Friday 30 June 2017

The Pet Parade Blog Hop #202 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

 background image NextMars used under licence from 

Pawesome Friday greeting wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to another Friday on the blog.  Well we've come to the end of our regular programming schedule fur a while, Mandalas on Monday and Amber's Wordy on Wednesday will return in the Autumn or as our fabulous furriends offur the pond say; Fall.  

But neffur fear, we've not left mew empty pawed as on this weeks posts mew can download our new perma free Colouring With Cats Book II ~ Easy Mandalas and mew have today to get yourself three of our Kindle books fur free too!


So we hope that will keep mew in reading material and colouring pages until the posts resume.

In other news our Summer Blockbuster, The Last Big Jolly starts on Tuesday and will run all summer... join us as we travel around the wurld in 42 and a bit days.  It's going to be the adventure of a lifetime! MOL

And if mew missed anything during the last week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal!

We'll be back our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

In the meantime we wish mew all an epically epic weekend!

Happy Hopping

Sweetest purrs & nose bumps

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

get the InLinkz code

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #45 featuring This Cat Does Not Love You

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations fellow biblio-cats

*waves paw*

Welcome to my last book review before I go off on my summer vay-cay, and just so mew don't think I'm abandoning mew without anything to read because today my beautiful biblio furriends aftur discussions with Basil we decided that we'd make not one but three of our kindle kids books available fur mew to download fur free, how exciting is that! WOO HOO!


AVAILABLE FROM 28th - 30th JUNE 17

 And if mew do read them and enjoy, purrlease could mew leave us a review on Amazon.

As mew can see I'm getting ready fur my well deserved break, and aftur sharing 45 books with mew I think its furry well deserved! MOL  

 I'm looking furward to doing some serious chillaxing in the garden, snoozing in the sunshine, having a few meowgarita's, ambling through the grass and doing lots of flopping down! MOL

 And on that note I think it's time fur this weeks book, so let get to it...

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

Image Amber's purrsonal copy 

This Cat Does Not Love You


Emma Young & Katie Abey

Here's the book blurb:

Think your cat loves you? Think you have a special connection, just the two of you? Think again...

All cat owners are convinced their cat adores them, the loving provider of daily food, affection and a warm home. But what would your cat tell you if it could speak? Would they shower you with praise for providing them a loving home? Not likely.

Discover what your cat’s really thinking and what the meaning is behind those looks, twitches and ‘loving’ gestures in this hilarious cat’s-eye view of life.

*    *    *

FYI before I begin; I received this free book in exchange for a fair review.

So my thoughts on This Cat Doesn't Love You.  This book is a real hoot, full of funny quips and delightfully comical illustrations.  One of my favourites is, well I have lot of favourites as I can so relate to Mungo the star of the book, who also happens to be orange.  Orange is the best colour! MOL 

But I digress, one of my favourites is; 

As mew can see the illustrations are just brilliant and as mew flip the pages, effury scenario is so familiar from a 'cat's eye-view' of the wurld.

If mew want a laugh, then this little book is definitely fur mew! The P.A. luffed it, Dad luffed it, so what more can I say; get it, laugh, smile, chuckle and pass on the fun!  

  • Hardcover: 128 pages
  • Publisher: Stripes Publishing (1st June 2017)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

This Cat Does Not Love You


Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and buy it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and join us when we'll be here on Friday with our usual Pet Parade Blog Hop, and don't furget that I'll be back in a couple of months with a whole host of new titles, paw-picked just fur mew!

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs and kitty kisses

Amber xox

Graphics created with paid licence and

Monday 26 June 2017

Colouring with Cats #34 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays ~ FREE COLOURING BOOK II ~ EASY MANDALAS

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

We do hope mew've had a fabulous weekend, ours has been fun.  

Sadly this is the last Colouring With Cats post fur a while as we said last week, we've got a bit of remodeling to do in the bunker aftur Fudge decided to test the new rocket launcher in the firing range #DisasterArea #HeathenCat #TrueStory

But neffur fear, mew know that we'd neffur leave mew in lurch, so that's why today we're launching Colouring With Cats Book II ~ Easy Mandalas, of which there are 16 completely new designs to keep mew occupied offur the summer months, and your OM levels high and your Zen Harmonies offur flowing!

As mew can see the Editor in Chief aka Smoochie has been hard at wurk...

Well I neffur thought Smooch could be so harsh!!!   

The poor P.A. was mortified with the 'moderately satisfactory' comment, let's just say what she said was mostly unrepeatable, howeffur I did hear this snippet 'ungrateful heathen fur child!'  MOL  I can tell mew this though, Smooch has been fired from his Editor in Chief role, effectively immediately!!!  MOL MOL MOL

Also each mandala is drawn freehand, yep it's true, no computer graphics allowed, and we made sure that this time the mandalas were supurr easy to colour and take no time at all, so if mew want a quick colouring fix, then this is the book fur mew.

Swiftly moving on... let's start with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now...  but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Don't mew feel better already?

Amber and Pandora had an outdoor OM-ing session, they said it was a gurls only thing, and we weren't invited...
But we snuck up on them and took this!!! MOL

*    *    *

If mew have missed any of the previous mandala's and feel the need to colour, here's the links:

Mandala #1  Mandala #2  Mandala #3  Mandala #4  Mandala #5  Mandala #6   

All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further ado here's our latest book fur your entertainment; just click the link below to go and download it!  Print it on your favourite paper and mew can be off on a colouring safari in no time! 
How cool is that? MOL

Here's a couple which the P.A. has coloured already...

Coloured using glitter gel pens.

*    *    *

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:

as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas. 

Here's a quick look at some of our previous ones:

And if mew'd like to be a guest-colourist fur us when Colouring With Cats returns in the autumn, we'd love mew too, just let us know either in the comments box or email us at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Book One here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    *

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when Amber is back with her final post until the autumn sharing this weeks top book pick!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox