Thursday, 25 August 2016

Crosswurds with Basil #3.5 and Thankful on Thursday & Blog Hopping with Pepsi

Welcome to

Supurr Crosswurdy Greetings Furriends

We hope that mew found crosswurd #3 a little easier than last weeks and we're sure that mew are like a cat on a hot tin roof waiting fur the answers!

Seville @NerissasLife made us laugh so hard last week with his totally pawesome comment, and I quote:

'Transdimensional vortex... Only THE BEST of crosswords include stuff like that. Only the best, for sure.'

Seville buddy, mew know it's true, only the furry, furry best crosswurds have stuff like that!!! MOL

Anyhoo, here's the answers mew've all so desperately been waiting fur....

If mew did manage to get it right, here's the nifty, cool little badge fur your supurr pawesome efforts!


And now mew're expecting crosswurd #4 to be here.... oh dear, we regret to inform mew that crosswurd #4 won't be available until 22nd September.  Sorry about that guys, but we're trying to catch up on so much at the moment.

Instead we're featuring our Flashback Fever posts to entertain mew in the meantime while we get sorted.

But don't wurry, the next crosswurd will be epic and have even more bizarre clues and answers, all of which can be found right here on the blog.  Because if it's not on the blog, it's not in the crosswurd!

Bestest Crosswurdy Purrs

Basil xox

Don't furget to join in the

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

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Crossword made with

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence and


  1. My mum didn't do last week's crossword because we had visitors. She probably wouldn't have been able to answer all the clues anyway.

    1. Oh no Flynn, oh we're sure she would have got some of the answers! MOL XOX

  2. canbereez guys...we onlee mizzed it bye two...WAY better than
    de food serviss gurl did...WAAAAAAAY we iz for sure
    lookin for werd ta de next one next month ♥♥♥☺☺☺

    1. Hiya Tabbies, oh no mew missed out by 2 clues!!! :( Better luck next time, plus we're going to put the links in to each post were the answers can be found to make it easier :D XOX

  3. I am not looking at the answers because I still need to do the puzzle.

  4. Hehe... I suspect that some crossword creator peeps don't even know what transdimensional vortexes even are! MOUSES! purrs



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FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!