Tuesday 7 March 2017

The Smooch Report ~ How to Help Solve Inappropriate Kitty Toileting and Spraying Issues - Part II

Many greetings supurr furriends

and welcome to 

Part II of The Smooch Report - The Widdle Diaries

To have a quick recap on Part I click here.  Sorry, we're a little late with this post, we were hoping to share it last week, but we just ran out of time.

Today we're going to talk about one of the main things which we implemented straight aftur the Kitty Shrinks visit to assist Smoochie's inappropriate widdling.

This was the frosting on the french doors and patio doors so that Smoochie's view was somewhat restricted at ground level, making it harder fur him to see and detect when Tiger was ambling around the garden, as he seems to be the main widdle-trigger.

The P.A. checked out loads of products but decided on this one:

from Amazon UK

 So aftur measuring the window and cutting the film, installation only took minutes.  Remember to measure twice, cut once! MOL



The film is applied to a freshly cleaned window, then a soapy solution [washing up liquid & water] is wiped offur the glass and the window film adheres to it.  The bubbles were removed by using a cloth, but we wanted to show mew how it looks when mew're applying it.


Patio doors

Before & Aftur

It took roughly an hour and a half to do all the windows from start to finish.

It may not seem like it obscures the view too much, but it really made a huge difference, which mew can see below.

So let's look at his progress:

January's Widdle Diary

Only 5 incidents in January and the drive was done this month, and he coped really with all the noise, so it's a huge improvement.

February's Widdle Diary 

5 incidents in February too, howeffur last month was a really stressful month at home because the builders started the new froggy home so there were lots of new noises: mini digger, wacker plate, Stihl saws, cement mixer and the general banging and clattering that builders do.

Noise seems to be one of his triggers, so while the patio has been installed the P.A. kept a close eye on him and as the weeks have progressed he seems less and less bothered by the external sounds, which is good because he has another test coming up when the lawn is re-turfed later in the month.

He had 8 incidents in December, aftur the glass frosting was applied on the 30th of November and prior to the glass frosting he was averaging a minimum of 4 incidents per week, one week it was an incident a day, and the P.A. was demented at that point.

So what can be deduced from applying the glass frosting is in the furst month:

 December 8 incidents

January 5 incidents

February 5 incidents

When November was his peak month at approximately 20 ish incidents if the P.A. counts up all the stuff she had to wash and place under the carport out of the way, like rugs, doormats, flowers, cushions, etc...

Mew can see the glass frosting has made a huge difference, December was less than half of November and a quarter in January & February.   And we can't help but wunder if there had been no disturbance in the garden with all the wurk being carried out if it would have been much less.  We believe it would.

In summary, Smoochie is progressing in the right direction and the incidents are becoming less and less compared with previous months, so it is improving steadily and with careful tweaks, we're confident that we can get him back to normal in a few more months, as the P.A. doesn't want to go down the route of medicating him - like Valium fur cats.

If mew have a kitty that is having Widdling Issues, our furst piece of advice would be to try and determine the main trigger, aftur mew have obviously been the vet and had all medical reasons ruled out, and if like Smoochie it is another cat outside that's causing the distress, try the window frosting option to reduce your kitty's stress levels.  It's amazing that something so simple can have such a healing effect on a stressed kitty.

If mew have any questions, ask away, if we can help we will.

Sadly it's time fur us to pop off, but we'll see mew tomorrow when Amber will be here with this weeks top book pick!

Until then

We wish mew a supurr happy Tuesday

Sweetest purrs

Basil & The B Team

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Other graphics used under paid licence www.canva.com and www.pizap.com