Friday, 3 November 2017

Don't Mess With The Wizard, Smooch Feeling A little Batty and Ready Fur The Pet Show on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #220 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to our weekly round up on The Pet Parade.  What's been happening this week we hear mew ask... well it's funny mew should ask because this is what we've been doing...

"It's ok Parsley," Smooch whispered. "Basil can't see me from here as Fudge is making a pawesome wall right now."

"Just don't lick the bat!" Parsley warned. "Basil will go mental if mew do!"

Smooch got Bertie and thought I didn't know, hmmmmm I'll be having wurds with that young heathen later... meanwhile Bertie is now safe and free of Smooch saliva as I've locked him in my office in the bunker.  Poor Bertie feels violated in the wurst way... 

*    *    *

If mew remember on Parsley's Pet Peeves last week, young Parsley was peeving about having to be a wizard AGAIN... but then Manna & Dexter from the epic blog PlayfulKitty suggested that he needed to use his wizardly skillz.. so he's been purracticing - STAND BACK EFFURYPURRDY!!!!

Here's hoping he can magic some extra nip into the bunker fur the winter as stocks are getting low.

*    *    *

In other news The Last Big Jolly is back on Tuesday, so mew won't want to miss that. 

Get yourselves up to speed on the previous happenings by clicking the link above, otherwise mew might be a bit lost as to whats happening in the story and how we actually got there, yep it really is that bonkers! MOL

*    *    *

And finally

Last Call Fur The National Pet Show

If mew're going to be at the NEC tomorrow, we hope to see mew there, the P.A. and dad are really looking forward to it.


There's still time to get tickets if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham and mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Crafting with Cats ~ Halloween Toy Special

Sunday Selfies ~  Supurr Scary Selfies

Colouring with Cats #39
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on the morrow with a Saturday Special post featuring Royal Cats and Dogs and then again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


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Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. HOST Rascal and Rocco Pinterest  3. COHOST @Bionicbasil Twitter  5. COHOST @MK_Clinton Twitter  
2. HOST Rascal and Rocco Instagram  4. COHOST Bionic Basil Instagram  6. COHOST @MKClinton Instagram  

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  1. WoW! Look at all you guys! and the mews that is the mews!
    And can I ask...did you lick the bat Parsley?

    1. Hiya Marv, no Parsley didn't lick the bat, he mumbled something about not having his rabies shot fur a couple of years!! MOL XOX

  2. Bertie doesn't have much to complain about - our toys get violated by D-O-G spit!

    1. Oh guys, DOG SPIT is the WURST!!!! I so feel sorry for mew!! XOX

  3. I think Parsley makes an awesome wizard!

  4. Parsley was very good to sit there with his wizard hat on. Smooch, you should realise that Basil sees everything!

    1. Hiya Angels Flynn & Eric, I think Smooch furgets being a little simple-minded most of the time!! MOL XOX

  5. dood !!! ...harry potter wood be proud !!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    1. Awwww Tabbies, Parsley says that's the best thing effur, thanks dudes!!! XOX

  6. We love the inside look at your staff meeting!

    1. Thanks Brian, we do try and keep it as informal as possible!! MOL XOX

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Eastside Cats, Parsley is now trying more tricks! MOL xox

  8. Wow that was one extra wondrous wizardly light show. As to the bat, did he have to have therapy and a bath?
    Toodle pip and purrs

    1. Hey ERin, yes Bertie is in therapy now and will be fur a quite a while! MOL XOX

  9. Fudge ... you make a better door than a window ;) That said ... you are so handsome that one could stare at you for hours and only be happy.

    ps - Fudge gets a special shout out in tomorrow's showcase post!!!

    1. Hiya MK, BC & Ellie, oh wow thanks guys, we'll be right offur!! XOX

  10. Parsley! When it comes to're better than Harry Potter!

    1. Awww thanks so much Island Cats, Parsley was best purrleased by your pawesome comment! XOX

  11. Have a great weekend! I am looking forward to Tuesday's Last Big Jolly.

    1. Wooo hooo us too guys, roll Tuesday, oh it was yesterday - WOOO HOOO it's already here and we didn't even know! MOL XOX

  12. What a great and mighty wizard is Parsley! Whoot!
    I get dog spit on my nip mousies, too...and that newbie silly pup robs any birdies of their then I find them quite boring...he has lots of his own...sheesh:(

    1. Hiya Pipo, oh no not dog spit on your nip mices, dude that's criminal, seriously wrong on so many levels!!! XOX

    2. Hiya Pipo, oh no not dog spit on your nip mices, dude that's criminal, seriously wrong on so many levels!!! XOX

  13. Parsley! We are so impressed by your epic wizardry!

    1. Thanks Gracie, Parsley is still purracticing his skillz! MOL XOX


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