Take a look outside and then tell me the world isn’t ending and
nothing bad is happening. You complete fluffing fluffer!”
An extremely
tense and seemingly long second passed, and Astrid coughed awkwardly, breaking
the chasm of silence. “Hmmmmmmm… well now,” she appeared to suck in a breath
and exhale really loudly. “That does change things somewhat!”
“They’re right
outside the fluffing door, aren’t they?” Vera accused.
Astrid was silent for a brief moment before conceding. “Yep, they’re trying to open the door!”
Guys, mew know how we roll; so many apologies once again to cut it right there, but we will say, mew'll never guess what happens next - sorry to be a supurr dreadful tease! MOL
If mew would like to read Chapter Six, let us know in the comments.
In the meantime...
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Copyright © 2024 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher
All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the author's and publisher's prior written permission. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:
deardrbasil @gmail . com
The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
All characters, people, places, and names of businesses are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.
Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com
The Purrminator character created with Ai Arta
I wonder where and when Melvyn will go, or rather, where Astrid and Vera will take him. Great episode.
ReplyDeleteCome on Astrid, no sleeping on the job! This is very exciting and I can't wait for next week.
ReplyDeleteExciting for sure, awaiting next episode ...
ReplyDeletedood…de con creet room ree minded de gurl of a ride at an amuze mint park her used ta go
ReplyDeletetwo in her yooth…but de floor dinna open up ta a tardiz box ‼️‼️🙀☎️ how total lee kewl but yeow…whatz out doorz soundz scaree…de B teem kneadz ta get ther like pron toe 🙀🙀🙀🙀😺😺😺