Showing posts with label Natural Pet Treats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Pet Treats. Show all posts

Saturday 21 May 2016

The Saturday Special featuring Green & Wild's Organic Cat Treats - Part 2 The Nom'A'thon!

Welcome to another edition of

Saturday Special Banner ©BionicBasil 2016

Caturday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we have another of our sponsored posts to share with mew from the amazingly fabulous peeps at the company:

Mew may remember in January that we reviewed several yummy flavours of their highly scrumptious organic cat treat range, well today we're back reviewing a new flavour... mmmmmmmmm... lucky us!  

 On the menu today

A Yummy Bag of Luvies ~ Tuna Flavour

And just so mew know what they look like up close and purrsonal

Our Chief Treat Taste Tester 


was eagerly awaiting fur the nom'a'thon to begin and sat waiting fur the plate of deliciousness to placed on the floor.

"Such a shame Basil isn't here," he said to the P.A. as he sniffed the tasty morsels.

"Yes," agreed the P.A. "But he did want to go outside."

"Ah well," Smooch replied, "all the more fur me!"

The C.T.T.T. [chief treat taste tester] began in his usual methodical manner, hoovering up the treats from left to right and in no time at all, the plate was left with just a few crumbs on.

"Better leave a little something fur effurypurrdy else!" Smooch sniggered.

[Don't mind the tiny spider at 28 seconds, he was looking fur crumbs too & Basil is too funny at 1.05]

*Rear stage, enter Basil*

"I can't hear mew!" Smooch said with a smirk trying his hardest not to laugh. "It's the double glazing, speak up!"

I was not best purrleased at Smooch's response.

I, Basil entered the kitchen to discover, much to my abject horror that the Heathen child aka Smooch aka Piglet had Dysoned [hoovered] up the treats, I quickly took care of the last few crumbles before deciding that more intense action was required.

"Smooch I'm confiscating these immediately!" I said.

"So not fair!!!!" Smooch cried looking between Basil and The P.A.

"Don't involve me in your treat squabbles," the P.A. replied.

I laughed at Piglet and began my own taste testing session.

"OMC I can't believe how good they taste!" I said with a mouthful, then demanded. "Hooman the plate is empty hand-feed me now!"

Well as mew can see, the Tuna flavoured Luvies were a total hit and we've already insisted that the P.A. put an order in today fur as many bags as the Postman can deliver! MOL

 We voted in the following categories


Texture & Consistency

Initial Bite & Flavour Intensity

Sensation in the mouth - Chew factor

Satisfaction & Satiety

We can safely say that these are our newest numero uno treats and aftur tallying up the votes we give them:

10 out of 10

*     *     *

Fur more information on the product featured today and previous products, mew can visit Green & Wild's website here:

Where mew will be able to find out all the nutritional info and full list of ingredients.  Not only do they supply kitty treats and food, they also have an extensive range fur our K9 furriends too.

Mew can also follow them on their social media as they sometimes run competitions and promotions:

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at Green & Wild's fur giving us this oppurtunity to sample their furry tasty wares again ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Graphics created with paid licence

Saturday 30 January 2016

The Saturday Special featuring Green & Wild's Organic Cat Treats

Welcome to another edition of

Caturday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we have one of our sponsored posts to share with mew.   The fabulous peeps at the company:

Now before we begin, we were supposed to do this post at the end of December.  The P.A. took all the photo's and loaded them on a USB and took it to OZ, howeffur when she came to do the post and started to look at the photo's, she was most unhappy with how they turned out, so rather than use photo's she was most displeased with, she decided to wait til her return and re-take them and here we are today.  So many apologies to Green & Wilds for being a little late with the post - it was all the P.A.'s fault and her dodgy camera skills! MOL

So without further adieu let's get on with it.  We were contacted and asked if we would like to try a selection of pure organic treats, and who in their right mind is going to say 'no' to an offur like that?  So we were promptly posted the following [1 x full sized bag of each flavour]:

Here's what they were like upon opening the bags:

Our chief treat taste tester

was brought in after the delicious morsels were plated and ready to be served:

Our intrepid C.T.T.T. started off on one side and systematically worked his way through all five flavours.   He wolfed the Ox Liver and then went straight fur the fishies, not even taking the time to cleanse his palette between courses! [heathen]

Afterwards, leaving only a few scraps on the plates [fur the rest of us] he sat most contented and had a little bath - I know I shouldn't say this but mew should have seen how much saliva there was when he was chowing down on the Ox Liver ~ There was more drool than a St Bernard happening! MOL

So as mew can see all five flavours passed with flying colours and were awarded the Smoochie Taste Approval.

The rest of us were then allowed to sample the gourmet kitty treat buffet.  My purrsonal favourite was the Ox Liver followed by the Herring Niblets.

Snowie really went ape over the little fishies and Salmon Niblets.

Amber was a propurr carnivore, which in all honesty is quite unusual fur her and chose the Ox Liver as her Numero Uno.

Humphrey and Parsley were both most impressed by the Bag of Tiddlers aka little fishies and the Plaice Niblets.

All in all a fabulous time by was had by all.

*     *     *

Fur more information on all the products featured today mew can visit Green & Wild's website here:

Green & Wild's

Where mew will be able to find out all the nutritional info and full list of ingredients.  Not only do they supply kitty treats and food, they also have an extensive range fur our K9 furriends too.

Mew can also follow them on their social media as they sometimes run competitions and promotions:




We would also like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at Green & Wild's fur giving us this oppurtunity to sample their furry tasty wares ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

Graphics used under paid licence and
Glitter Text
[FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]