Thursday, 9 January 2025


THE PURRMINATOR ©BionicBasil® Basil and The B Team

Tuesday Tails Text Banner ©BionicBasil®
BBHQ Tails Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®
BBHQ B Team Adventure Banner 2024 ©BionicBasil®

The Purrminator is an action-packed experience that takes mew on a journey through a world of perilous danger with oodles of excitement, though sometimes in a scary way. With depictions of nightmare and spine-tingling encounters, the story draws mew in, making mew feel as though mew are right there with young Melvyn, fighting for survival as he's relentlessly hunted by the evil cyborg machines, known as Purrminators, as he tries to find his Great Uncle Basil through time and space. Oh my Cod, will he make it?


Purrminator Divider

If mew missed the start of this brand-new adventure, click the links below:

Chapter One    Chapter Two    Chapter Three     Chapter Four     Chapter Five

  Chapter Six     Chapter Seven

The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Chapter Eight

The M Unit 

The ground trembled, and the Maine Coon checked his scanner. “Shadow, Smoke, Ice, we’ve gotta go now. Those fluffing necromancers have found us again. MOVE IT!”

The white cat, Ice, tapped his comms unit. “Guys, we’ve gotta go. The necros are here. Meet us at the bunker entrance stat!”

Bomber reached into a pocket on his armour, pulled a small device and slapped it on the side of the T.T.T.B. “That’ll take care of that,” he said to Shadow as they ran out through the concrete chamber and back towards the BBHQ Control Room.

“Good thinking,” Shadow replied. “Sticking a tracking unit on there. We’ll be able to follow them anywhere now and intercept them at the next jump.”

Racing along the dusty corridor towards the bunker entrance, five other cat commandos hurtled passed them and took the lead to take point outside the bunker in the BBHQ garden.

Bomber was the last out of the bunker, and he ducked down behind the broken summerhouse and began laying covering fire so his squad could move forward.

Seeing a red glow out of the corner of his eye, he dived to the side and rolled away from the Purrminator, who’d emerged silently from the bunker. It was about to stab him with its lethal claws, dead centre. Bomber lifted his gun and blasted the A.I. robot in the neck before activating a laser sword and hacking the evil entity into nothing more than spare parts. Quickly grabbing a small packet from a pocket on his tactical belt, he tore open the black sachet with his teeth and tipped the contents on the mangled chrome skeleton. The black powder liquified as it touched the metal, covering the entire thing in seconds before it disintegrated to dust.  

“Fluff you mother fluffer, no reanimation for you today!” he spat as he turned his attention back to his squad, who were expertly gaining ground on the necromancers.

Smoke and Ice were in the courtyard, they ran up the acacia tree and jumped onto the roof of the library. Sliding down the tiles, they began unleashing a barrage of fire from above as the evil wizards retreated into the driveway and then further back onto Main Street.

“Shadow, use the Mage-Musher grenades!” Bomber yelled as he reached the main gates and peered around. One of his squad was down in the middle of the driveway.

He raced to his fallen comrade, grabbed his armour, and dragged him back into the garden. “Blaze, dude!” Bomber hissed as he propped the ginger Maine Coon against the library wall. He raised the cat’s head very carefully. “Blaze, where are you hurt?”

The ginger cat coughed, and blood splattered onto the commando’s armour. “Bomber, it’s been an honour, dude,” Blaze said weakly.

“No, dude,” Bomber replied frantically, trying to find the wound. “Come on, please… let me help you.”

“You’ve been the best commander,” Blaze coughed again. “I... I... I... stepped on a Necro Bolt. My insides are fried…”

Bomber sighed and knelt next to his comrade. Shadow skidded around the corner. “Bomber, the necros have escaped through another rift.” He then saw Blaze and fell to the ginger cat’s side. “Oh no! No! No! No!”

Blaze put one paw on Bomber’s arm and the other on Shadow’s paw. “Guys, it’s my time,” he coughed up more blood. “Thank you for saving me all those years ago… you’ve been my family for as long as I can remember… I owe you both so much…”

Shadow looked at Bomber. “Can’t we save him?”

“It was a Necro Bolt.” Bomber shook his head.

“Fluff no!” Shadow hissed, trying to fight back the tears, the raging anger, and the hopelessness all at once.

“Dudes, it’s ok,” Blazed coughed, his voice weak and frail. “I’m ready to meet Bast… just do this for me…”

“Anything!” the two black cats said in unison.

“Save Melvyn and kill those mother fluffing necros…with extreme prejudice…” Blaze’s eyes rolled. He took a stuttering, rattling breath and exhaled for the last time.

Shadow shut his eyes tight, baring his fangs as he growled. “How many more are we going to lose to those fluffing evil necros?”

Bomber shook his head sadly as he pulled a black gun from his tactical belt, followed by a black metal canister. He pointed it at Blaze and fired. The luminous ray hit the body, engulfing it in a pulsating silvery-white light. He took the lid off the canister, and the silvery-white light contracted and swirled as Blaze’s body transformed, bursting into a sparkling silver glitter and spiralling into the vessel with a soft whooshing sound.

Bomber secured the lid and slipped the canister into his slimline backpack.

He took a massive breath before saying, “Shadow, if it’s the last thing we do, those necros are dead. Deader than dead!”

Ice and Smoke jumped off the roof, landing on the driveway. They ran to Main Street, saw the rift closing and headed back into the garden just as the silvery glitter vanished from sight.

“That was Blaze, right?” Ice asked sorrowfully. “I saw him tread on one of those little red glass bottles, I shouted… I tried to warn him, but he didn’t hear me… he didn’t see it…and then ZAP!”

Smoke wiped a tear from his eye and sniffed. “Right now, in this moment, I want to exact indescribable punishment of levels never seen before on those cowardly self-serving scumbag magic wielders.”

“Dude, you plucked those thoughts right out of my head!” Shadow hissed.

Bomber heard the rest of his team making their way back from Main Street.

Titan, Viper, Havoc and Nitro slid to a stop next to Bomber.

“Where’s Blaze?” Viper asked. “He’d got my six, and then he vanished.”

Shadow raised an eyebrow. 

“Fluff no!” Havoc growled.

The eight burly cats stood in silence, heads bowed, taking a moment to honour their fallen comrade.

Bomber broke the silence and placed his paw straight out. The rest of The M-Unit followed, and as they paw-bumped, each one let out the most terrifying battle cry.

As the cries of fury, sadness, and retribution died in the darkness, a muffled sob broke the ensuing silence. Bomber leapt towards the sound and dragged one of the necros from under fallen debris.

He dragged the squealing wizard by the hair towards his squad.

“Well, looky what we’ve got here!” He grinned malevolently. “I feel the need to exert an extreme amount of violence right now; what say you?”

    ‘I should have been in 2023. How did I end up 29 years in the future?’ Melvyn mused as he looked at his small notebook and went over the calculations.

“How old are you, Melvyn?” Vera asked.

“Nearly four months.” He slumped in reply.

“How long ago did your father die?”

“Two months ago.”

“So you’ve been on the run for two months?”

Melvyn nodded sadly.

“And you’ve managed to evade the Purrminators and those necro-dudes all this time?”

He nodded again.

“How is it possible that you’ve managed to survive so long against such incredible odds? Any other kitten would have been Purrminator fodder about seven weeks and six days ago, yet here you are. What aren’t you telling us?” Vera said.

Melvyn gulped. “Er, my dad was an Ethereal-Magi, one of the most powerful in the universe…” He fought back the tears and tried to gain his composure. “He died rather unexpectedly.”

Astrid sidled next to Melvyn and put her arm around and gave him a little squeeze. “It’s ok,” she said quietly. “Take your time.”

The kitten sucked in a breath, letting the air out in a loud whoosh. “I was with my dad in the mountains at a secluded monastery. He’d taken me there to see if we could stay while I did my training. It was agreed, and we’d been there a couple of weeks when suddenly we were attacked by those red-robed fluffers.” He paused. “My dad had warned me I was in danger. He thought we’d be safe at the monastery, but there was a traitor.” He sighed. “We were ambushed in the dead of night. I was in the library when my dad appeared and said we had to leave urgently. He grabbed me, and in the next instant, a portal opened, and he ran through. As we emerged out of the portal, he fell, and that’s when I saw he’d been fatality injured.”

Astrid sucked in a breath and let it hiss all the way out. “Melvyn…”

“Oh Cod no,” Vera murmured.

“He knew he was done for and held my paw in his as he said, Melvyn, you are now the last Ethereal-Magi in this timeline, and it is your duty to carry on this incredibly powerful lineage. When I take my last breath, my magic will flow into you; everything I know, you will know… you will have aeons worth of knowledge passed down from our ancestors at your paw-tips…” the kitten gulped. “He gave me his magical amulet and told me that I must find Great Uncle Basil. He was my last best hope for survival, and it may take me a while to pinpoint him as many of the timelines had shifted and worlds no longer existed, but he said that the amulet would eventually get me to Great Uncle Basil.”   

Vera and Astrid waited in silence, giving Melvyn time to regroup and organise his thoughts.

“My dad… he… he… died right in front of me…” tears streamed down the kitten’s face, rolling along his whiskers before plunging to the floor. “And I was alone in a different world, and my dad was dead!”

Astrid pulled him into a hug and murmured comforting words as the kitten sobbed, finally releasing the mountain of grief he’d been carrying all that time.

The two A.I.’s conferred via the T.T.T.B. Cloud in private so Melvyn wouldn’t hear.

“Astrid, we’ve got to get this kitten to Commander Basil, wherever he is.”

“Absolutely,” Astrid agreed. “If it’s the last thing we do, we’re going to get Melvyn to a timeline and unite him with the Commander.”

“Hooah!” Vera roared.

“What was that?” Astrid quipped.

“Hooah!” Vera said. “It’s what Commander Basil and The B Team say when they’re about to go into battle.”

“Yeah, I don’t think it’s the same when you say it,” Astrid smirked.

“Fluff you Astrid! HOOO-FLUFFING-AAAAH!” Vera retorted. “Now, let’s get Melvyn to the correct timeline and find the Commander before anything else happens.”

“Yes, that was my next thing,” Astrid chirped. “Let's get going before those Maine Coons head back down here.”

“What are you waiting for?” Vera snapped. “Let’s go!”

Astrid pulled Melvyn closer and said to him. “Hold on to your holiday money. Here we go!”  


The Purrminator by Basil and The B Team 2024 ©BionicBasil® Page Break

Guys, mew know how we roll; so many apologies once again to cut it right there, but we will say, mew'll never guess what happens next - sorry to be a supurr dreadful tease! MOL

If mew would like to read Chapter Nine, let us know in the comments.

Don't forget to check out yesterday's Midweek News, and Amber will be here tomorrow with another totally pawesome book review.

In the meantime...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

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Copyright © 2025 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the author's and publisher's prior written permission. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

deardrbasil @gmail . com 

The right of Cathrine Garnell to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 

All characters, people, places, and names of businesses are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. 


Graphics created with paid licence 

The Purrminator character created with Ai Arta


  1. Good background info, and excellent action. Any time you feel inspired, keep the stories coming!

  2. I have missed this exciting adventure and glad to enjoy it again. Vera and Astrid make a good double act, but will keep Melvyn safe.

  3. Yikes! Money isn' t the only thing you should hold on to Melvyn!

  4. melvyn…eye am sorree bout yur dad, and blaze two…and hopin that unkle basil will knot onlee keep ewe safe wee dood, but just purr hapz finda way two go inta sum kinda time warp and bring
    bak yur dad and blaze…eye salute ewe blaze, and dad two melvyn💙💚 hold on two yur amulet buddy…like trooth dood ‼️💚😺💙🐟

  5. Poor Blaze. Even reading about pretend cats dying makes me sad. XO

  6. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


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