Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Welcome To Our Second ~ 8 Things About... Post And Today It's All About Amber

Welcome to

WOO HOO pawesome furriends

Welcome to another our second:- 8 Things About...  

8 Things About WHAT though?! we hear mew ask.  Well fabulous furriends it could be 8 things about anything, but today it's all about...

8 Things About Amber

1. Amber is our resident library cat, and yes she does have her furry own library and likes to spend her time cataloging her books, buying new ones and organizing her current selection.
And she loves getting email requests from authors and publishers to review new kitty books that are coming out.

2.  She has offur 2000+ books, though 500 or so are on her Kindle. Amber prefers a real book to reading on a kindle, but most of all she loves to listen to books via the Audible app on her iPhone.

3.  Amber is FIV+ and will be 16 years old in October, so it just goes to show that FIV+ cats can have a great, long life, so if mew're looking to adopt a kitty, don't effur be put off if they have FIV+.  When we furst discovered that she had it when she was 7 months old, the vet only gave her about a year and a half to live as her numbers were so high - not good - but the P.A. said ok and decided to treat her homeopathically, on her next vet visit her numbers were just above normal and since then she's been fine.

4.  Even though Amber often seems like the mildly mannered matriarch of our furmily [well some of the time when she's not being a crotchety cougar], she is quite partial to tank driving, blowing stuff up and generally having a good time!

5.  She is also a no-nonsense kinda gal, if she has something to say and its got right on her boggle...

... woe betide the poor sap that caused any boggly-ness to occur.  Above is the time she ran out of book credits and the P.A. got it point-blank without warning. So she's a rather feisty diva at times! MOL

6.   Amber used to love chasing flutterby's when she was younger and would spend hours in the garden trying to catch one, though she furry rarely did.

7.  Her early start in life was not so great, as the peeps that owned her before she arrived here in Mewton-Clawson were going to have her put to sleep at 6 & 1/2 months old as they wanted to buy a new leather sofa and they'd had their fussy out with kitten Amber.  Luckily the P.A.'s cousin found out and fetched her away immediately and then turned up on our doorstep and begged us to give her a home.  The rest is history and Amber has been here effur since, their abject stupidity and selfishness was definitely our gain.

8.  Amber has her furry own Book Club here on the blog, effury Wednesday from September to May.

And she has her own books page, sharing all the books she's reviewed since 2016, and there mew can find the link to each review just in case mew may have missed one. 

And that sadly brings us to the end of 8 Things About Amber... we do hope mew enjoyed getting to know her a bit more and we'll be back on Friday with The Pet Parade and there will be a new jigsaw on the puzzle page fur mew tomorrow just in case mew feel a need to while a few minutes away.

Thanks fur visiting today

Pawesome purrs

Basil & The B Team xox

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