Thursday 22 December 2016

Crosswurds & Wurdsearch's by Professor Basil ~ Festive Brain Training with Cats! #15

Welcome to

Supurr Festive Crosswurdy Greetings Furriends

It's only two and a bit days to Catmass - WOO HOO!

Sorry but we have to share a little festive cheer MOL

And just so mew know I'm feeling so much better this week, and last weekend I went outside fur an hour and caught myself a mouse, I was so chuffed and thoroughly enjoyed my 'fast food' snack and to be honest I really think eating mices d'houvres really helped me turn a corner! MOL

Anyhoo, we know time is short this week fur effurypurrdy, so let's dive right into today's puzzles, as we know mew need a quick break from the festive madness.  We've got a crosswurd and wurdsearch fur mew today, Catmass themed of course, so purrlease enjoy.


To see our previous crosswurds, wurdsearches & answers click here:

Time to get scribbling on...

Just right click the crosswurd image to save to your 'puter and print it.

And fur all those who complete it, there's another rather nifty and vibrant badge fur your excellent efforts on the next puzzling post.

[just right click to save the wurdsearch to your 'puter or print it off.] 
Wordsearch made with

And here's a delightful badge fur your pawesome efforts, just right click the image to save it to your computer.

Well it's time fur us to go get ready fur tomorrows Catmass Pet Parade, but in the meantime we hope mew have lots of fun, and do let us know what mew think of today's puzzle.

And furry quickly in other news, the pawesome kitties at have a give-away happening right now with my book, Basil the Bionic Cat book as the prize, so if mew'd like to get your mittens on a free copy, just head offur and enter.

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to go and join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop, which is now being hosted by the pawesome blog: Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

Crossword made with

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

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