Showing posts with label National Pet Show NEC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Pet Show NEC. Show all posts

Friday 3 November 2017

Don't Mess With The Wizard, Smooch Feeling A little Batty and Ready Fur The Pet Show on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #220 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to our weekly round up on The Pet Parade.  What's been happening this week we hear mew ask... well it's funny mew should ask because this is what we've been doing...

"It's ok Parsley," Smooch whispered. "Basil can't see me from here as Fudge is making a pawesome wall right now."

"Just don't lick the bat!" Parsley warned. "Basil will go mental if mew do!"

Smooch got Bertie and thought I didn't know, hmmmmm I'll be having wurds with that young heathen later... meanwhile Bertie is now safe and free of Smooch saliva as I've locked him in my office in the bunker.  Poor Bertie feels violated in the wurst way... 

*    *    *

If mew remember on Parsley's Pet Peeves last week, young Parsley was peeving about having to be a wizard AGAIN... but then Manna & Dexter from the epic blog PlayfulKitty suggested that he needed to use his wizardly skillz.. so he's been purracticing - STAND BACK EFFURYPURRDY!!!!

Here's hoping he can magic some extra nip into the bunker fur the winter as stocks are getting low.

*    *    *

In other news The Last Big Jolly is back on Tuesday, so mew won't want to miss that. 

Get yourselves up to speed on the previous happenings by clicking the link above, otherwise mew might be a bit lost as to whats happening in the story and how we actually got there, yep it really is that bonkers! MOL

*    *    *

And finally

Last Call Fur The National Pet Show

If mew're going to be at the NEC tomorrow, we hope to see mew there, the P.A. and dad are really looking forward to it.


There's still time to get tickets if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham and mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Crafting with Cats ~ Halloween Toy Special

Sunday Selfies ~  Supurr Scary Selfies

Colouring with Cats #39
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on the morrow with a Saturday Special post featuring Royal Cats and Dogs and then again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

get the InLinkz code

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Friday 27 October 2017

Where's My Dinner, Higher Nature Pet Calm, and CatFest London 2018 on The Pet Parade Blog Hop Halloween Edition #219 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Supurr spooky greetings pawesome pals

Welcome to another fabulous Friday on the blog, and in this weeks round-up I wanted to know...

The P.A. was sat at the kitchen island off with fairies again while she was taking care of all my social media on her phone.  I sat and waited fur her to notice me fur a whole minute.  Yes, a whole minute I sat and used my most penetrating stare to get her attention, but nothing and I was starving, so I got right up in her grill and asked, "Where's my dinner?"

She replied. "Basil I fed you half an hour ago, you seriously can't be hungry again and if you are there's some crunchies in the laundry!"

Can mew believe that? Seriously what shoddy service this establishment has, so what if I was fed 30 minutes ago, obviously it wasn't enough, and do mew really think dry food is going to cut the mustard!!???   

NOOOOOOOOOO way missus, crunchies are NOT going to cut the mustard at all!!!

If Parsley's Pet Peeves was happening tomorrow I'd be on it and seriously PEEVING! MOL

*    *    *

Moving on...

The other day we were asked if we'd share some info regarding a pet calming product in the run up to Halloween and Bonfire Night, so of course we said yes.  We are also getting a sample to try, although at this point it's not arrived, so in essence this a slightly but not quite yet sponsored post.  

As mew know Smoochie is a rather sensitive little soul at the best of times so when we do take delivery of the product we'll do an in-depth post with full disclaimer.  But in the meantime as Halloween and Bonfire Night are just around the corner, today is the only day we've got free to share this info with mew. 

Here's a little bit of info, more can be found on Higher Natures Webpage:

The product is called Pets calm, and is for stress and anxiety for cats or dogs. It's a blend of theanine, tryptophan and magnesium to support pets in stressful situations. Perfect for when they are feeling anxious. Sprinkle or mix in with food. It's great for firework night!

Image @HigherNatureUK

Plus there's also a great competition running right now on Higher Natures Instagram page.

Entrants can win Pets Calm products in time for bonfire night. The Higher Nature Instagram handle is - 

All mew need to do to enter is post a pet selfie, follow Higher Nature, tag them in the Instagram and use #HigherNaturePets

*    *    * 

In other news, the P.A. got tickets fur the furry furst cat festival in London, aptly called

Catfest London 2018

In their own wurds....

A celebration of all things feline, CatFest makes its debut in London, showcasing fancy pet food and accessories, along with stylish cat-related products for cat folks, books, art, veggie street food, cocktails, films and inspiring talks from bestselling writers and animal experts. Plus an onsite adoption lounge brought by our beneficiary charity Feline Friends to raise awareness about welfare efforts and help cats in need.

Mew can order tickets here ~ sadly all the early-bird prices had gone, but the P.A. was just happy to get her mittens on a couple of normal priced ones.  So that looks quite fun and no doubt there'll be a tail or two to tell fur sure! MOL

 And if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham on the 4th and 5th of November, mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


So get your tickets now and hopefully we'll see mew there.

*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies ~ Are Mew Eyeballing Me?

Colouring with Cats #38
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on the morrow with a special Halloween edition of Crafting with Catand again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

get the InLinkz code
An InLinkz Link-up

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Friday 20 October 2017

Role Play Gone Bad, Pandora's Classified Halloween Project and Fudge's New Toy on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #218 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to our weekly round-up on The Pet Parade.  So there I was the other day outside having a bit of me time, enjoying the fresh air when the P.A. said. "Basil I'm off shopping, so you're charge and make sure no-one gets into trouble!"

"Sure thing boss!" I replied and ambled towards the gazebo fur a snooze.

Meanwhile inside, the three heathens we're doing a bit of role-play.  Don't ask me why, it's just something they do... Only this weeks desert island vibe didn't last so long...

"What, only one mouse?" Smooch said. "What kind of devilry is this?"

"Yep, this is really crap!" Parsley concurred. "I'm going into the Virtual Reality Suite in the bunker and getting this role play happening properly!"

"Yeah!" agreed Smooch. "Fudge, are mew coming?"

"But guys, we agreed we were going to try this weeks adventure without all the fancy-schmancy VR effects!" Fudge complained.

"We did," Parsley answered. "And it SUCKED!"

So that basically concluded that.  After Parsley and Smooch had departed the P.A. came home and as Fudge was the only one in the kitchen HE got the new toy, much to his delight! 

Pandora was wurking on something top secret fur the next Crafting with Cats post which is of course Halloween themed, so purrlease look away now unless mew have the clearance level! MOL

But seriously we'll be showing mew how to make all the toys below on the 28th of October, so mew won't want to miss that!

And finally Amber is resting up fur her 15th Birthday Pawty on Tuesday...

Oh and she'll be hosting a birthday give-away too, so mew won't want to miss that!

*    *    *

 And if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham on the 4th and 5th of November, mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


So get your tickets now and hopefully we'll see mew there.

*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies ~ Baked Goods

Colouring with Cats #37
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on the morrow with Parsley's Pet Peeves and again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

get the InLinkz code
An InLinkz Link-up

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and

Friday 13 October 2017

Friday the 13th, Fudge Up A Tree and Mau Katz Modern Cat Furniture on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #217 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to our weekly round-up on The Pet Parade.  We're sure mew know that today is Friday the 13th, a most auspicious day in our calendar.  Though many believe it is a day of bad luck, which we think is utter nonsense, here's a few common and rather misguided supurrstitions:

1. Black cats

You’re doomed to bad luck if a black cat crosses your path.

2. Mirrors

If you break a mirror, kiss 7 years of luck goodbye.

3. Ladders

They say walking under a ladder is bad luck. 

4. Salt

If you spill salt, you’re suppose to throw it over your shoulder to avoid getting bad luck

4. Purses

You should never leave your purse on the floor if you want to avoid bad luck. 

5. 6.66

If a bill total $6.66 or you receive that much change you should either buy something else or leave a penny from your change to avoid bad luck

6. Umbrellas

Opening an umbrella indoors is said to bring bad luck. 

7. Cutting Your Hair

If you cut your hair on Friday the 13th, legend says someone in your family will die.

Appurrently there's even speshul terminology for fearing Friday the 13th - Friggatriskaidekaphobia or Paraskevidekatriaphobia are the go to wurds if mew suffer from this rather bizarre phobia.  To be honest the wurds sound more threatening than anything! 

Our Friday the 13th challenge to mew today is to say:

 Figgatriskaidekaphobia  Paraskevidekatriaphobia 

three times really really fast!!! MOL MOL

*    *   *

Anyhoo, swiftly moving on aftur that terrific tongue-twister...

Fudge decided in his great wisdom to get stuck up a tree again.  He'd been outside fur a whole five minutes when a pigeon landed in the conifer tree next door.  

It's not Where's Wally, It's Where's Fudge!!! 

And no he didn't catch the pigeon, he just meowed pitifully at the P.A. and took 20 minutes to get down.  I have no wurds fur his innate ability to get repeatedly stuck up something!

Oh and before we furget...

A couple of days ago the luffley peeps from Mau Katz Modern Cat Furniture asked us if we'd help share their new online cat emporium.  Of course we said yes as mew know we're always up fur spreading the wurd on funky new feline furniture and uber cool stuff fur cats, and Mau Katz has some of the most wunderpurr things in we've seen in a long time.  

Check out some of the pawesome products below.

Amber thinks the tank is epic.... yep she's still driving hers and still luffs it

Check out their social media: 

*    *    *

 And if mew want to go to the National Pet Show at the NEC in Birmingham on the 4th and 5th of November, mew can get a 20% discount off your tickets, by using the code*:


So get your tickets now and hopefully we'll see mew there.

*This is not an affiliate code - mew know we don't share those here!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

Sunday Selfies ~ Hanging Around

Colouring with Cats #36

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back on the morrow with Parsley's Pet Peeves and again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

To see this weeks


just pop offur to:

get the InLinkz code
An InLinkz Link-up

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and