About Us

About Us Banner  ©BionicBasil®
Here's all about:

We are all from the same Rescue Centre apart from Amber and Smoochie.

Humphrey and Miss Mildred [OTRB January 2009] were the furst to arrive in February 2000, closely followed by Snowie and Posie in April of the same year.  Amber was next in May 2002 aftur her previous peeps decided a new leather sofa was better than a cat!

  I, Basil was next to arrive in May 2004 aftur having four homes in two years.   

Then there was a long pause before Smoochie arrived in November 2012, he was a feral at the P.A.'s wurk that she was feeding, he furry sadly got hit by a car and the P.A. brought him home after his surgery, so he's now the tripawed memfur of The B Team. And Parsley arrived in September 2014.

There was a slight lull before Fudge and Pandora arrived in Spring 2017.

And finally, young Melvyn arrived in January 2019, Caturday the 12th to be exact.

Meet The B Team

About Wing Commander at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
Updated: I sadly departed offur the RB in 2018 aged 16, but I will still be furry active here on the blog thanks to Humphrey's ingenious EMD ~ Earth Me Device, which will enable me to stay fureffur - how pawesome is that? Epically so! 

About Amber at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
About Smooch at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
About Parsley at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
About Pandora at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
About Fudge at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
About Melvyn at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Our Special Rainbow Bridge Kitties, or as we call them...


About Angel Posie at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
About Angel Snowie at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®
About Angel Humphrey at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®

Our fabulous Cloud Opurratives always join us fur our annual Summer Blockbuster.

So as mew can see, we're a bunch of supurr diverse characters which makes for a furry interesting home-life [MOL] but generally effurypawdy gets along just fine. There is the occasional spat, hiss and swipe, but that's purrfectly normally in a large furmilly.

Our P.A. [Purrsonal Assistant] Cathrine [Another Cat] and Dad look after all our needs and wants, making sure we're all loved, and well taken care of, so what more could we ask for!

The P.A. aka Cathrine Garnell ©BionicBasil®

The Blog

We've been blogging for over 11 years and have made some truly pawesome furiends along the way.  We try to be as unique as we can sharing our many adventures with mew every week. Most years we'll have a mega-adventure and the story can take between 10 - 16 blog posts to come to fruition as suspense is our middle name.

Here's our current available list of epically epic adventures:

2017 The Last Big Jolly 

2016  Pirate Q&A ~The Secrets of The Voyages of Captain Basil Revealed

2015 The Curse of The Klepto Bunny 

2014 The Pink Flamingo Saga 


We also participate in many blog hops throughout the week, and mew can find all the hops we join in on the Blog Hops page.

We also feature Brain Training, Book Reviews, Colouring With Cats, Pet Peeves, Crafting With Cats and a whole host of other things too, so there's something for everypawdy. And we're developing new posts and content all the time to keep mew entertained.

Our Regular Programming Schedule ©BionicBasil® 2019

Our P.A. also writes children's and young adult novels when she has time, although she has pulled most of her books due to the constant pirating, and the final straw was when Basil the Bionic Cat was pirated and downloaded almost 100,000 times in just over a week in 2019. It's no fun when you wurk so hard on something to have it stolen repeatedly, that's why she's now reluctant to spend the time writing books, although we do know she is writing something new right now for on the blog.

 She was trained as a fashion designer and pattern cutter in the early 90's, and her tutor actually used to be Zandra Rhodes top pattern cutter in the 1980s. She's also been known to dabble in jewellery design, acrylic art and generally loves making/creating stuff. She's a little eccentric or epically cat-centric [MOL- yeah it's true believe it or not] and loves to create new ideas, which keeps our blog fresh and fun with lots of new content weekly.

Charity Wurk

We also raise funds for cat rescues and anipal charities, as most of us came from a shelter and know what it's like to have a hard start in life.

We are also staunch advo-cats of

Adopt Don't Shop Banner  ©BionicBasil®
So if mew're thinking of adding a fabulous feline or two, or maybe three to your family, purrlease check your local rescues and shelters furst, as we know there's the purrfect kitty fur mew in one of them!

Business Stuff

We were in the top 6 finalists for Vuelio's Best UK Pet Blog award category for 2018

Vuelio Pet Blog Finalist 2018

We're also listed in Vuelios Top 10 UK Pet Blogs fur 2017 at #5 and in 2018 we were the #2 Pet Blog in the UK, which we think is epically epic.

And we're still in the #2 spot for the U.K.'s Top Pet Blogs 2019, 2020 and again for 2021!

And for 2022! 


Every now and then we get asked to do a sponsored post or a product review etc... which is great fun! 

FYI: Even though we have been given item/s free of charge for a review, our reviews are completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s. 

 So if mew'd like us to do a product review or a sponsored post, that's great and we'd love to help, in our own style of course.

We also like to occasionally feature guest posts, cat literature, well anything feline really for that matter, so if any of mew have something to say or would like to share with our readers, visit our Contact us Page.

Well, that's about it for now, if there's anything mew'd like to know purrlease feel free to leave us a comment or email us via the contact form on the left-hand sidebar.  And mew can read our website T&C's here.

Oh, and before we furget, we do love more than we could effur express all the comments that our pawesome furiends, readers and subscribers from all over the world leave us and we do try to respond to as many as possible, although sometimes the P.A. doesn't have as much time as we'd like for this [as she runs her own business as well as the blog], so just know that we cherish effury word mew write!

Mew can also follow us here, @BionicBasil:

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Yours fur-effur purring

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

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