Hello meautiful library guests
Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ
Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today, and I hope mew are sitting down before mew see my picture below.
Yes, I did go outside on Sunday afternoon, it was a glorious day; warm and sunny, and the P.A. and Dad were busy in the garden so I ventured out onto the patio while the P.A. was doing a bit of potting on. In fact, mew can see that I am watching her, she was just off camera to the right of the picture.
And if mew were here last week, mew may remember my concerns regarding young Melvyn's cattitude? Well, I summoned him to my office in the library and gave him a rather stern talking to, and I even gave him a verbal warning. Not that I can repeat any of it, as I did verbally fluff him up and down dale! MOL
Needless to say, he did apologise profusely and pledged his undying loyalty to the library and told me that as a kitten he always dreamed of being surrounded by books and being able to be part of a team, like here at the M.C.L. (Mewton-Clawson Library) with myself and the library mice. Also, he said that he'd take extra care when returning books to the stacks in future.
So the good news is, Melvyn is back on track... for now.
Today the P.A. is also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the pawesome 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.

1. I’ve got a yen for __________________________.
2. I would gladly trade ________________ for _____________________.
3. It seems like only yesterday that _________.
4. If you offered me _________, I would _________.
The P.A.'s answers are...
1. I’ve got a yen for travel, there are a few places I'd like to visit, although with The B Team, that's not possible, so I will continue to watch National Geographic and travel from the comfort of my sofa! LOL
2. I would gladly trade my house for a small farm with about 15 acres and a little bit of woodland.
3. It seems like only yesterday that the garden was bare, and yet today it is literally popping with colour. I adore the spring after the long bleak winter months, to see everything flourishing brings me so much joy. Although I must add it does take a considerable amount of work and constant effort to maintain it! LOL
4. If you offered me a silver Maine Coon cat, I would take him/her in a heartbeat.
Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!
This week's top book pick is...
Cursing up a Storm
The Witches Murder Club Book 1
Samantha Silver
Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:
Weather witch Storm Bancroft has never been afraid of ruffling a few feathers, even if it means occasionally being pecked at. So, the local mayor trying to kill her after she exposes him as an embezzler in the local paper? All in a day's work. But when the mayor in question is found stabbed to death the next morning, Storm quickly realizes she's suspect number one, and that's a problem.
Knowing she has to do some investigating before she ends up doing hard time instead, Storm rounds up a rag-tag group of other local witches who all have something to gain from the murder being solved, and voila—the Witches Murder Club is born.
Knowing she has to do some investigating before she ends up doing hard time instead, Storm rounds up a rag-tag group of other local witches who all have something to gain from the murder being solved, and voila—the Witches Murder Club is born.
I reviewed several of Samantha Silver's books previously, here are the links:
I still have another five to go to complete this series, and they are on my to-read list, in case mew're wondering! MOL
Anyhoo let's dive into this new series, Cursing Up A Storm, the opening paragraph is rather exciting and sets up the rest of the story. Our heroine Storm, who is a weather witch finds herself in a life-threatening situation and the plot unfolds from this singular event leaving her as the prime suspect in a murder.
Her talking familiar is called Jay, and like a lot of the cat characters I've read in recent cozy mysteries he's got a snark-vibe and some serious cattitude happening, and while this doesn't detract from anything, I'm just finding it a little too formulaic as it's being used everywhere. What's wrong with having a really supurr helpful, kind and considerate kitty, as mew know some of us are not all snark-beasts?! MOL And before mew jump to any conclusions, I did like the cat and he was funny in places.
I did enjoy the start to this new series, the plot unfolds well, it has a nice tempo, the characterisation is good, the characters are likeable, and the setting has a nice vibe, although I thought the town name of Golden Hope did sound like a restaurant.
The story obviously has a little paranormal edge, and as far as cat/paranormal cozy mysteries go, this is a fun, lighthearted easy read. Which if like me, mew love your cozies, this one might be a good addition to add to your to-read list. I'm looking forward to book two, as book one was left on a bit of a cliffhanger, and mew know I like a long series and so far this has seven books, so we'll see how the rest of the series unfolds. So watch this space for more.
Mew can buy the audio version for a reduced price of £3.49 on Audible UK, or if mew have a Kindle Unlimited subscription mew can read it for free.
Audio: 5 hours 40 mins
Paperback: 209 pages
My Ratings Scale
Ratings of:
Cursing up a Storm
Overall Enjoyment
Other Fun Blog Hops to Join in Today
I really hope mew enjoy the book as much as I did if mew decide to read it.
It's time for me to say BFN or bye-for-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just for mew, and don't forget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page.
Until next time...
Keep calm and read more books
Follow me at angry_amber_badtemperedkitty
& @BionicBasil® on Instacat
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Hello sweet Amber! I'm glad to hear that you now have Melvyn back on track. That was quite the good book review and we enjoyed those fill-in answers too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping that Melvyn stays on the straight and narrow from now on, Amber.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of travel, but really prefer to stay home.
Oh so much good stuff in your bloggie today Amber. Lynn is envious of the lovely patio pots. Hers just have baby seedlings, but they are growing. And we were glad to hear Melvyn understands the importance of books and libraries. Lynn is a arm chair traveler since I came to live with her. I get to travel while on her legs at night. And her Angel Peepers was a silver Maine Coon! A retired show girl who had a couple litters of babies before Lynn found her.
ReplyDeleteAmber, I do not recall ever seeing your magnificent markings before. They are quite unique and very stunning. Of course my penchant for ginger kitties makes me somewhat biased. I hope you had a good day snoopervising the parents.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to see you went out in the sun to snoopervise the gardening. I am also glad to hear you have got Melvyn back on track. That is another great review. Maybe a cat with a snarky attitude is more interesting, hey Amber?
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed today's post,Amber, garden news, and a great book review! And good work giving Melvin a little guidance. That's very interesting about the snarky cat characters. I was writing nonfiction but the cats ended up having a few lines every now and then. That really started with my late Bud, a big, imposing cat guy who began smarting off at me on my blog, then a little in the book, so he ended up a bit of a snarkster, a smart one. Anyhow I'm slowly moving towards being able to produce electronic copies that can be sent outside the US, including review copies. Meows from us!
ReplyDeleteAmber, nice to see you outside for fresh air. And I am glad you set Melvyn straight. That was a great review and looks like a fun series. Thank you to the PA for participating in the fill-ins. I always enjoy her answers. I am impressed with all the garden work you do. XO
ReplyDeleteAmber, you rule your library with an iron paw! The book sounds pawsome too.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see you take a little break from the library and go outside for a while, everyone needs some vitamin D. That book series sounds interesting. I too, would like a small farm with15 acres and a Maine Coon. Jake Housepanther and I, think that you did a good job laying down the paw, uh, I mean law with Melvyn! You know how youngsters are with their head in the clouds, we're sure he'll do better in the future! Have a good weekend!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you went out for some sunshine and fresh air, there's nothing like it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Melvyn will take your warning to heart. Sometimes the young ones really want to grow up to do something but need a bit of time to mature into being able to do it properly.
Travel is possible, you just need a good, reliable house- and cat-sitter. They are out there, and once you find one you could start by getting away for a long weekend, see how it goes.
There are too many good books and too little time.
Thank you for joining Feline Friday!
Amber, I remember Melvyn and the need to talk to him and get things straight in his mind, WELL done. My mom said she is well and done with traveling as she did an awful lot of it..