Showing posts with label Zachary Auburn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zachary Auburn. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #24 featuring How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety Plus FREE GIVE-AWAY

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Wunderpurr greetings fellow book lovers 


welcome to another beautiful day in the library.

Hello, hello, hello 2017 and welcome to a brand new year of books, are mew excited, because I am and we've got so much to get through!
Offur the catmass period I did eat purrhaps one mince pie too many with rather too much cream on whilst reclining most of the time in bed, on the sofa, in the chair, on the rug in front of the fire, well mew get the idea.  My normal exercise regime of cardio, crunches and a few light weights to keep honed and toned completely went out of the window.

And some of mew may know I'm not too keen on the great outdoors, unless it's deliciously warm and the P.A. is in the garden, but the other other day the P.A. insisted I went to get a spot of fresh air and some exercise while she did a bit of cleaning, as I'm not a fan of Mr Dyson either.

It was a 30 minute outdoor excursion, which I can safely say was way past my comfort zone, I was ready to return to the fabulous indoors on minute 4 and 29 seconds.  And I was totally worn out, so I think that's all the exercise I'll be getting this January unless it's walking to my food bowl.

But I think I did take some rather nice selfies! MOL 

I've been getting a fabulous selection of books together fur 2017 so rather than keep mew in suspense any longer I think it's time we move on to this weeks book pick.

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety


Zachary Auburn

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:

The cats of America are under siege! 

Long gone are the good old days when a cat s biggest worries were mean dogs or a bath. Modern cats must confront satanists, online predators, the possibility of needing to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and countless other threats to their nine lives. 

*     *     *

As many of mew know, we, collectively known as The Heathen Horde are gun nuts, and have quite a collection of weaponry in our secret bunker, [enough to take offur a small island in fact] and though as the good intentions were of the P.A. in buying us this book fur Catmass, we feel it is a little aftur the horse has bolted.  I think we really needed this a few years ago! 

LOCK n Load guys! MOL

But anyhoo, let's dive in and begin. 

There are eight chapter titles which cover: Gun Safety, Evolution, Abstinence, Online Safety, Drugs, Puberty, Postapocalyptic Survival and Satanism.

Though this book is primarily fur my American cousins it was a rather entertaining read and my favourite line was: 

Under no circumstances should you provide your cat with a gun equipped with a laser scope, as your cat is likely to be more interested in the dot it makes than the deer, burglar, or communist in their sights.

Furry tongue in cheek all the way through, though I could imagine those more sensitive souls among us could take offence to some of the advice of the politically incorrect variety.

There are references to God, Christianity and other religious figures used in a way that encourages cats to live a virtuous life.  How to advise your cat against purradators online that may want to groom and take advantage of younger and more naive pussies, and what to do when your cat asks fur a smartphone.  The pitfalls of pre-marital sex and how that most possibly will lead to drugs and other substance abuse.

I could go on and on, but mew get the idea, this is a really funny book, with a lot of MOL moments.  I purrsonally chuckled all the way through and will definitely read it again!

Paperback copy:  144 pages

Audio Edition: No Audio Edition

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety

Content and Pictures


Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and get it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

Quickly in other news, we mentioned a while ago that Sir Snowy's fan'cat'stic fine art charity calendar was finally finished and ready fur sale - WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!

Basil's on the cover with Moet the Blind Cat, it's so exciting and the calendar design is amazing, it comes in a free-standing wooden frame, so mew can sit it on a shelf or table, or mew can wall-mount it.  And the really great thing is the frame is re-usable, how fab is that?

Purrlease watch the pawesome video, it's incredible!

So if mew or someone mew know needs a beautiful calendar fur 2017 we can't recommend this one enough, feel free to share and spread the wurd fur Sir Snowy's kitty charity, he will be effur so grateful.

Here's the direct link to purrchase the calendar:

*     *     *

And a quick reminder just before I go, as it's the start of a new year we're giving away a beautiful colouring book which also has a wurdsearch on effury page. To win a copy just leave us a comment on Monday's post and we'll draw a name out of the hat next Monday.

Our Give-Away is Open WORLD-WIDE

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur Basil's Brain Training!

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

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