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The Puzzle Page Banner  ©BionicBasil®
OMC, who loves puzzles? WE DO! MOL

Join in our weekly Puzzle Challenge and leave your times in the comment box, and we'll see who's the fastest!

If mew missed any of our previous puzzles, and there are lots of them, click here to play them on Jigsaw Planet, and don't furget that we swap the puzzles regularly, so there's always something new here.

Bestest purrs

Professor Basil P.H.D.*

[*Purring Hard for Dreamies! MOL]

New Puzzle Coming Soon...

Smooch's Supurr Lounging Selfie 

Smooch's Supurr Lounging Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 12 mins 29 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Melvyn's Epically Cute Selfie 

Melvyn's Epically Cute Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 12 mins 13 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Supurr Sauce's Pawesome Selfie 

Supurr Sauce's Pawesome Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 10 mins 15 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Pandora's Cheeky Selfie 

Pandora's Cheeky Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 8 mins 35 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Supurr Fluff Smooch's Courtyard Selfie 

Supurr Fluff Smooch's Courtyard Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 9 mins 44 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Fudge's Furbulous Valentine's Selfie 

Fudge's Furbulous Valentine's Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 13 mins 28 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Melvyn's Meowgnificent Outdoor Selfie 

Melvyn's Meowgnificent Outdoor Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 13 mins 03 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Fudge's Epic Garden Selfie

Fudge's Epic Garden Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 9 mins 20 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Parsley's Up Close and Purrsonal Selfie 

Parsley's Up Close and Purrsonal Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 10 mins 14 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Pandora's Supurr Cute Outdoor Selfie 

Pandora's Supurr Cute Outdoor Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 7 mins 22 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Smooch's Supurr Snuggly Art 

Smooch's Supurr Snuggly Art ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 7 mins 06 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Melvyn and Fudge's Last Festive Hoorah Selfie 

Melvyn and Fudge's Last Festive Hoorah Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 9 mins 08 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

The B Team's Pre-New Year Stone Henge Selfie 

The B Team's Pre-New Year Stone Henge Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 8 mins 47 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

The Mewton-Clawson Cat Carol Ambush Squad

The Mewton-Clawson Cat Carol Ambush Squad ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 7 mins 46 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Parsley's Festive Cheer Selfie

Parsley's Festive Cheer Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 10 mins 03 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Smooch is Sleighing - Again!

Smooch is Sleighing - Again ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 9 mins 18 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

 Smooch is Nesting - Again

©BionicBasil® Puzzle - Smooch is Nesting - Again

It took us 9 mins 27 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Pandora's Summer Selfie

Pandora's Summer Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 6 mins 46 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Melvyn's Supurr Epically Snuggly Selfie

Melvyn's Supurr Epically Snuggly Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 11 mins 51 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

 Wing Commander Basil

Sunday Puzzle at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Wing Commander Basil

It took us 8 mins 47 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Parsley's Twilight Selfie 

Parsley's Twilight Selfie ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 8 mins 57 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Basil and The B Team's Halloween Selfie 

Basil and The B Team Halloween Selfie 2024 ©BionicBasil® Puzzle

It took us 10 mins 01 secs to complete.

Were mew faster?

Jigsaw Puzzle www.jigsawplanet.com 
Other graphics/effects created with paid licence www.befunky.com
Bunker Background Images used with paid license from Shutterstock.com 


  1. I just saw you had your puzzle page! I told you before, you've got me addicted to them so I had to do them right away.
    #1 14m 52s
    #2 8m 54s
    #3 11m 56s.

  2. You have a puzzle page! YAY!!! This is WONDERFUL, my friends!!! purrs

  3. Loved that Smoochie puzzle 100% in 19:52 :) Extra schmoochie :D <3

  4. Smoochie, 30 minutes 25 seconds on my new Kindle.

  5. Fudge, 24 minutes, 51 seconds. Fudge, you're so helpful. 😹

  6. Pink flamingo rides again. 28 minutes 42 seconds.

  7. guyz...how kewl iz thiz....we hafta book markz thiz page !!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  8. I did them all! Phew!I'd best be off to bed...its 2 am here...Zzzzzzzzz

  9. Okay, all current puzzles worked! Thank you1

  10. 15:02 to do the kitties in the kitchen eating.

  11. |Gosh, we are 3 minutes slower to do Basil! But we had fun doing it! If we get a chance we will try to do some more.
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb


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