Saturday, 23 December 2017

Pet Peeves with Parsley #12 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Meowy Humbug & "LET ME OUT NOOOOOOOOOOOW!"

Meowy Humbug
Many festive greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley 

So this week, Fudge has got something really bugging his boggle... mew see he's a bit of a liability in the garden.  At furst he's a good boy just ambling around sniffing this and smelling that and then he comes to either a tree or the fence and that's when it allllllll goes downhill rapidly.

Fur instance, he'll climb up the tree and get stuck there until he remembers he can get on the library roof. Then he'll walk back and forth along the ridge meowing because he can't get down, and then he'll decide to go and traverse the carport ridge - all single story - then he'll meow his pants off as he gets lost and begins to go up onto the main roof by which time the P.A. is frantically to to lure him down with treats.

Or he'll climb the fence, walk along the top and go into next-doors front garden fur a little something extra.  The P.A. has just had a company out to price up some prison fencing fur cats, though we've hit a bit of a hurdle with all the trees around the perimeter of the property - can't say I'm sorry to hear that, can't have anything interfering with MY excursions down the field! MOL MOL

So anyhoo Fudge is peeved because his outdoor privileges are NON EXISTENT and its really bugging his boggle!

"Can mew let me out already?" Fudge asked the P.A. just aftur she'd let me, Basil, Smooch and Pandora outside.

"No," came the P.A.'s reply. "You know what happens, it all starts swimmingly well and then turns into a circus of me assisting you off something you shouldn't be on."



"Purretty purrlease, purromise I won't get stuck up the tree... again!"

"No! No! No!" said the P.A. as she went upstairs to her office. "Look what happened the last 49 times I let you outside!"


*    *    *

I am joining in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with...  

caturday art

This week my purrtrait app is by: Photolab

 The effect used was:  Silent Night + Snow Animation

Look to the stars...

*    *    *

Well that's it fur this week...  so I'll wish mew all a Supurr Meowy Catmas & a Beautiful New Year and see mew on the next Pet Peeves in 2018!

What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

Feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!
