Showing posts with label A Street Cat Named Bob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Street Cat Named Bob. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #69 featuring A Street Cat Named Bob

Welcome To

With me, Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello my beautiful furriends and how are mew on this fine, sunny morn?

Did mew know there's only one review week left until I take my summer break, OH MY COD!!!  And I still haven't packed my case, I was hoping to travel and visit all my supurr Crotchety Cougar buddies, but I'll have to wait until aftur Basil's Birthday pawty next Friday [1st June] because a Zombie Apocalypse wouldn't keep me away from that epically epic event! MOL 

So if anyone would like me to visit them, do let me know!

And in response to Monday's post...

He said he was 'the bester OMMer' well I just topped that! MOL

And on that note I think it's time to share this weeks book!

This week I'm sharing

A Street Cat Named Bob


James Bowen

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:

When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet.

*    *    *
Now I read Bob's book when it furst came out, and fur the life of me I can't think why it's taken so long fur me to review it.  So the other day I thought mew know what, I'm going to listen to it, so I downloaded a copy from Audible and settled down in my library alone, as effuryone else is still banned aftur last week! MOL

Anyhoo, so there I was, just me, myself and I listening to Bob's story, with a pot of nip tea and cookies.

Now, this isn't a story fur effuryone, i.e: younger kids - NO, as it does deal with some of life's harsher realities of living in the modern wurld, on the streets, drug use and the recovery from the aforementioned.  So those of mew who are thinking it's all about Bob, it is and it isn't.

Bob is integral to the story as he's the pivotal character in helping James, his newly adopted hooman to get his life together and keep James moving forwards towards a much brighter future.  And in turn, James helps Bob to recover from his injuries inflicted while he was a street cat fending fur himself. 

Bob like all us kitties, is a rather remarkable and a wholly unique feline, and he and James do have a rather special bond.  And I know what mew're thinking; we all do with our hoomans, yes and while that's true and I unequivocally agree with that statement, Bob is a much more intrepid than most felines, as he would go with James busking on the packed streets of London, selling The Big Issue, riding on buses, sitting on James's shoulder as they cycled through busy, traffic-filled streets, and I think that's what endears Bob to the public, because of his loyalty to his adopted Dad and his go anywhere and do anything attitude.  

Basil was most impressed and asked if I knew him and if he wanted to join The B Team, I said. "No Basil, I don't purrsonally know Bob, but yes mew're right, he'd be a pawesome addition to our furry little band of heathens!" MOL

But I digress, A Street Cat Named Bob is a really touching and endearing story and gives mew an appreciation of the hooman/anipal bond at its finest.  Would I recommend this to mew, yes I would though I must say that reading the book and listening to it were furry different experiences, and if I had to choose my favourite format, I'd definitely listen to the audio version.

I'll sum up in one sentence:

Bob Rocks, and if mew haven't read this already, do give it a go as I'm sure mew'll love it as much as I did!

*    *    *

Oh and just before I pop off to go herd some sheep, yes mew heard me right, and it's all to do with next weeks review, which mew won't want to miss as it's my last before I take my summer vay-cay. I just wanted to say that Bob's peeps have made some pawesome cartoons, so do go check them out as they're adorable.

*   *   *

  • Paperback: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Hodder Paperbacks (6 Oct. 2016)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

A Street Cat Named Bob

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this book if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget that I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew.  And don't furget mew can see all my previous reviews by clicking here.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs and kitty kisses

Amber xox

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