Showing posts with label Cats in Trouble Mysteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats in Trouble Mysteries. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #26 featuring The Cat, the Professor and the Poison

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Wunderpurr greetings fellow book lovers 

I do hope mew've had a great week, mine was progressing well until I went to buy a new book from Audible and saw that I had no credits left.  Well mew can imagine my utter horror at this discovery.

Now mew see I'm on the 24 books a year package, which I probably eat through in the furst 2 - 3 months.  I wish they did a '52 A Year Book Package + Extra Credits' as this would be much more to my liking.  Anyhoo, so once I've used all my 24 credits, Audible allows me to buy another 3 credits fur £11.99 at a time. So that was fine until Monday evening when I thought, I really need something new to listen to, so I got my ipad out and found a book I wanted knowing already that I had used my last credit last week, but I thought oh it's no purroblem I'll just get 3 more credits - wrong!

It would appear that I have reached my maximum credit limit and there's no more until my subscription renews on the 12th of February.  Can mew imagine I have to wait 2 more weeks before I can get anything new - it's SHOCKING, A COMPLETE TRAVESTY in fact!

 I feel sick... light headed... dizzy in fact... with palpitations... hot and cold sweats... the room is spinning...

What on earth am I going to do????



I raced into the kitchen and found the P.A. 

"I can't get any new books!" I blurted. "And I can't buy anymore credits!"

The P.A. stared at me as she was dunking a double choc chip cookie in her coffee while sat at the kitchen island.  The coffee-sodden cookie broke and splashed into the cup.

"Oh flipping flip Amber, that's terrible!" she said using a teaspoon to fish out the soggy cookie.

I stared in horror as she ate the now really soggy cookie off the spoon and thought, she's really not taking this critical crisis seriously. 

Taking a deep breath, I said as calmly as possible. "What are mew going to do about my desperate dilemma?" Then added. "This is a DEFCON 2 situation!"

The P.A. dunked another cookie and ate it before she replied. "Amber you have probably more books than anyone else I know, also you have your very own private library and I don't know of any other cats that have that facility, go find something to read among the stacks and don't forget there's more boxes of books in the shed that we still haven't unpacked yet, so don't tell me you haven't got anything to read." She sipped her coffee and then continued. "You have over 500 books on the kindle too, read one of those!"

That was so NOT the answer I wanted!

Then to add insult to injury the P.A. said whilst eating another cookie. "You should have managed your credits better!"

Jeez, what does a kitty have to around here to get some sympathy and some new books????

 Anyhoo enough of my book buying issues, let's get stuck into this weeks book pick.

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

The Cat, the Professor and the Poison 

Cats in Trouble Mysteries Book II


Leann Sweeney

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb::

Between her kitty quilt-making business and her three beloved cats, Jill has her hands full. That doesn't stop her from wanting to solve the mystery of the milk cow that's gone missing from her friend's farm. But imagine her surprise when a stolen cow leads to the discovery of fifty stray cats and one dead body-a victim of cold-blooded murder.

*     *     *

Mew may remember that a while ago I reviewed the furst book in the series, 

Click the link fur a quick recap if mew need it! MOL  

Anyhoo I thought it was about time that I shared the second one with mew.  Quilter, Jillian Hart and her three kitties, Chablis, Syrah and Merlot are back in the midst of a new murder mystery, this book is equally as entertaining as the furst, if not more so because mew already love the characters!  It has endless plot twists and turns to keep mew listening right to the furry last wurd.  When I start one of these novels I usually listen to it in a day, let's just say I'm a binge listener and probably get through at least 6 novels a week.  It's true I am a book'a'holic! MOL

If mew enjoyed Book I, mew'll certainly enjoy this too.

Paperback copy:  275 pages

Audio Edition: 10 hours 33 minutes

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

The Cat, the Professor and the Poison





Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and get it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur Basil's Brain Training!

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

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