Sunday, 28 May 2017

BlogPaws Conference Update #2 and Sunday Selfies #146 Blog Hop with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday Salutations Pawesome Pals

Today our selfies post is a little different, it's featuring my 'not-clone' clone and the more I look at it the more I realize how much it doesn't look like me at all! MOL   Mew know Cuddle Clones said they remade it, I can tell mew 100% they DID NOT remake it at all, they lied, but hey ho, Cuddle Clones will neffer effur get any business from us again and the P.A. was going to have the entire B Team made - Bad Luck Cuddle Clones, mew should have done a better job.

Anyhoo, sorry fur the digression, today we have a series of BlogPaws pics to share, so we won't ruin it with any commentary, but as mew can see NCB [Not Clone Basil] really seemed to be enjoying himself tremendously, especially when he landed on the Meowijuana stand - nuff said! MOL

Even Erin Version 0.5 [above, bottom right] fell victim to the lure of the Meowijuana stand too, it would appear that Meowijuana is really Kryptonite fur kitties!!! MOL MOL 

The Cat Lounge was epic and the P.A. was lucky enough to get a couple of items from the stand on the Saturday, we'll feature those in another post with all the deets.

As mew can see there was so much happening, so much to see, so many furriends to meet and chat with, epically epic fun!

*    *    *

Wishing mew all a supurr day with lots of sun puddles and mega warmz and join us tomorrow if mew can when we have another Blogpaws post on Mandala's on Monday

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

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  1. The not Basil is cute, but still not him. They sort of got that sweet, little heart-shaped nose, but that's not enough. Mom was so happy to meet the real Basils's mum. She is super terrific. She really hopes your mum will come to another one. We totally enjoyed all your pix from BP. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. Hey Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy, oh wow the P.A. was beyond delighted to meet your Mom, she's such a lovely lady!!! The P.A. so hopes she'll be at next years venue too! XOX

  2. We are so happy the P.A. and Not Basil had so much fun at BlogPaws. That Cat Lounge DOES look totally epic! We hope that they will come to another BlogPaws, and that our humans will be there that same year. :)

    Big hugs!

    P.S. - how rotten that Cuddle Clones lied like that!

    1. Hi guys, oh they had a great time #besttripever oh the P.A. hopes to be at next years too, so hopefully mew'll be there as well! XOX

  3. What a wonderful recap ! It looks like your mom had great time, what fun ! Thank you for sharing your photos with us ! Purrs

    1. Hiya Swiss Cats, we're so glad mew enjoyed today's post!!! XOX

  4. AWESOME! That was all I could get out of ERin v0.5 when she got back, and had a rather glazed look which I put down to jet lag! I really do need to have a word with that girl!

    WOW all that cat stuff, it looks terrific... I'm beginning to think I've been fobbed off with a paltry nip nanna when you guys got the real stuff. MOL Them Cuddle Clones sure won't be getting my business either. Purrs, ERin
    PS Thank you so much for your P.A. keeping the peep out of trouble and safely ensconced onto a plane home.

    1. Hey Erin, mew need to have serious wurds with the V0.5, she was a nip fiend fur sure, and it was no trouble at all to make sure your peep got there, in fact it was a great adventure!!! MOL XOX

  5. So much fun! I'm sorry I missed the Meowijuana!

    1. Oh Summer, the Meowijuana was amazing, mew so need to go next year and get 10LBS of it! MOL MOL XOX

  6. Thank you for an amazing review of the Conference its lovely to see what you 'saw' :-)

    That is NOT a decent Cuddle Clone sorry, they need to do you another one. I sure as heck won't be getting one.

    1. Hiya Dash Kitten Crew, oh the conference was so amazing and this is hardly even scratching the surface as mew guys know from your visit last year! Yep the Clone is... well wurds fail me!!! MOL XOX

  7. Hey Basil...the mom says the Cat Lounge was THE BEST EVER! We're sad that we didn't get to experience it. Oh...Flat Basil is having a pretty good time here. Ernie sat on him once but FB didn't seem to care much. :)

    1. Hi Island Cats, oh the P.A. loved meeting your Mom, she's fabulous and many thanks fur taking Flat Basil home, I do hope he doesn't cause mew too much mischief!!! And that's hilarious Ernie sat on him OMC MOL MOL MOL XOX

  8. Oh no! We're sideways!
    Oh well...

    Noodle and crew

  9. Looks like da Not Clone Basil had fun at Blogpaws.

    1. Hi Lone Star Cats, oh the Not Clone had a total blast and a lot of peeps thought he was a real cat from a distance, it was hilarious! MOL XOX

  10. OMB your Mummy got to go to Blogpaws?That is so cool!xxx Speedy

    1. Hey Speedy oh wow your mum would love it!!! She needs to go next year :D XOX

  11. Goodness, you should have let us know you were going and I would have made some intros. A flat Parsley would have been a feather in your cap. We're madly doing the final stretch of book and do follow us on IG @blackcatsofIG tag any pics of Parsley with #blackcatstellall for a feature.

    1. Hi Layla, oh wow that would have been great, but the P.A. will be going next fur sure, and yes, there are Flat versions of us all in progress right now! MOL XOX P.S. we tagged mew this morning with a picture of Parsley aka Supurr Sauce...

  12. Mommy got a pic of NCB with a glass of wine! MOL I hope he enjoyed it.

    1. Hey Lola, oh NCB is a bit of a lush fur sure!!! MOL MOL XOX

  13. That is a lot of fine memories you are showing us! You will fondly remember this time always:)

    1. Hey Pipo & Minko, oh fur sure it will always be remembered as a totally top trip!! XOX

  14. Thanks for sharing your photos from BlogPaws, I recognize a few of those fur babies! Was great to meet your P.A. and your clone ❤


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