Showing posts with label weekly round up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly round up. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Synchronised Snoozing with Amber and Melvyn, Spring Watch and Candle Making on The Pet Parade 292 with Dash Kitten, Barking from The Bayou & Us

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

What's the big story this week?  Well fab furriends, this weeks top story is: Amber and Melvyn were Synchronised Snoozing... [albeit furry briefly]

Purrfectly synchronised

Amber and Melvyn Synchronised Snoozing @BionicBasil The Pet Parade 292

Slightly out of phase

Amber and Melvyn Synchronised Snoozing - slightly out of phase @BionicBasil The Pet Parade 292

And... Oh Bugger, things just got real! MOL

Amber and Melvyn Synchronised Snoozing - Oh Bugger, things just got real @BionicBasil The Pet Parade 292

So it it goes, one minute all is beautifully harmonious at BBHQ, and the next Amber wakes up all crotchety and bad tempered!  Apparently it's all part of getting older, one minute you're fine and the next you're akin to a fire breathing dragon because somepurrdy looked you funny or just breathed in a manner that displeased immensely! MOL  

Swiftly moving on before Amber turns her attention this way, in other news the weather is finally calming down aftur the last turbulent and rather gusty couple of weeks, we have a few spring flowers though nothing of note yet, so we'll keep mew posted on Spring Watch in the coming weeks.

And quickly before we go, mew know that we mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the P.A. had got the candle making equipment out? of course mew do, well the other day she made some candles with the beeswax from her bee hives and here's a sneak peek.
Candle Making @ BionicBasil on The Pet Parade 292

If mew guys would like a step by step tutorial on how to make candles, let us know in the comments and we'll show mew how on a future Crafting with Cats post.

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

I'll be here tomorrow with my regular Brain Training with Cats so do stop by to join me if mew get chance, and lets keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition! 

Until then...

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

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Wednesday 13 March 2019

Who Shook The Treat Tin, Melvyn Has A Go and The next Mission Is Planned on The Pet Parade 291 with Dash Kitten, Barking from The Bayou & Us

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

So what's the news this week?

Fudge was doing a bit of covert surveillance, just look at those ginger ninja skillz, he's almost blended into the brick wurk!  
Jeez I'm good at this covert stuff said Fudge @BionicBasil® on The Pet Parade
But then the unthinkable happened, the P.A. shook the treat tin and an uncontrollable urge to pop up took offur Fudge...
Keep walking there's nothing to see here said Fudge @BionicBasil® on The Pet Parade
So aftur Fudges fluff up, young Melvyn said he'd have a go.
Melvyn has a go @BionicBasil® on The Pet Parade
But he was just too cute obvious [in Melvyns defence, he doesn't have much experience] and so the mission was total bust, although all was not lost aftur a quick regroup in the kitchen, Fudge and Melvyn began to plan the next mission in total secrecy.
Fudge and Melvyn Plan The Next Covert Mission @BionicBasil® on The Pet Parade (1)
Those big, fat, pesky pigeons aren't going to get away next time! MOL

I'm taking tomorrow off from my regular Brain Training with Cats as I have a Top Secret mission happening, although Amber will be here on Friday with a fab new book just fur mew, so do stop by if mew get chance as she's getting rather lonely in her old age, as the rest of The B Team are just young heathens! MOL 

Until then...

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Go visit our pawesome host
 & Co Host

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Wednesday 6 March 2019

IT'S SPRING, Paying-It-Forward Update and Da BBHQ Boyz on The Pet Parade 290 with Dash Kitten, Barking from The Bayou & Us

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!


Furstly we have to say that March kind of ambushed us, but we're so happy it's here and the Tnights are getting lighter, so that means more outside time fur The B team ~ WOO HOO!!!

Anyhoo, swiftly moving on... Mew may remember in January on our furst Colouring with Cats post of 2019 we decided to have a Pay-it-Forward initiative fur the furst ten commenters on that post, and this is what we wrote:

**❤ Well dearest furriends it's furry simple, the furst 10 commenters today will receive a little surprise gift from Me and The B Team sometime during 2019 - which could be anything from one of our beautiful handmade semi-precious gemstone bracelets, a book, a cute cat toy, or something we've made etc... just a little something to brighten your day when mew least expect it and something especially fur mew! ❤**

Well mew may be wundering when this initiative is going to kick off, and today we're going to reveal that info.

So the plan is to send our 10 fabulous commenters a supurr little surprise [**see above text] and that will be happening between Easter and Halloween because we wanted enough distance from Catmas before we started ~ so if mew're one of the lucky commenters, you will be receiving your surprise anytime between the end of April to the end of October 2019.

And finally before we pop off, we just had to share this lovely pic with mew all of DA BOYZ at BBHQ, and young Melvyn has settled right in...

Da Boyz at BBHQ @BionicBasil® Pet Parade 290

... just look at the little fat-chops, he seems so purrfectly normal in this pic, and mew'd neffur guess in a bazillion years what a little weirdo he really is! MOL [But more coming on that soon!]

I'll be here tomorrow with my regular Brain Training with Cats so do stop by to join me if mew get chance, and lets keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition! 

Until then...

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Go visit our pawesome host
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Wednesday 27 February 2019

Flower Watching and OMC How Warm Is It Here?! on The Pet Parade 289 with Dash Kitten, Barking from The Bayou & Us

Wednesday Greetings Pawesome Furriends

Welcome to The Pet Parade and our weekly news round-up!

Furstly mew may remember a couple of weeks ago the blog post thieves were going at it in an epic way until suddenly their website went **POOF** 

Well yesterday our pals at Katzenworld posted on facebook that another anipal website has popped up and is using their stuff without consent - but the site has since removed it after a take-down notice from Katzenworld.

Here's the address: www . animal - hi . com

We'll be keeping a close watch on this site too, just in case they turn out to be like the other one, though we really hope not.  It might be an idea to go check them out at some point to see if anything of yours has been used without consent, but aftur a quick visit so far we've only seen stuff from news feeds.

In other news, it's been absolutely glorious weather here, like late April temperatures; incredible! Though we know we're bound to get severely punished in March fur this balmy 17C+ weather anomaly, and the warmest UK February on record.

So while the warms are with us, Pandora and Smooch decided to get in a bit of Flower Watching! 

Smooch smelling the primulas @BionicBasil®

Pandora and Smooch Flower Watching @BionicBasil®

Let's hope the warms stay all the way until November! MOL 

I'm off on a secret mission tomorrow, so sadly my usual brain training will be back as normal next week, though there are three brand new, neffur been seen before puzzles on my puzzle page if mew need to keep your paw in, and Amber will be here on Friday with her top book of the week to share with mew all and I know she can't wait to tell mew all about it! MOL 

Until then...

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Now let's HOP on... 

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