Saturday 14 October 2017

Pet Peeves with Parsley #8 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Who Ate The Last Treat?

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

Poor Smoochie was feeling all sad and unloved when he saw Fudge gobble the last Dreamie - he did say, "Fudge mew greedy fat freaker!" 

But it was too late, the treats had been nommed.... OOPS!

Poor Smooch, but it's ok, the P.A. will buy more today! MOL

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 Now let's join in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

This picture was made with: Prisma - The effect used was: Electric

I think I look purretty frosty in this one! MOL

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What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!
