With Amber BBHQ'S Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty
Fantabulous greetings pawesome furiends
Today Amber has hijacked the blog as the newly appointed biblio-kitty, she said and I quote,
"Basil mew know how much time I spend in the library, I want the Wednesday book gig... or else!"
Well, what could I say to that, so my answer was thus,
"Amber no purroblem, mew can have the Wednesday slot while effur books are involved, and purrlease don't threaten me, mew know what I'm working on in the bunker!"
Obviously, I can't say out loud just now what I'm working on, but it's purretty cool - I'll share soon MOL
Anyhoo, here's our new Wednesday host Amber.
Fantabulous greetings pawesome furiends
Today Amber has hijacked the blog as the newly appointed biblio-kitty, she said and I quote,
"Basil mew know how much time I spend in the library, I want the Wednesday book gig... or else!"
Well, what could I say to that, so my answer was thus,
"Amber no purroblem, mew can have the Wednesday slot while effur books are involved, and purrlease don't threaten me, mew know what I'm working on in the bunker!"
Obviously, I can't say out loud just now what I'm working on, but it's purretty cool - I'll share soon MOL
Anyhoo, here's our new Wednesday host Amber.
Hi Guy's *waves paw* like I'm soooooo excited that Basil let me have my own biblio gig on the blog, like this is the best thing since the catnip fish incident on Saturday! MOL
Sorry I'm rambling a bit, but I'm nervous and believe or not I'm quite shy too *blushes* that's why I spend a lot of time in the library with the books on the big comfy chair where it's just me, myself and I [plus nip tea and cookies, of course]. It's not that I'm antisocial it's just I like my own company, and I'm sure some of mew can relate to this.
Oh and before I furget, Humphrey furry kindly said I could use The Humphry Scale too, but I did have to make a little modification which mew will see later.
Anyhoo, let's get started... Did I say I was soooo excited?! So many books, so little time and today I have this Cozy Mystery fur mew.
Ghostly Paws
Mystic Notch Cozy Mystery Series Book 1
Ghostly Paws is a light and fun read. It stars Pandora who is part of a magical secret kitty organization which fights the evil in the world. Pandora's hooman, is Wilhelmina Chance a former crime journalist who inherits a book store from her grandmother in the small town of Mystic Notch, and that's where it all begins; murder, mystery and magic.
Willa also has some unusual abilities of her own and with a great supporting cast, this makes fur an entertaining read. Obviously, I'm trying not to spoilerize anything fur mew!
The audio version is 5 hours and 58 mins long, or if mew are more of a 'real book' kitty the printed version is 305 pages.
There are five titles in the series so far and I've read four, I'm waiting fur the P.A. to get me book five asap. The series is a light, refreshing and fun journey, albeit a little tense in places but with just enough of effurything to make them a real delight to read.
The Amber Biblio Rating System:
Don't wurry about the one paw rating, if I didn't like it I won't share it! MOL
Ratings of Ghostly Paws:
Plot Twists
Story Development
Ofurrall Enjoyment
And if mew've read any of The Mystic Notch series I'd love to know what mew thought.
Happy reading
P.S. Mew'll see why this post is a day early in the morning! MOL
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