Showing posts with label Art of Paws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art of Paws. Show all posts

Saturday 7 April 2018

The Saturday Special featuring The Art of Paws Cat Shelf ~ "It's The Best Thing Since Catnip Was Discovered!"

Welcome to

Wunderpurr greetings fabulous furriends

Today we're sharing one of our *sponsored posts with mew from the fabulous peeps at


who contacted us a while ago and asked if we'd like to test one of their wall mounted cat shelves. 

Now, many of mew know that we've had a catservatory installed and of course we were thrilled at their suggestion and the timing was absolutely purrfect!  

Though we are a little late with this purrticular review as we had a bit of a roofing issue with the glass and it had to be re-done and re-installed right above where we planned to put the cat shelf. So many apologies fur our lateness with this, we're blaming the glass company! 

Anyhoo, mew don't want to know about our roofing purroblems, so let's dive right in and get that box opened! MOL

What was in the box?
OMC this is going to be EPIC!

It's even got a supurr fluffy blanky fur extra added comfort, how pawesome is that? 

This was the installation:

It was so easy to fit.  We decided on the best place, which fur us next to the scratch post so we can get up there.  Plus we needed to leave space fur the next one we're ordering, as that's going up again and to the left.

Anyhoo, so dad used a pilot drill to mark where the holes needed to be drilled.  Then the main holes were drilled and the shelf attached to the wall with the supplied raw plugs and screws.

It took less than 7 minutes to install it.  More time was spent getting the tools out!

So top marks fur ease of installation.

The Test

Now we've had this installed fur about 3 weeks, as we really like to give things a thorough road-test before we share our views.  And our top models today are Fudge and Parsley, showing mew exactly what's what.

When Parsley finally got his turn, he was rendered utterly speechless! 

Then he said...

And then he said...

They are still battling offur who gets to PURRCH, as it's furst come, furst served until we get some more! MOL

Our closing thoughts in one sentence:

"It's the best thing since catnip was discovered!" 

But seriously, what a brilliant idea, and we've looked at so many different types of wall cativity shelves and systems in the last few months that would be suitable fur our home, but none of them was the right fit fur what we wanted, and we think that this design is absolutely purrfect and in-keeping with the vibe to suit our 200+ year old barn conversion.  Though it would also look fantastic in any home, new or old, modern or traditional.  

It is robust, exceedingly well-made and has a furry solid feel to it, and the dark wood finish is lovely.  The fluffy blanky is washable and the heavy duty carpeting is amazing to get ones claws stuck into! MOL  

They also make a shelf step, so in the furry near future we'll be adding another two or three shelves and getting a few of the shelf steps too so we've got a complete Art of Paws system tailored made to our purrsonal requirements.

It also has a 3 year warranty which mew can activate online, how amazing is that? Epically so!

All in all, we think if mew want a supurr stylish, top quality cat shelf, than mew can't get better than this and if mew're looking to buy a cat shelf in the future we can't recommend this enough.

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at Art of Paws fur giving us the oppurtunity to try out their top notch primo cat shelf ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Visit Art of Paws online:

Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

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