Thursday, 7 November 2024


THE PURRMINATOR ©BionicBasil® Basil and The B Team

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The Purrminator is an action-packed experience that takes mew on a journey through a world of perilous danger with oodles of excitement, though sometimes in a scary way. With depictions of nightmare and spine-tingling encounters, the story draws mew in, making mew feel as though mew are right there with young Melvyn, fighting for survival as he's relentlessly hunted by the evil cyborg machines known as Purrminators, as he tries to find his Great Uncle Basil through time and space. Oh my Cod, will he make it?


Purrminator Divider

If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure, click the link below:

Chapter One

The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Chapter Two  

Pitch Black

In the tense and highly charged seconds that followed, the kitten screamed as the mighty door motor whined. The pitch and hum increased as it fought against the years of neglect. A thick, greasy grey smoke billowed as the dust and cobwebs burnt with an acrid tang mixed with the stench of years-old oil at the ceaseless friction.

The immobilised kitten stood rooted to the spot, feeling a flood of terror coursing through his tiny body, rendering him unable to move. The kitten resigned himself to his fate; Bast would meet him at the Rainbow Realm, and he would be reunited with his family.

Staring wide-eyed, he watched in horror as the glowing, red, malevolent eyes grew bigger and bigger as the thing hurtled towards him. The glinting, snapping jaws and terror claws would be his final memory.

The puthering grey smoke filled the doorway like a toxic cloud, and in the next moment, with a Herculean screech, the door motor won, and the massive steel blast doors slammed shut with an almighty banging clatter. Dust flew in all directions, and the cobweb shrouds billowed like angry ghosts.

The kitten almost sprang out of his fur at the unexpected noise and stumbled backwards. Tripping over a dusty crate, he found himself entangled in a sticky web shroud, the silky strands clinging to his fur. The sensation made him shudder, and he let out a series of explosive sneezes that echoed loudly in the silence.

The corridor was ink-black, and he had no clue whether the thing had made it through the door. Sitting motionless in the darkness, trying to listen, but the whooshing sound of his heartbeat red-lining in his ears drowned everything else out.

The air was heavy with the musty smell of neglect and burning oil as he scraped the gauzy white web from his face and whiskers, sneezed again and cautiously peered around the crate. He saw no glowing red eyes, but that was no indicator at all. Those things could shield the glow, rendering them completely undetectable in the dark. He’d made that mistake before, and it had nearly cost him his life.

After a couple of minutes, he scrambled to his still shaking paws and stared at the doorway, his eyes now adjusted to the gloom, and by the luck of Bastet herself, he was alone in the dark.

A monstrous wailing sigh escaped him, and he clamped a paw over his mouth to silence it. After all, he wasn’t certain that nothing else was already in here, as the noise of the door closing was enough to wake the dead in several dimensions.

The kitten pulled at the remaining sticky and now dusty diaphanous webs clinging to him like a face-hugger in the Aliens movie and flicked the sticky mass to the floor.

He continued to watch the sealed entrance, his gaze fixed on it, now able to hear faint growls and scratching sounds as deadly claws viciously attacked the steel outside.

“Not good!” He murmured and edged carefully down the musty corridor, away from the certain death looming just the other side of the steel barrier.

He took a steadying breath and tried to collect his thoughts when he collided with something behind him. Stifling a shriek, he swivelled around and came nose-to-nose with a robot droid.


The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Guys, mew know how we roll; so many apologies to cut it right there, but we will say, mew'll never guess what happens next - sorry to be a tease! MOL

If mew would like to read Chapter 3 of Melvyn's origin story, let us know in the comments, and we'll gladly continue a chapter a week, but that is entirely up to mew.

Don't forget to check out yesterday's Midweek News, and Amber will be here tomorrow with another totally pawesome book review.

In the meantime...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

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Copyright © 2024 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the author's and publisher's prior written permission. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

deardrbasil @gmail . com 

The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 

All characters, people, places, and names of businesses are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. 


Graphics created with paid licence 

The Purrminator character created with Ai Arta


  1. Dang, those droids are hard to hide from too!

  2. Yikes, Meows and purrs for that kitten! And oh yes, we'd like to read chapter 3 of Melvyn's origin story.

  3. A great story. I know how hard writing is and you do it well

  4. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. little dood ‼️. oh em cod itz buzzed happee we heer in TT iz ..ta noe de door final lee
    opened sew ya could get in de bunker…talk bout cloze callz and sweatin til ya waz soaked 🙀🙀
    eye hope that beezt canna claw hiz way thru …ree in forced steel and what ever iz bee hind
    ewe iz friend and knot🙀🙀🙀 loookin for werd ta chapturr three …ewe betcha 😺😺🤎🧡💛

  6. Sorry Blogger would not let me comment yesterday. I enjoyed part 2 and am eager to see who or what the kitten finds in the bunker. XO

  7. I'm late because work is a killer now, but I'm going to catch up whenever I fall behind, by hook or crook. Thanks for keeping the adventure going!


❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️
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