Wednesday 13 February 2019

Happy Valentines, Melvyn's Kissing Booth & There's A Blogpost Thief Stealing Our Content on The Pet Parade 287 with Dash Kitten, Us & Barking from The Bayou

Wednesday Greetings Fabulous Furriends

Welcome to The Pet Parade and our weekly news round-up!

This week, we're all loved up!

So spread the joy and offer kitty kisses to anypurrdy that might need them, though Melvyn took this advice quite literally and set up this at BBHQ early this morning!!

So purrlease form an orderly queue as it's getting purretty busy! MOL 

There's A Blogpost Thief Stealing Our Content 

Just before we pootle off, I feel it most necessary to warn all our pawesome blogging pals to check out a website called

www . petzilia . com

No, that's not a live link, purrlease copy and paste into a browser window.

On Sunday evening when we were doing our monthly search on google to see what's been happening we came across the aforementioned site with one of our blogposts listed underneath it, so we went to check it out and found these peeps have been stealing our content, yep mew heard us, these peeps are serial blogpost thieves.

So, being The B Team, we jumped into action...

We emailed petzilia immediately with a take-down notice on Sunday and they sent us a generic reply with a multitude of excuses to try and justify their blatant theft.  But we replied again with you now have 24 hours to take down our content on Monday morning, to which they replied they would.

Yet here we are on Tuesday evening and we've just seen that they've even stolen yesterdays blogpost too, and not taken any of the previously stolen posts down, so we're up to 60 posts in total now! 


Mew, our pawesome readers know what's coming next don't mew?


But obviously that bit is covert right now! MOL

So fabulous furriends, our advice is; go and check that site out, and make sure mew have not been violated as there's lot's of stuff there, and if they've illegally taken and used 60 complete posts from here, they could have any number of your posts too! 

We'll keep mew updated as this story unfolds...

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

And if mew still need some more entertainment, get our free mandala colouring books below:

Pandora will be here in the morning with her top 10 Valentine's Gift Guide just fur mew, and Amber will be here on Friday with a cute book she can't wait to share with mew all, so do stop by if mew get chance as mew know we love your company! 

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xx

Now let's HOP on... 

Go visit our pawesome host

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