Friday 17 November 2017

Missing Posts, The P.A. Rebels & Can I get some new staff ASAP PURRLEASE? on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #222 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to our weekly round-up on The Pet Parade. 

Furstly we'd like to say to all our fabulous furriends celebrating next week... 

 ...we do hope it's EPICALLY EPIC!

Mew may be wundering why there was no Brain Training yesterday or a Wordy on Wednesday post with Amber, well the truth is, the P.A. just doesn't have the time to do daily posts, so she says.  We think this is absolute garbage, complete rot and utter tripe!

Of course there's time to do huge, monstrously involved posts with oodles of pictures effury day of the week and reply to all our comments and visit all our furriends too, right?  Yep that's what we thought.

And go to work as well daily and go to the gym fur an hour+ a day too, plus all the chores. To be honest we don't know what she's going on about, I mean seriously anypurrdy would think it was time consuming or something. 

The P.A. said and I quote, "Basil you heathen fur-child, your blog has taken over my life!"

Yep, how ungrateful is that?  So ungrateful, she should be delighted to and honoured to do my blog and effurything else too.

And then she said this, to which I'm still completely dumbstruck by, yep dumbstruck!  "Until The Last Big Jolly concludes, there'll be no Brain Training or Wordy on Wednesday posts!"

Like What The Freak is going on???  Can I get some new staff ASAP PURRLEASE?

Seriously though, we adopt these peeps, give them a job fur life and this is how they repay us, it's seriously not cricket!

So yes, we're looking to adopt a new hooman, one that has MORE TIME to fulfill the contract and wurk 24/7 daily.  There's no pay at all, just the immense satisfaction of knowing mew're doing a great service fur cat-kind!

If mew think mew've got the mettle fur this role, and want to wurk with 6 uber dynamic and constantly evolving kitties who have a penchant fur guns, tanks, military equipment and saving the wurld on average once a month, plus be involved in all facets of our regular daily program and other extra-curricular activities too....

Purrlease send CV's to:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

What a truly pawesome oppurrtunity fur someone...

And we'll be putting the P.A. out to pasture - Graze-On Slacker!!! MOL

So purrlease accept our sincerest apologies fur possibly ruining your week by failure of non-posting!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies ~ Freestylin' It

Colouring with Cats #41
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on the morrow with a Saturday Special post and then again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic start to the weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

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