Thursday, 3 May 2018

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells a Workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #45 & Why Am I Wearing this Hat and What Happened to Amber?

Happy Purrsday guys

Welcome to another fab day on the blog.

We're still recovering from Smoochie's birthday pawty on Monday, well actually the pawty is still happening so if mew missed it thus far, don't wurry because mew haven't! MOL

Come have a drink and some nibbles with us and don't furget to leave a comment to enter our epically epic give-away.

This is also the reason Amber wasn't here yesterday, she was so sloshed when she finally made it into the library on Tuesday that she got lost in the stacks.  Don't wurry we sent a search pawty to look fur her with refreshments and more drinks but funnily enough they haven't returned either! MOL


Don't panic, I'll send another search pawty aftur them today.

In fact the pawty got so wild at some stage, I don't quite remember the exact time frame but I woke wearing Dr Seuss's hat - don't ask me how that happened as I'm still trying to piece together the last couple of days...
... it may be one of those unsolved mysteries, but Dr Seuss Dude if mew want your hat back come get it.

And now I think it's time fur mew guys to get wurking out your minds.... sorry dudes, this week I'm gonna have to pass, though I did manage to do the jigsaw in supurr slo-mo time! MOL

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking.

Here's the answer key to last weeks puzzle  How did mew do? 

Are mew ready fur this weeks puzzle?

Just right click to save the puzzle to your 'puter or print it off. 

Answer key will be on next weeks post.

Many apologies fur not having a wurdsearch this week, last weeks had so many wurds we thought mew might like to stretch it out! MOL

And here's this weeks jigsaw puzzle, featuring Parsley, Smooch & Pandora Pottering in the garden.

It took me 10 mins 55 secs...  How did you do?

The amazing Eastside Cats thrashed my time again last week by nearly 4 minutes, those guys are truly EPIC!

Let's see how they do this week. 

Don't furget if the pictures are too small here, mew can make it bigger by clicking the right hand bottom square and it'll make it full screen sized.

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs


Jigsaw Puzzle  Soduko & word-search used under paid licence
Other graphics created with paid licence and and


  1. I was just asking my cat Jake where he was for hours at a time the last couple of days. I thought he was sleeping, but he's been coming home smelling of nip. He won't tell me anything. And just now, he brings a live mouse into my room, and he's purring something about bringing it to Amber. I told him he's grounded and no more wild parties. I'm sure he'll listen to me. ;) I'm sorry Amber, the mousie was released back into the wild, you'll have to settle for a nip mousie instead.

    1. Hi Edie, oh yes Jake was here, he was one of the lost kitties in the search pawty - oops did I just say that out loud! MOL Sorry buddy, didn't mean to drop mew in it and Amber says thanks fur the mouse! MOL XOX

  2. 14:31 Too slow!

    You are seeing the world through those pink glasses, Basil, any pink elephants?? Nip can sure do some things to make our minds all mushy and cuckoo.

    1. Pipo that was a great time, and no I don't recall any pink elephants but the kraken did turn a nice shade of purple at one stage! MOL MOL XOX

  3. I'd keep da hat - ya look pawsome in it!

  4. Excellent jigsaw, Basil, so much in the way of colour... Love the post party party image you have ging on there, I reckon if the Cat in the Hat needs a break you are a shoe in for him MOL
    Toodle pips and purrs

  5. I went and did the jigsaw first and.......I did it in 10m 49s!!! Until Eastside Cats get here I am fastest. That was some party! You do look good in those rose tinted glasses and Dr.Seuss hat. I hope everyone eventually turns up.

    1. Guys many congrats, that is epic news, although mew're now in the No 2 slot as the Eastside Cats thrashed us all again! MOL XOX

  6. I love that Seuss hat and that puzzle is beautiful! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks Brian, we love to visit mew on a Thursday dude! XOX

  7. Can't wait to try out this Sudoko puzzle! You look so cute as Dr. Seuss, loved checking out your blog. Thanks for the share, keep up the posts. Love this.
    World of Animals

    1. Awwww thanks guys, and we're so happy mew like our little blog! MOL XOX

    2. Your blog is one of our favorites to check out! Have a pawsome day!

  8. partee total lee rocked....we think we noe wear de hat came frum
    but we sweared ta silentz ~~~ ;) ♥♥ N we iz all most a frayed ta hit start with thiz one....well, heer goez ~ ♥♥

    1. we bee shame fullz 32:18 ~~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

    2. MOL dudes, don't be afraid, just dive right in....

    3. Not shameful at all, if mew'd seen mew trying do it, mew would have laffed your socks off - seriously!! Still mew put in the effort and that serves big congrats - well done guys! XOX

  9. You are most wise. Far wiser than me. I'll do the puzzles, but I'm pretty slow. I enjoy them though.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. ♥

    1. Hiya Sandee, thank mew, though my fursibs would probably debate mew on the wise comment! MOL Hope mew had fun with the puzzles! XOX

  10. Pawsome party.x😻🐾🐾🐾

  11. 9:00 even! Not easy, which makes it fun!

    1. Dudes, buddies, that was hard right, at the 10 min mark I was in a meltdown situation! MOL Congrats and another EPIC time!!! XOX

  12. Oh MeOW Basil, sounds like we should'a had Raena's birthday pawrty with Smoochie. We're so late, she just had a small get together. Mommy purromissed to celebrate big fur her gotchaday. Anyways, we ain't even gonna try to beat your puzzle time. Mommy's not very good at those kinds of things, so she'd be at it all day. MOL We're gonna head over to the pawrty now. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hiya Dezi and Raena, oh next year they can have a combined one if mew remind us, it'll be epic! Oh sweet ladies, it doesn't matter what your time is, just enjoy the fun, it's all about the fun and keeping your grey cells younger fur longer! XOX

  13. Oh my mouses! You REALLY suit that hat. purrs

  14. 17 minutes and 18 seconds of pure fun :) XO


❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️
FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!