Grab a pawty hat pawesome pals, we've already got ours!
Get some cake!
The Nip Bar is OPEN!
Have a drink!
Who wants to go Tank Driving?
Don't panic guys, I've not touched a drop of Smooch's lethal Mindbender nip cocktail, so I'll be your designated tank driver tonight, all-a-board fur oodles and oodles of fun, and don't tell the P.A. but we might go blow some stuff up, just because we can! MOL
Also we're offuring another 'one time only guided tour fur 2020' of our secret bunker, though we did start pawtying in there earlier aftur our epic angel fursibs arrived, sorry about the mess - OOPS - if mew're feeling a bit peckish Humphrey can whip mew something up in his lab, yes, it doubles up as his purrsonal kitchen when he pops in to visit and he invented an A.I. replicator that can make anything mew want.
So fur all those guests who would like oodles of bacon with their bacon butties, bacon pies and bacon burgers mew are definitely in the right place, and put your paw in the air so he can fulfil that bacon, with bacon, with extra bacon on the side with bacon sprinkles on top order just fur mew!
Oh just a quick warning during the tour, if mew feel an uncontrollable urge to push any RED BUTTONS that are clearly marked DO NOT PUSH - purrlease heed the warning as we don't want the dragon to escape again, or anything else fur that matter.
And don't wurry about the kraken either, K.D. aka Kraken-Dude is on level 8 with Horice and all the creatures from the alternate dimension in the Bio-sphere, so we'll be missing out on that level due to health and safety protocols as K.D.'s lessons in 'A Krakens Guide To Adapting To The 21st Century' are still going a wee bit sloooooooow and he hasn't quite grasped that he can't just randomly eat whateffur and wheneffur he feels like it.
And don't wurry about the kraken either, K.D. aka Kraken-Dude is on level 8 with Horice and all the creatures from the alternate dimension in the Bio-sphere, so we'll be missing out on that level due to health and safety protocols as K.D.'s lessons in 'A Krakens Guide To Adapting To The 21st Century' are still going a wee bit sloooooooow and he hasn't quite grasped that he can't just randomly eat whateffur and wheneffur he feels like it.

The give-way is open wurld-wide** as usual, and all mew have to do is leave a comment below. We'll do the draw fur the winner next Monday at 5pm, so mew have until then to enter and we'll post the winner on the next post we share.
And what's the prize, we hear mew ask?
Well, as all our pawesome regulars know, our giveaways are epically epic and we like to surprise mew with a little goodie bag with delightful things fur mew and your hooman.
Prizes are as stated and no substitutes or cash prizes will be substituted. The rules are clear, so purrlease abide by them.

We do hope mew all have an EPIC time at the pawty, and if mew need to chill we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash completely.
The give-way is open wurld-wide** as usual, and all mew have to do is leave a comment below. We'll do the draw fur the winner next Monday at 5pm, so mew have until then to enter and we'll post the winner on the next post we share.
And what's the prize, we hear mew ask?
Well, as all our pawesome regulars know, our giveaways are epically epic and we like to surprise mew with a little goodie bag with delightful things fur mew and your hooman.
We have one goodie bag to give-away
[**Unless mew're in one of those countries that aren't allowed to join in. Mew know who mew are.]
Prizes are as stated and no substitutes or cash prizes will be substituted. The rules are clear, so purrlease abide by them.
We do hope mew all have an EPIC time at the pawty, and if mew need to chill we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen-zone, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash completely.
Thanks for coming!
Parsley xx
Gifs and Glitter Graphics & via GIPHY
Graphics created with paid licence and
Bunker Background Image used under license from
Bunker Background Image used under license from