Thursday 4 February 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday ~ Amber vs Smoochie Part II

Purrsday Greetings  wunderpurr pals

Always pushing the envelope on thoughtlessness!

Mew may remember that last week, Amber was on it, and I mean REALLY on it!

 It was only a dream!

OMC could mew imagine if that really happened?

I have a notion that Amber is getting somewhat cantankerous in her advancing years [notice how diplomatic I was about her age - I don't want to wake up in Timbuktu! MOL]

On that note, we hope mew all have a blessed Thursday and hope mew don't get shipped, flown or relocated against your will this week! 

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Graphics Text