Thursday 3 March 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Parsley

Salutations wunderpurr pals

We purromised mew new pictures of Parsley aka Mr Sauce and here's some of them.  The thoughtless factor fur today is also yet to be determined, as we just can't seem to come up with one! MOL

The P.A. was delighted to obtain many new photo's of the camera shy Mr Sauce, although many were taken in front of the red doors but at least she has a new batch to work with.

We hope mew enjoy being thoughtless or thankful today and we'll be back tomorrow with our usual Pet Parade.

Bestest purrs

Basil and Co xox

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

Graphics used under paid licence and