Wednesday, 11 December 2024

**THE BBHQ MIDWEEK NEWS ROUND-UP** Blanket Wars on The Windowsill, Smooch Enjoying a Sheltered Sunspot, Pandora's Plotting Retribution, and Melvyn's Modelling This Weeks Top Pick Bandana

The Midweek News Round Up Banner ©BionicBasil® Frost Garden Winter 24

Pawesome Greetings Furbulous Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Well, we had a rather blustery, gusty weekend and then a brief sunspot on Monday, with an overcast dull Tuesday. But at least it's not raining!

We have plans to put up a Catmas Tree this week, although the P.A. is so stretched for time right now, but as we said, it's ok we can help. Which she promptly declined. For the life us we can't imagine why she wouldn't want expert help from us when all those lovely, shiny, twinkly things are about! MOL

She said, and I quote, "Dudes, you have your own tree!"

See the evidence below.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® The B Team's Purrsonal Catmas Tree

Ah, indeed we do, and if mew'd like to see how the P.A. made it, we'll be sharing it on Monday. 

In the meantime, this tree will be getting a lot of attention, as demonstrated by Fudge the Heathen! MOL

Anyhoo, let's look at this week's news.

The Midweek News Round Up Divider ©BionicBasil® Frost Garden Winter 24

First up in the news

 Blanket Wars on The Windowsill

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Blanket Wars on The Windowsill

This is Parsley's afternoon catnapping spot, and there he was, just enjoying a lovely snooze when Fudge appeared and crammed his floof between Parsley and the plant.

As mew can see, Parsley was not giving up any ground at all, even though it completely ruined his zen vibes! 

This is so typical of Fudge! MOL

The Midweek News Round Up Divider ©BionicBasil® Frost Garden Winter 24

Next up in the news

Smooch Enjoying a Sheltered Sunspot

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch Enjoying a Sheltered Sunspot

We had a couple hours of weak sunshine on Monday, and Smooch got in the courtyard and found this sheltered sunspot, which he took full advantage of, as Vitamin D is supurr furry impawtant! MOL

The Midweek News Round Up Divider ©BionicBasil® Frost Garden Winter 24

In other news...

Pandora's Plotting Retribution

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Pandora's Plotting Retribution

If mew read last week's news, mew'll know that Pandora was NOT a happy camper. 

If mew missed it, click here to catch up.

Anyhoo, she is plotting retribution. 

However, she told me exclusively that she's going to wait a while, as it will be all the more fun and satisfying when those involved least expect it! OH DEAR!!! MOL

Finally this week

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick

Last week mew voted for the gorgeous Catmas Cats bandana, and here's the main dude, doing his thing! MOL

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Melvyn Modelling The Catmas Cats Bandana

We really liked this week's video; it's got a lot of diversity happening!!!!! MOL

Check out Melvyn's videos on your preferred social media channel:

Which one is your favourite this week?

Which one should he model next?

Here's the bandana collection for December. 

Mew have six choices for the month, as Melvyn wanted to remodel some of his Catmas favourites!

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Catmas 2024 Bandana Collection

The December Collection

Top row from left to right.

1. Catmas Cats

2. Jingle All the Way

3. Candy Canes

Bottom row from left to right

4. Festive Fun

5. Catmas Presents

6. Catmas Mice

Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments!

The Midweek News Round Up Divider ©BionicBasil® Frost Garden Winter 24

 Amber will be back on Friday with another meowvellous book, and if mew missed any other posts, here are the links:

Smooch's Selfie

Amber's Latest Book Review

Check out the latest episodes of The Purrminator, as tomorrow we'll be back with Chapter Seven in Melvyn's epically epic origin story:

Wishing mew a furbulous day, and remember to always...
Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil® Frost Garden Winter 24

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 


  1. It sure is the season for blankets, not matter where they might be. Y'all keep warm. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Pandora, that's the best way to do it...let 'em think you've forgotten, then lower to boom!

  3. That tree your PA made is epic. And by the looks of it, Pandora's retribution is gonna be fierce.

    We vote for catmas presents next week, Melvyn!

  4. I hope everyone finds a place to stay warm.

    Pandora, you've got the right idea, they have it coming.

    Melvyn, you were so busy on the catwalk, I don't know how you do it. I like the Catmas Mice.

  5. No.^ should be the next one to model. I do love you tree....mummy needs to sort one out for me xoxo Little Miss Titch

  6. That was great modelling, Melvyn. You made sure you were looking in tip top shape. I vote for #5 Catmas Presents.
    It was more than blustery here with lots of trees and power cables down. We lost power until about 10pm, but up to yesterday there were still a lot of people without power.

  7. Melvyn, you pulled off the modeling like a pro. We vote fur #5 Catmas. You all look so good. Today we got high wind and snow flakes like crazy. Yesterday it was rain. up down, up down, mol.

  8. pandora…de ell a mint oh sir prize iz de grate est gift oh all ‼️‼️‼️😺 melvyn…eye gived yur moovee pawz up at yur moovee stay shun….eye hope de slite snax waz fizh flavorz. bee merree with de mize next week ❤️🎄😺💚

  9. I love all you kitties and I love your catmas tree. Beautiful.

    I pick #4 bandana for next week.

    I linked this post to Wordless Wednesday.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to mom. ♥

  10. Love all the pictures! And Melbyn, nice leisurely catwalk! We like #5, Catmas presents, for next week

  11. # 4 or #6. Can't decide which and I LOVE seeing that strutting down the runway on FB! The starts and sparkles that surround you are well deserved. Love how you stopped to look behind something on your way down to charm us with your bandana. Just a short stop and back on your way!

  12. Nice to see so many of you. Looking good Melvyn. I like #5 for next week. I love the tree. XO


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