Showing posts with label Thoughtless Thursdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughtless Thursdays. Show all posts

Thursday 21 April 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Humphrey

Humphrey is enjoying the spotlight today with Amber's tail and Snowie heading fur a litter tray....

How pawsitively thoughtless of them! MOL

Enjoy your day 


Basil xox

Thoughtless Thursday

It would appear that there is no hop again with Ruckus and co.... ?????

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

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 Glitter Text

Thursday 14 April 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Amber

Amber is here today showing off in a few rare moments in the garden, and her thoughtlessness encompasses hogging all the flowers! MOL

Enjoy all the fluffy gingerness that is agoraphobic Amber



Thoughtless Thursday

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created used under paid licence
  Glitter Text

Thursday 7 April 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Angel Posie

Angel Posie is with us today showing us her thoughtless and reckless abandon on one of her many expeditions down the field.

It will be a year this month since she went OTRB [22.4.15] and we still miss her furry chops effuryday.

She was a grumpy, bad tempered kitty and it still makes us smile today because we loved her.  When the P.A. furst saw her at the rescue, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that no sane, rational purrson would effur adopt her and give her a purrmanent home as she had a severe purrsonality disorder and was a scratcher/biter/semi-feral wild cat -  and I bet mew wouldn't think that to look at her little, uber cute chops but looks can be furry deceiving!  Even the peeps at the rescue thought the P.A. was more than a little bonkers and expected her back the following week to give Posie back.  

The P.A. knew that Posie would neffur be a true lapcat or furry affectionate but she didn't mind and bundled her off home with Snowie, happy in the knowledge that whateffur Posie was like, she'd got a home fur life regardless.  Offur the years Posie mellowed slightly, moderately slightly and liked her own company, and sometimes she would get on a lap but only if there was a soft cushion between her and said lap.  She was neffur one fur cuddles, not like the rest of us but she did like being brushed, a lot and tickles behind the ears.

All in all, we wouldn't have swapped her fur all the catnip in all the cosmos!

Wishing mew all a day of delights

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

Thoughtless Thursday

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created used under paid licence
 Glitter Text

Thursday 31 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Basil & Smoochie

being uber, mega thoughtless with

Poor Parsley accidentally took a little dip in the pond, he was totally fine, just his ego slightly dented.  I did warn him that the rockery stones were a tad wobbly but he was insistent he wanted to get closer to the frog.... he won't be doing that again in a hurry.

Smooch had a good chuckle as did I, sadly the P.A. wasn't quick enough to snap any pictures as he bolted like a streak of lightning to the back of the garden after his most unceremonious scramble from the pond of doom and sulked behind a bush fur the next hour.  Not even the shake of the Dreamie bag and purromise of treats would lure him from his stupor.

On that note we'll get hopping and hopefully stay dry! 

Wishing mew all a day of delights

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!"

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

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Glitter Text @

Thursday 24 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday With Smoochie

Many greetings wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to another completely Thoughtless Thursday with Senor Le Smooch who just happens to be sharing his uber white, fluffy cuteness with thoughtless abandon today.

Mew know I say that I sometimes wunder about his mental stability, [which is highly debatable even on a good day] but aside from that small issue of him not being a full picnic, he's the total bestest effur, and to say he only has three legs he can sure keep up with the rest of us.  Even putting us to shame at times, we all love our little bebe Smoochums.

And before I furget, the P.A. asked me to post a little update on the Smoochinating purroblem from a few weeks ago.

The laptop did resurrect enough fur the P.A. to back effurything up and then it RIP'd permanently. 

So effurything that took his fancy has been removed from the house and is still stashed.

The extra feeding stations were placed on pee points - there has been no more incidents at these locations.

The Feliway plug-in's are still in action - the P.A. says it's a shame they don't wurk on hoomans! MOL

The P.A. installed a WiFi camera to watch us, and she caught footage of the little heathen [I use this term in an endearing way FYI] piddling on the floor in front of the kitchen sink.

He's moved away from peeing on softness to peeing on the hard floor, but it was marking up tail in the air, not having a pee because he needed one.  So now there's a litter tray next to the sink on the floor obviously, and since its arrival no more pee on the floor.  

So we'll see how that goes and update mew in a few weeks, by which time the extra tray will hopefully not be needed in that purrticular local any more.

Wishing mew all a day of delights

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

glitter maker

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

glitter maker

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

glitter maker

Graphics used under paid licence and
Glitter Text

Thursday 17 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Humphrey

Salutations pawesome furriends

Welcome to another completely Thoughtless Thursday with Humphrey.

Today Humphrey's outright and all-inclusive thoughtlessness encompasses his complete inability to comply with a simple photo-shoot.  He said, and I quote; "Talk to the paw cause the rest of me doesn't want to know.... blahhhhhhhhhh!"

I replied with, "Humphrey old age and grumpiness has finally caught up with mew!" 

I won't repeat what he said or describe the paw [hand] gesture either, but needless to say since his birthday in December when he turned 17 he's become decidedly unco-opurrative.  He makes Grumpy Cat look pawsitively brimming with the happies! MOL MOL

On that note I'll wish mew all a terrifically happy day

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co XOX

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 


Graphics used under paid licence and
Glitter Graphics

Thursday 10 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Snowie

Hello fine and fabulous furriends

Welcome to another Thoughtless on Thursday, starring Snowie. 

Today Snowie is being utterly thoughtless by hogging the crystal chakra chair! MOL

She wouldn't say which of her chakra's felt out of whack, yet from the time she spent on the chair the rest of us came to the conclusion that it must have been all of them.

And just so mew know which crystal and colour is fur which chakra, here's a little list:

Obviously if mew are pacing crystals directly on kitties, DO NOT leave them unattended just in case the kitty thinks of trying to nom or eat the crystals = choking hazard.

If mew are worried about kitty eating the crystal's, print off a photo A4 size and place the crystals on the photo instead, obviously in room where kitty doesn't go - effurything is such a health and safety nightmare today!!!!

The P.A. regularly uses crystals on us, howeffur we live surrounded by crystals and have done fur offur a decade or more, so this is the norm fur us.

So that brings us to the end of our little impromptu crystal session, if mew wold like to know anything more, feel free to ask as this is basically a guide to chakra's and crystals in 60 seconds or less! MOL

Wishing mew all a terrifically beautiful day

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co XOX

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

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Thursday 3 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Parsley

Salutations wunderpurr pals

We purromised mew new pictures of Parsley aka Mr Sauce and here's some of them.  The thoughtless factor fur today is also yet to be determined, as we just can't seem to come up with one! MOL

The P.A. was delighted to obtain many new photo's of the camera shy Mr Sauce, although many were taken in front of the red doors but at least she has a new batch to work with.

We hope mew enjoy being thoughtless or thankful today and we'll be back tomorrow with our usual Pet Parade.

Bestest purrs

Basil and Co xox

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

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Thursday 25 February 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Amber

Pawesome greetings wunderpurr furriends

Amber would really like to go inside, howeffur someone is being furry, furry thoughtless and ignoring her request.... hmmmmmm I wunder who that is???? MOL Mentioning no names - Smoochie!

It's been a little fresh again this week, although the days have been sunny, which has made a huge difference to the normally grey and oppressive skies that are usually in abundance this time of year.

All we can say is, Spring can't get here fast enough and it's being thoroughly thoughtless by taking too long!!

We hope mew all have a sunny spot, or puddle to snooze in today and we'll catch mew on The Pet Parade on the morrow.

Purrs and sweepy snoozes

Basil XOX

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!"
And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

Graphics used under paid licence
Glitter Text