Wednesday 31 August 2022

Happy 10th Birthday Parsley ~ EPIC PAWTY And **GiveAway**

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Banner.jpg

Grab a pawty hat pawesome pals, we've already got ours! 

cat birthday party in a forest,  cats, cats in party hats, birthday party for cats,

Get some cake!

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Birthday Cake

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Official Pawtrait

The Nip Bar is OPEN!

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty BionicBasil® Red Haze Nip Cocktail

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty BionicBasil® Cherry Nip Cocktail.jpg

Have a tipple! 

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Balloons

Help yourselves to nibbles!

Parsley's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

Parsley's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

MMMMM Yummy... seafood and eat it! MOL

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Balloons
Get some pudding!

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty BionicBasil® Pawty Desserts

Parsley's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

Parsley's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty BionicBasil® Pawty Desserts

Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty BionicBasil® Macaroons
Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Balloons


 The Nip Nirvana Lounge


Parsley's Birthday Rave ©BionicBasil®

Welcome to our nightclub on Level 11 of the Bunker; The Nip Nirvana Lounge and our eighth cat rave. 

Amber was pleased to be in charge of the bar again, after being banned at Melvyn's pawty last month and we thought ok, we'll give her one more chance but sadly the old lush got a bit effervescent when dancing on the bartop after several moonberry niptini's. So she needs to recline for a few moments (a long time!!!!). And until she can stand on all four paws again (not anytime soon... we advise self-service!!!!), feel free to help yourself to anything from the bar, and I'm sure Posie or Snowie can assist if mew need any help.

If anypurrdy would like any extra snacks or nibbles while in The Nip Nirvana Lounge, Humphrey's installed one of his really nifty A.I. Replicators in the kitchen behind the bar. Just ask Humphrey for a look at the menu, although he reckons his epic machine can cook up anything and put your order in on the screen at the bar, and the kitty-droids will be with mew imminently.

Melvyn and Pandora have set up another most epic 80's and early 90's playlist of all the best dance tracks from way back in the day when mewsic was extraordinarily epic.
It looks like Fudge has had one Mindbender Purrple Purradise nip cocktail too many and, as for me, I'm on the Atomic Surprise Nip-blasters with a slice of lemming. According to Smooch these things literally blow your fur off, wish me luck as this is my 4th! MOL

If mew want to partake in any nip, all varieties are available, including some of our supurr zingy homegrown primo-fur-fluffers, and to celebrate my birthday Humphrey created a new strain which is extra spicy called the Bongo Bongo Jungle mix.

 Fudge tried some earlier and his giant floof literally exploded, and then he wanted to climb every tree at BBHQ! MOL

Smooch has set the hubbly-bubbly pipes up just around the corner from the dance floor. There are oodles of huge floor cushions enough for everypawdy to get sprawled out on. 

Litter cubicles are in the entrance foyer, gurls use the door on the left and boys the door on the right, and whatever mew don't go wandering around the bunker as we don't want anypawdy getting lost or accidentally unleashing the Kraken, as Basil will be really hissed off if it escapes again, as it took 2 weeks to catch it last time. 

And on that note, I'm headed to the bar. Who wants an Atomic Surprise Nip-blasters?


Parsley's 10th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Balloons

The giveaway is open wurld-wide** as usual, and all mew have to do is leave a comment below OR on Parsley's Birthday Instagram post. We'll do the draw for the winner next Tuesday at 5pm, so mew have until then to enter, and we'll post the winner on the next post we share. So remember to come back!

And what's the prize, we hear mew ask?

Well, as all our pawesome regulars know, our giveaways are epically epic, and we like to surprise mew with a little goodie bag with delightful things for mew and your hooman.

We have one goodie bag to give-away

[**Unless mew're in one of those countries that aren't allowed to join in. Mew know who mew are.]


The prize is as stated, and no substitutes or cash prizes will be substituted.  The rules are clear, so purrlease abide by them. Failure to respond within
14 days of notification will result in your prize being offered to someone else.

We do hope mew all have an EPIC time at the rave, and if mew need to chill, we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone which is now located next to the nightclub; just head back out into the corridor, take a left and it's the next door along, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash completely.

Thanks for coming, mew know how much we love to pawty with all our supurr besties!

Parsley xx

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on Instacat

Graphics created with paid licence

Monday 29 August 2022

Welcome To Gardening with Cats Revisited! How To Create Fun Flower Displays & Top Planting Tips **PLUS** The New Raised Beds - An Update

Gardening With Cats ©BionicBasil® 2021

Happy Monday Pawesome Pals

And welcome to Gardening with Cats revisited; this was another really popular post from 2018. But before we jump into that, here's a little update on the new raised beds at BBHQ. We shared a little of this project a couple of weeks ago when the P.A. finally got around to doing something with the hideous back corner of the garden, check out the post here.

Gardening with Cats at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® New Project - Raised Beds at BBHQ

As this corner of the garden was a bit of a rubbish tip, there's not a lot mew can do with it so raised beds seemed like the best idea. We placed some very heavy-duty plastic on the ground as weeds are prolific in this area and we don't use weed killers at BBHQ, so this is the best solution to combat that issue. Although we did add drainage holes to the plastic, especially inside the raised beds.

Next, all the sleepers were cut to size, and then they were placed on the plastic. Once they were in the right spot, dad used some large 'L' shaped brackets and long wood screws to join them together.

They still need a little bit of levelling as the ground is very uneven, though so far so good and it's such an improvement, and we'll show mew more of this project on our next gardening post.

Today, we're not growing anything from scratch like last time. Instead, we're going to do a little planting with some flowers that the P.A. got from the local wholesale nursery.

We must add that as the spring (2018) was so miserable and seemed to last fureffur she didn't get to the nursery until late May. When she arrived, she discovered that there weren't many flowers left - yep it was true, due to the weather warming up, a lot of peeps had been and cleared the place out, so she was left with a completely random selection that nopurrdy wanted.  And they were in tiny, little pots too, so would take some catching up. But not to be a defeatist, she took effurything she could fit in the car.

Anyhoo, if mew're a long-time reader, mew may remember way, way, way back in 2015 that we'd been purrusing garden idea's on Pinterest. We came across a really neat idea to transform an old ladder into a really nice garden feature, and luckily we came across a ladder that was purrfect for a make-offur in the shed.

So what has all this got to do with today's post, we hear mew ask?

Well, that same ladder we gave a make-offur all those eons ago is the subject of today's post, as we think mew can never have enough flowers. Though in our original post we grew herbs in it, and yes funnily enough he P.A. bought basil & parsley to plant! 

Let's show mew what we did with it.

Purretty Flower Ladder

What Mew Will Need:

A suitable ladder -  we painted ours white

Plant pots that can be attached to steps

Organic compost

A completely random selection of plants [MOL]

Optional - gloves for handling compost 

Optional cat for snoopervision ~ Today Fudge was on-paw to offur much-needed guidance and to take us through the step-by-step destructions.

A quick re-cap on what the ladder looked like before and aftur its original make-offur under the careful snoopervision of Angel Snowie.
Gardening with Cats ©BionicBasil® Flower Ladder

The ladder turned our really well, and is still going strong at BBHQ in 2022


"Come on!" Fudge said. "We don't have all day!"

"Excuse me?" replied the P.A.

"I'm a furry busy cat, I have oodles of fan mail to reply to, and then Basil has got me doing extra weapons training with Parsley, and then I'm off for another driving lesson in the Unimog," he answered testily. "And we're burning daylight right now!"

"Alrighty... OK... keep your fur on dude!" retorted the P.A. "I'll go and load up the compost on the trolley and bring a selection of flowers to the ladder and meet you there in 5 minutes."

A short while later, the P.A. appeared dragging the trolley laden with compost and flowers.

"Mew took your time!" Fudge chastised as he tapped his iWatch screen and tutted.

"Give me a break would you," the P.A. said. "The least you could have done was give me a paw with the trolley!"

"PFFFFFFFFTTTT!" Fudge replied. "Mew're the muscles around here, so that's your job."

At this point, I thought I'd better intervene.

"Children, no squabbling in the garden! Fudge behave yourself and help the P.A. mew have all the time in the wurld to do your itinerary today," I quipped, then added. "Now play nicely and get that ladder planted!"

"Mew heard Basil," Fudge said with a smirk. "Get that ladder planted!"

A few moments later, the P.A. had placed several plants on the ground for a closer inspection.

Gardening with Cats ©BionicBasil® Flower Ladder

**Top Tip**

Before planting, make sure mew thoroughly water the plants 

Aftur his careful inspection of the flowers, Fudge jumped into the trolley. Relishing the feel of the moist compost under his paws, he said. "Wow, this compost feels fantastic under one's paws!"

Gardening with Cats ©BionicBasil® Flower Ladder

Then dad appeared under the carport, and Fudge said. "Dad, can mew make me my own little compost area?"


And no, I don't want to know why Fudge wants his own compost area--EEEEEEWWWWWW!

But enough of that here's what happened next under the effur watchful eye of Fudge. 

The P.A. filled the metal pots half full with fresh compost, and then she placed the flowers (still in their plastic pots) on the ladder to see how it would look. Aftur a bit of juggling we finally, sort of made it wurk with the random flowers we had, and so the P.A. carefully removed them from the plastic pots and planted them in the metal ones using more compost and then gently firming them in.

Gardening with Cats ©BionicBasil® Flower Ladder

With the flowers now in situ for the summer and autumn, we gave them a really good watering, but it'll take a while for them to get purroperly established as they were so small. We think they'll look their best towards the end of the month, so we'll post another photo to show mew how they're getting on.

**Top Tip**

To get the best show, don't furget to give them a little boost weekly/fortnightly with a specialized plant feed. We also have some slow-release fertilizer pellets, which we mixed in the compost at the time of planting to assist with growth.


 Cute Flower Crate

Also, earlier this year the P.A. bought 3 old wooden crates. She did plan on using them in the catservatory but then changed her mind and did this instead with some of the remaining random flower selection; furst, she painted the crates white and lined them with heavy-duty black plastic. Making sure there were plenty of drainage holes in the bottom, she also used some stone in the bottom to help with drainage, then she filled them with more compost and added the flowers.
Gardening with Cats ©BionicBasil® Wooden Flower Crates
Gardening with Cats ©BionicBasil® Wooden Flower Crates

And they'll only get better with time and care.

We love flowers (not cut flowers though) and think that no matter how crappy your day is or what's going off in your life, to see a colour explosion greeting mew when mew get home from wurk or walk out the back door makes effurything better, and if flowers don't do it for mew, go hug a tree! MOL

Well, that sadly brings us to the end of another Gardening with Cats. We do hope mew enjoyed it. Also if mew're worried about what flowers and plants are dangerous to kitties, check out our Top Tips page

We'll be back on Friday day with our regular Fluffers post, so do stop by to see who makes the front page this week. And we'll be back on Wednesday with Parsley's 10th Birthday rave and giveaway so do come and join in the fun.

Until then

Epic purrs

Basil & The B Team


We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, gardening addictions, compost on cats, misplaced tools and gloves, cats stealing your string, broken plants, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from the use of any Gardening With Cats posts we may share.

Graphics created with paid licence and

Sunday 28 August 2022

Melvyn's Epically Funky Selfie on The Sunday Selfies & Caturday Art Blog Hops

The B Team Sunday Selfies @BionicBasil ®

Epic greetings supurr furiends

Welcome to another selfie selection and today the youngest B Team memfur is here sharing

Melvyn's Epically Funky Selfie  

Melvyn's Epically Funky Selfie  ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies

Melvyn loves wearing bandanas, although sometimes it's quite hard to get a good picture of him as he gets so excited and begins running around the house in zoomy-mode! MOL

We're also joining in the lovely Athena's Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

Melvyn's Epically Funky Selfie  ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art

The effect was created with ios Prisma App, and we used the effect:- Watercolour. 

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 9 mins 52 secs. 

Anyhoo it's time for us to snoopervise in the garden as today dad and the P.A. are working on the raised beds again, we'll be back tomorrow with another update on how it's all looking on another gardening with Cats, so do join us then and in the meantime we hope mew have a pawesome Sunday.

Wishing mew lots of snoozy snuggles

Supurr Sunday Purrs

Basil & The B Team

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

link up coming later...

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence &