Sunday, 17 November 2024

Melvyn's Supurr Epically Snuggly Selfie on The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop and Caturday Art Blog Hop

The B Team Sunday Selfies ©BionicBasil ®October 2023 Banner

Pawesome Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to another BBHQ selfie selection, this week Melvyn is here, sharing his supurr, epically snuggly selfie. 

Melvyn's Supurr Epically Snuggly Selfie

Melvyn's Supurr Epically Snuggly Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

This was taken on Purrrsday afternoon, when the poor little dude was freezing his fur off as the heating still wasn't fixed due to the burst. We had to wait for a valve part for one of the new radiators, because it came with the wrong one, which leaked when Cat Dad refilled the sytem on Chewsday evening (aaarrrgggghhhh!!!), and it didn't turn up until Purrsday teatime.

We've spent five fluffing freezing days, even the woodburner didn't seem to make much of a difference as the house was so cold. Anyhoo the good news is, we're now all supurr toasty, THANK COD!!! MOL
Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil ® 2023

We're also joining in Athena's Fabulous Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

Melvyn's Supurr Epically Snuggly Selfie ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art Blog Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - AI Enhancer, Realist GFX + changes to fidelity and variation. Plus we added a vignette.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 11 mins 51 secs. 

We're off to to go and get snuggled in front of the fire. Smooch is on the warpath in the kitchen as the P.A. didn't mix the Yorkshire puddings to his exacting standards, so he's making his displeasure known right now, and we're staying the fluff out of it! MOL

Do join us again tomorrow, when we're back with another episode of Cats Have Problems Too, and check out this week's Despurrate Dilemma.

And if mew've missed any chapters of our brand new B Team advenutre, here are the links:

We do hope mew have an epic day, and remember to always...
Stay Fluffy ©BionicBasil ®October 2023 Banner

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil ® 2023

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Autumn Divider ©BionicBasil ® 2023

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence & ios Prisma App or 


  1. Awww Melvyn, you sure are snuggled in pal, enjoy!

  2. That's a lovely selfie, Melvyn. You really do look epically cozy. Thank COD the heating is fixed now. XO

  3. It's so hard when a house is cold and nothing you can do about it. I'm glad the heat is back on and at least you got a great photo and artwork of Melvyn out of it.

  4. Poor freezing Melvyn! I am glad the heating is all fixed now.

  5. A snuggle worthy of the Hall o' Fame of Snuggles!
    Have a wonderful warm and dry week!


  6. That looks like a Simply Spiffing Snuggle! And the Art is Equally Epic.

  7. I bet evefurry one in da family is trying to thaw their paws and hands by now! Gosh, that was no fun fur so many cold days. Melvyn, no wonder you are under da covers.

  8. It's good to read that you've got heat again, but what the fluff!
    Off to puzzle...thanks!

  9. melvyn yoo look berry cozy and warmz

  10. Love the snuggly picture but yikes that's a long time to be cold! Glad it's fixed now!

  11. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Definitely a real AAWWWW moment there!

  13. Such a cutie. I hope Amber was able to keep warm. XO

  14. We're so happy you're all nice and cosy now x


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