Showing posts with label deborah barnes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deborah barnes. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #37 featuring Makin' Biscuits: Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations fellow biblio-cats

*waves paw*

Hi guys, it's great to have your company again this week, mew may remember a few weeks ago aftur the CREDITGATE fiasco that I featured this picture.

So today it's all about Makin' Biscuits, I did plan to do this post a few weeks ago, but mew guys know how it is!

Parsley has epically epic biscuit making skills, fur him it's like a total immersion therapy sesh.  Once he gets in the zone he can go fur ages and ages, like seriously he's a ninja of biscuit making! MOL 

Who's the chief biscuit maker in your furrmily?

I am known to dabble a little.  Basil not so much.  Humphrey just snores the day away but then he is uber ancient now, Snowie is the same.  Smoochie makes air biscuits - I have no wurds fur that.  Fudge has a weird stop-start tempo, fast, slow... slow, slow, fast... pause... repeat, and Pandora, well to be honest we haven't seen her attempt any biscuit making yet, so we'll keep an eye out to see if she does.  But then she's a little odd, fur instance she doesn't like any treats or fresh cooked meat at all, she doesn't do catnip on any level and we haven't heard her purr yet.  Although Smoochie has neffur purred either but just recently he's started to make a deep thrumming noise which is barely audible unless mew listen really closely.

Parsley though is the King of makin' Biscuits in our furrmily, none of us could effur come close to beating him! MOL

 Well, I think it's time fur this weeks book, so let get to it...

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

Makin' Biscuits: Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them


Deborah Barnes

from the totally pawesome Blog:

Zee and Zoey

Here's the book blurb:

“Makin’ Biscuits – Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them” is an entertaining compilation of candid and personal anecdotes from cat lovers worldwide that delves in the feline psyche, answering those age-old elusive questions, such as, why does my cat zoom from one room to another for no reason? With story submissions from well-known celebrities to everyday people, some stories will have you laughing out loud, some will tug at your heart, and some will leave you scratching your head in wonderment. Along with the fun peek into the feline mind, “Makin’ Biscuits” is also a serious book with an important message on proper pet responsibility and is filled with well-researched advice, tips, and solutions to ensure your cat lives an optimally happy and healthy life befitting his feline nature. Including a special Foreword from bestselling author, Gwen Cooper of “Homer’s Odyssey,” the ultimate goal of “Makin’ Biscuits” is to help make the world a better place for cats by busting outdated misconceptions, such as that they’re too aloof to make good pets, and to enlighten the reader with easy to understand information to help enhance the feline-human relationship and correct certain common behavioural problems that often land a cat into a shelter—such as litter box issues or scratching furniture.

*    *    *

Guys, me and the P.A. loved this book, and when I say it's pawesome, I mean it's epically pawesome. 

Full of lot's of stories from all offur the wurld that will assist mew on your journey of feline fabulousness, there wasn't one thing that we didn't enjoy throughout the entire book.

It's got oodles of tips, hints, hacks and tricks fur enhancing your kitty/hooman relationship.

I really chuckled at this line:  'I know the names of cats, but not the humans they live with.'  The P.A. has exactly the same thing going off, she can recognize a cat at a 100 paces but ask her who the kitty's pawrents are and yep, most of the time she has no clue! MOL 

Now mew know I don't do spoilers, so I'll end on this note if mew love cats, mew'll love this and no matter how experienced mew are with felines, I'm sure that there'll be something in this book that mew didn't know or haven't heard of before.  

Brilliant, get it and read it, mew'll be so glad mew did! 

[We know of a lot of mew will have read it already, we're a little late to the pawty sharing! MOL]

Oh, and before I go, the cover gets 10 stars as it's got a furry similar kitty to me on it - nuff said!

  • Paperback: 280 pages
  • Publisher: ZZP Publishing (27 Oct. 2016)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Makin' Biscuits: Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them

Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and buy it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and we'll be here again on Friday with the Easter Pet Parade!

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

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