Monday, 10 September 2018

BBHQ Announcement ~ Farewell Commander Basil 2002 ~ 2018

Dearest furiends, friends, readers and followers

It is with inconsolable sadness and many, many tears that we write this today, the post we neffur, effur wanted to write...

...our Commander in Chief and big brofur, Basil got his wings and departed peacefully fur The Rainbow Bridge last night surrounded by all of his furrmily.

As mew know, our utterly brilliant, gorgeously handsome, valiant leader, commander and best furiend was furry recently diagnosed with terminal cancer,  but know that he fought so hard and was so furry brave during his brief illness.  

The loss is tremendous here in Mewton-Clawson at BB HQ, the flag is flying at half-mast and we are beyond devastated that he was taken from us way too early. We are all so sad and crushed beyond mortal thought, so many emotions to deal with that we can't actually begin to explain how we feel. Our wurld has been ripped apart.

His passing and loss is immeasurable on effury level, and it's absolutely crippling having to write this to tell mew all the heartbreaking news. 

Commander Basil 

Epically Epic fur 16 and a bit years

2002 - 2018

A True Hero To The End

Basil really was a truly extraordinary purrson, and so loved by effuryone who met him or knew him. He was best furiend to many, and we know that his passing will leave a gaping hole in the wurld, and life here in Mewton-Clawson will neffur be the same.

He was loved so much, he will be missed so much, he was the kindest, most intelligent little soul and he brought so much love, happiness and light into this wurld, a light so bright it dazzled, and a light that will neffur be dimmed and will continue to shine brightly from the heavens above. 

We salute our brave Commander now and always, and we miss our older brofur and bestest furiend more than we could effur say, we always will.

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.

Thank you all so much fur being a part of Basil's life here on the blog, we've had so much fun offur the years and made so many wunderpurr furiends... let us, his furmilly and furiends stand up and salute our incredible Commander one last time as the pipers play...







THE B TEAM, The P.A. & Dad



  1. Oh my, though I knew this day must come, is is truly the worst news. But my, this is the finest tribute to such a truly noble friend, companion. We have travelled far and wide with Basil over the few years we have known each other, and it has always been epic, but never have I felt worried or alone.
    A toast to Basil, may he now travel new worlds and do more daring deeds, and keep the flame alive in our hearts and minds, that all is not lost, or ever in vain....
    God Bless your journey and may you shine ever bright in the heavens, watching over your family and friends...


  2. We are sad beyond words too and we will love dear Basil forever. We send purrs, hugs and all our love to the P.A., the Dad and the rest of the B Team. Run free my friend, you touched many hearts the world over.

  3. We are so very sorry to hear about Basil.

  4. We are so sorry to hear this news. Even though we knew Basil's time here was short, it's never easy. Sending you all lots of purrs and hugs.

    RIP, will be missed.

  5. Even though we knew this sad day would come, we are heartbroken and devastated at the passing of our beloved friend, Basil. We will love and miss him forever. To the PA, Dad, and the entire B Team, we send so much love and purrs and prayers of comfort. Thank you for loving Basil so much, and for sharing him with all of us. Our hearts will never, ever be the same. Fly free, Basil. We love you, and will see you again one fine day.💗

  6. Though we never met I feel as if I knew him through the blog. I feel your pain, as we all do, who have had the chance to be loved by our fur kids. It was a beautiful tribute, I'm crying buckets as we speak, and am sending purrs and prayers your way. RIP Commander Basil💕😿😪🙏💕

  7. Our heartfelt condolences 😿 we are very sorry to see him fly away to his resting place and will miss him. So very sorry for your loss at the B.B. headquarters. Hugs and purrs to you all ❤️❤️❤️

  8. We are so sorry Basil had to leave. Sending you purrs from all of us.

  9. Safe travels kitcat! Peace to those that love you,


  10. Rest in Peace, Angel Basil. Hugs and purrs.

  11. So very so to hear this news but Basil has gone to take command of his very own ship in the Heavens above.Till we see you again Captain Basil!xx Captain Speedy

  12. I wish there was something I could say or do to take your heartache away. Please know that your Basil was so blessed to share his life with all of you, just as everyone who knew Basil was blessed by him. There is certainly one handsome angel watching over you now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  13. We're so sorry to hear this. Sending lots of hugs and purs. RIP, Basil.

  14. We are so sorry to hear this. Fly Free sweet Basil. You were loved by many and will be missed.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  15. Mew all have Mom L and my most heartfelt condolences for this unimaginable loss. We knew Basil was very ill and yet we weren't ready for this blog post. Many leaky eyes here at Savannah's Paw Tracks. Purrs and warmest paw pats

  16. I'm hear to pay my respects to Basil. *bows head* As you know Plush CK met Clone Basil two years ago. Basil can now meet Purrime Minsterette of Planet Purrth Shiva at the Rainbow Bridge where I'm sure he will become a trusted member of her cabinet as I was on Planet Purrth. I'll tell Shiva on Twitter to look for him.

    1. Can I edit this? Of course I meant HERE not HEAR.

  17. OH I am so so sorry. Much love to the P.A., Dad and all the Team. And I will always and ever remember you. *removes beret* Fly free and happy and well again, precious Basil. #WLF Comrade. You are in the WLF10th Battalion now. @AdmiralHester1 will be waiting to hug you along with all the other Angels in the 10th Battalion.

  18. Dearest Basil, We are totally devastated, and Mom is blubbering like a baby. You were and will always be S-P-E-C-I-A-L! From your heart-shaped nose to your ability to command the B Team and your prowess as a Cat Scout you will remain forever alive and with us as your story and legend grows and continues. We know that oodles of furriends who have gone before you were waiting with open paws and hearts. We will love you always, and will honor and remember you next Sunday on the Selfies hop. We are going to say Rest in Peace but also kick butt at the Rainbow Bridge. We are certain they can use your leadership skills. We love you with all our hearts and send condolences and sympathy to Mom Katherine, your dad and all your fursibs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer and our mom 💖🌺😘

  19. We are so very sorry for this profound loss. Breathe deep of the memories. May they sustain you in the airless days ahead.

    The Johnson Family and Abby T. Lab

  20. This heartbreaking news! Basil was and is an icon among kitties and such a handsome boy. We are so sorry and send our love, purrs and heartfelt condolences! Austin and Caro ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  21. I know your hearts are broken and am so sorry. The slideshow is a fitting tribute to a wonderful boy. And to quote you, "... nothing is created or destroyed? It just is....forever and ever and ever." Wonderful quote, and I will apply it to my still aching heart,too.

  22. Cody and I are devastated and our hearts are broken. We agree that Basil was an "icon" and a constant in the cat blogosphere. Basil will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN by all of us that he brought so much joy to. Our hearts hurt for you. We send you prayers of strength and hugs and much love to offer comfort xoxoxo We are so deeply sorry

  23. I'm so sorry for your loss of Basil. Big healing hugs. ♥

  24. Such beautiful words and such a beautiful tribute. It brought tears to our Mama's eyes as all true words will. Rest in peace sweet Basil. You were loved by many. Your family loved you well and long. How fortunate were you to have lived a loved filled life. We are , each and every one of us, sending all our condolences, support and love to your Mama and family.

    Sophie and the critters in the cottage xo

  25. What a horrible loss! Our Basil will play and amuse his friends at the Rainbow Beidge. Yes, we knew he was leaving but the end is always so difficult for those of us that are left. I can picture Basil running in your backyard, Cathrine. We are deleted we had the pleasure of his company.


    Jean, Bill and Shoko

  26. We are so furry sad. Basil was iconic!
    He was stupendous!
    He was my purrsonal hero!
    He will be missed!
    PS We send you purrayers and strength for the coming days. Love Barb

  27. We are so sorry for your loss. Your post felt like we were all holding hands and paws at a memorial service for a dear friend. A very fitting tribute to a great cat.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser and Rufus the Red

  28. dood.......we iz tryin R veree veree veree best to be big catz
    N knot cry.....& itz knot werkin ~~~~~~~we hafta come bak ~~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥

  29. Dearest Angel free friend to all. I know Angel Sammy was one of the first to enfold you in his wings and welcome you "home"....I also know how incredibly sad your family is that you had to leave. I'm glad you left with them surrounding you in the love you always knew. My Mom and I send huge hugs to your family. May your spirit bring them peace for we know you are ALWAYS with them.......This farewell from them is so touching and beautiful - just as you were....The Commander.

    Love always, Teddy (for me, Angel Sammy and Mom too)

  30. I am so sorry for your loss. Basil will be missed.

  31. Oh, my, no words. We have heard and seen so much of this brilliant kitty over time. Our hearts are heavy.

  32. We have so dreaded this posty. We are so very sorry fur your loss, our loss and the loss of a meowvalous kitty and furiend. Basil will always be a pawrt of our lives thru his memory and luv. Ifin there's anythin' we can do, purrlease let us know.We're sendin' big hugs and lots of purrayers. This was a bootyful tribute.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi, Raena and mommy A


  33. What a beautiful tribute ! We're in tears here too. We knew Basil had short time left, but we're heartbroken. We are sad beyond words and we will miss Basil so much. We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbonks. Fly free, Basil.... Purrs and hugs to you all

  34. A lovely tribute to your dear Basil. Wht an iconic and amazing 'purrson' he was. I just know he will find some kind of a bionic job/role in his new dwelling place.

    I am so distraught...and I know you the more so.
    You have many great memories to hold close in your hearts, there, with all your family, and furends. While Basil is not there in body, he *is* in spirit, and none of that nor his precious memories can ever be removed from your hearts.

    Rest peacefully, dear Basil, and soon those new wings you earned will carry to places you only previously could dream of.

    Huge virtual hugs to your P.A., Dad and your furblings, too.
    Dalton adds some hearty waggles...

    (((((((((( ♥ ))))))))))

  35. oh no.....we are so very very sorry and sending purrs

  36. I can hardly write for the tears.

    I won't say I am sorry, you know that already because you could hear my heart break in the UK.

    Basil has been and will (I hope) continue to be a source of inspiration and vibrant inspired tails. Don't let Basil fade, he has been a muse, an inspirer and a true gift to you and to us all. He should be known worldwide and WILL BE though the stories you tell.

    I struggle to read long online since Dash died but I read the latest story with excitement, bated breath and lots of laughter. Thank you Cathrine, Josh and Basil.

  37. We hoped Basil would have more time with you but we never get to choose the time for any to leave, or none of our furries would ever go. We are so sad for the PA, the dad, and the B Team members. We send love and hugs! If Sam were still with us, he would tip his hat to Basil's memory.

  38. Our hearts are broken and tears are flowing down my cheeks. I am so very sorry for your loss. Basil was a wonderful friend and amazing cat. ♥

  39. Rest in Peace, Sweet Basil.
    We know our Nikita was among those to welcome him to the Bridge.

    Elvira, Sneakers and Friday
    The Opinionated Pussycats

  40. WE are so so sorry Basil had to leave you. Just know that he was such a lucky boy to have known so much love during his life and he had such a good home. Sending lots of hugs.

  41. Basil, we are so sorry to read that you have made your journey OTRB. You will be sorely missed, but we know you will continue to watch over The B Team and your humans. Fly free, Commander Basil !

  42. Godspeed buddy; we will never ever ever forget you ♥
    not in 7 hundred years; not in 7 bazillion years.

    we know you fought with all you had, we are so proud to call
    you friend, we will miss you like you canna believe,
    we send our biggest hugs to dad & mum and all your family still on earth

    we are beyond sorry ~~~~~~~~~~~ =^,,^=

    28 53 108 151 218 224 245 319 327 407 ♥♥♥ this is how we will remember you dood ~~
    we wooda gived ewe 984 paws up but we could only clickz once ~~~~

    with lovez from
    dai$y, tuna, mackerull, dude, sauce and boomer ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥

  43. I am beyond sad to read this. Even though we all knew Basil's time was short it makes it no easier when that time arrives. I have tears flowing for him and for you, his PA,dad and the B Team.I hope it helps to know he had so many friends who loved him greatly.

  44. We never get enough time with our beloved kitties. I am so sorry for your devastating loss. Basil and his sweet little heart shaped nose will be missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him. Sending you love and hugs. XO

  45. We are so incredibly sorry for the loss of your handsome Basil. Comforting purrs and hugs for all of you.

  46. Please accept my deepest sympathy on the passing of Bionic Basil.....I am shattered that your lovely man cat joined Siddhartha Henry. It is so heartbreaking. Please know I adored Basil; he always made me smile.
    And PA I thank you again for your help with my Purrince back in 2015. You REALLY helped him so much with his health issues. Now our 'boys' are together....We are left behind with our memories & photos & hopefully they will comfort all of us now & forever.
    With sincere regards, Sherri-Ellen & angel Purrince Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  47. We are so very deeply sorry for the loss of Basil. We truly hope the wonderful memories you have, and the pawprint he left on your heart will bring you healing and comfort. We're sending lots of purrs and hugs across the pond to all of you.

  48. adequate words. My heart is filled with prayers and love for your beloved Basil, now an angel with so many other precious beings. He will be forever missed and a beautiful memory for us all. xoxoxo Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.

  49. We watched your beautiful slideshow, Basil, and our human cried and cried, it was such a purrrfect tribute. Somehow we know you can hear us and have gone away in body only we feel your spirit loud and clear. You have always inspired our human with your funny hats and quirky ways...we have had a hard time restraining her though from putting them on US. We have wonderful memories of you such as your being the coolest one in our barbershop quartet. We knew no one else could fill that slot. Seriously, we send hugs, human and felines, prayers, purrs and tributes to all of you. Listen, Basil, show those cats at that Bridge Place what REAL cat-tI-tude looks like! Love, Peaches, Paprika and their human, Carol

  50. We has no meows or woofs to express our sorrow at this sad news. Basil will be missed by all of us. Purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy from all of us here at ATCAD

  51. We are very sorry for the loss of this magnificent cat.

  52. We are heartbroken here in southern California over Basil's passing. Lots of purrs to all of you for this huge, huge loss. <3

  53. We're heartbroken and can't hardly type through the tears. We're so deeply sorry P.A., Dad and furry furriends. We're going to miss you so dearly, dearest Basil and never forget you. The only furriend with a heartshaped nose. Soft Pawkisses to comfort your family and all your furriends you leave behind. Fly free beautiful Soul...until we meet again💗💗💗

  54. We are so very sad to read sad this dreadful mews....please know that we care very much. You will now be master and commander at the rainbow bridge where many of the icons of the cat blogosphere will show you around.

  55. Beautiful,brave Basil we will miss you so much. Mum can't type anymore she's just in tears. Spike The Scottish Black Cat.������

  56. We are speechless, shocked and heartbroken. Me, my brofur Nori and Mom are soooo sad we got this news on dear Basil’s IG account. Our deepest condolences to his family and we’d like to express our love to my dear furiend, Basil. May you rest in peace. We love you and we will miss you... a whole lot! Mom and I are teary eyed already. As a former Cat Scout, *salutes!* 🇵🇭😿💔

  57. My heart has forever broken with the loss of the best Cat Commander that ever lived. *salutes* You inspired me to be a better leader, Basil. I will miss your influence and your inspiration. And most of all, I will miss your Epic Yawns. Love you, buddy. Rest in Peace. *thumps chest three times*

  58. My heart has been broken. Basil will be missed by so many. By so many cats and peeps all 'round the world. Basil was... IS... A HERO. He will always be remembered as such. Oh my pals, your hearts - and the hearts of your PA and Dad - must be aching. Mine aches for you. I know Nissy was a pal of Basil's and I'll bet you anythin', he's up in Heaven, showin' Basil where all the best nip fields are. Bet they're chasin' butterflies through those nip fields right now! And every now and then, Basil will look down upon you all and smile, remembering the love you all had - HAVE - for one another. I believe this in my heart. PURRS.

  59. No one could pull off a red beret like Basil! He will be deeply missed. So sorry - I can only imagine how the whole household cat and human alike must be feeling!

  60. Dear Basil we are very late in sending our sympathies to your family. We are so sorry the evil C won but now you are pain free and will always have sunshine on your face.
    Hugs madi and mom

  61. OH Basil we are just speechless, we are so sorry to be sending these belated sympathies but we are so very sad to see you run off to the RB. We are purring for your family who miss you the mostest of all, but know your furfriends miss you too. Farewell for now dear one.

  62. Basil, what a beautiful tribute your family wrote for you. There just are not words that can offer comfort to them with your departure. What a handsome boy, we just loved watching the slide show even though we cried through the entire thing. While we here in the blogosphere will miss you terribly we can see how your family will see your face and that beautiful coat of yours in their mind's eye, always. It's a painful loss, and we hope that someday, the memories and the photos and the knowledge that given a choice you would have stayed furr-ever will help ease the pain. It won't make it go away, and it won't shrink the hole in their hearts. Yet we do know that all departed kitties want us to keep sowing seeds of love in their honor after they move on to the next part of their journey. We salute you, Basil. With deepest sympathies to your entire family, Laura and The Squeedunk Gang (Coco, Valentinia, Manahttan, Bessie, Lulu, Mimi and Picasso)

  63. We are very sorry for your loss.

  64. We are so sorry for your loss. We understand now that when We heard the blowing of tbe sbofar on Monday, it wasn't only for Rosh Hashana. It was the heavenly trumpets welcoming Basil home to the Land of Eternal Sunshine. He is young and healthy again and will continue to enjoy new adventures with all the others who have gone before. And one day, you will see him again.
    Fly free, sweet Basil.

  65. Our hearts are broken at the news. We will miss Basil so much and send gentle purrs of comfort to your family.

  66. Basil we love you dearly friend. We hate to say goodbye so will say until we meet again as we know you will have our family angels by your side as you do good works in the heavens.
    Purrs and prayers of support to your family as this sad time. Goodbye for now dear pal we thank you for being one of our first friends when we found cat blogging. Purrrrrrrrrrr
    Timmy, Dad Pete, Toby, Rumpy Bump, Buddy Budd, Miss Fitz, Einstein, Angels Mr Buttons, Amber and Big Stinker

  67. We are so sad to read this - sending lotsa purrs and luv. <3 We'll all miss ya Basil.

  68. I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your Basil with us. My world is a little brighter having known him, even if just through the internet. Sending comforting thoughts to all in Mewton-Clawson.

  69. We are so sorry to read this. I'd been hoping and praying for a miracle. I can only imagine the devastation you must feel. I wish there was some way to provide comfort - but reminding you that we care and you aren't alone are the limits of our power.

  70. We are so very sorry for your loss. Life is never long enough for our precious furkids. Hugs ♥

  71. We are so sorry sweet Basil. Those who have gone before will be there to run free with you through the woods and hills. Many hugs to you and your family from all of us at Forty Paws.

  72. We are so very sorry for your loss. That poem really made us cry. We hope you can take some comfort in feeling Basil with you furever and ever. ♥
    Love from all of us at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  73. I'm sorry we didn't get to know you before, Basil and are very sorry to learn of your passing. RIP sweet kitty. 💔

  74. We are so sorry for your loss.

    Rest in Peace, sweet Basil.

    Sending hugs and purrs xx

    Athena and Marie

  75. Oh my dear Basil pal, I am so-o very sad to hear that you have left this Earth [tears falling from Mom's eyes and mine]. I was so-o hoping that you could stay fur-ever, but I know that Mother Nature has a special plan for you now. I hope your family takes comfort in knowing that you are now reunited with some of your fursibs and furr-iends in the clouds. I take comfort in knowing that, too. Now you are truly free to go wherever you want to. You will always be EPIC in the hearts and memories of your family and furr-iends. None of us will furr-get you. And remember, you can return to visit as Angel Basil as you wish. Hugs, luvs and furr-ever kisses to you and your family. [Saluting] Goodbye Basil fur now, 'cause someday we'll reunite.

  76. I'm very sorry for your loss. R.i.P., sweet Basil! ♥

  77. We here at FiveSibes are so very sorry...our heart aches for you. Run free, beautiful Basil. You will be so missed. Hugs to your family, who will hold you in their hearts forever. Today's blog post is dedicated to your memory. xo

  78. Tears are welling in my eyes as I watch you sweet memorial to Basil. A truly special feline soul has found it's way to heaven. May you cherish his memory and someday be reunited again.

  79. Oh Basil, Mungo, Jet 'n me are so sorry to learn it was time for you to leave us all. Your family & all of us were lucky to know you. You were always about with a wise or witty word, or a kindness, whatever was needed you gave us all cheer by being the very special fella that was you. Run free fine Basil, catch many mousies, sleep in beautiful sunny places. Know how loved you will always be...

    Rumbly purrs & love
    Mungo, Jet & Jane xx

  80. What a fitting send-off for a one-of-a-kind beloved feline. Dear Angel Basil, we send healing purrs for your fursibs and extra hugs for mum at this awfully sad time xoxo Layla and the Cat Wisdom 101 kitties.

  81. Oh dear, please accept our heartfelt condolences on your sweet Basil's passing. We didn't know him too well, but as many others have said before, we can all relate to the pain the loss of one of our furry little friends brings on. Rest in peace, dear Basil, and we are thinking of you all at this terribly sad time.

  82. I'm so very sorry for the loss of sweet, brave Basil. Sending much support and hugs across the miles. Run free Basil.

  83. I am so sorry to hear this! Our thoughts are with us. <3


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